
fighting ships of the world



1. sailing frigates

1. PALLAS sailing frigates (1808-1823)

2. JEANNE D'ARC sailing frigates (1821)

3. MARIE THÉRÈSE sailing frigates (1823-1824)

4. SURVEILLANTE sailing frigates (1825-1854)

5. IPHIGÉNIE sailing frigate (1827)

6. DIDON sailing frigates (1828-1849)

7. ARTÉMISE sailing frigate (1829-1844)

8. URANIE sailing frigate (1833)

9. ÉRIGONE sailing frigates (1837-1849)

10. ALCESTE sailing frigates (1840-1849)

11. PÉNÉLOPE sailing frigates (1841-1851)

12. POURSUIVANTE sailing frigates (1846-1849)

13. PSYCHÉ sailing frigates (1845-1851)

14. NÉMÉSIS sailing frigates (1847-1848)

15. PERSÉVÉRANTE sailing frigate (1848)

16. ALGÉRIE sailing frigate (1849)

17. VENGEANCE sailing frigates (1850)

18. AMAZONE sailing frigates

19. ASTRÉE sailing frigates

20. MAGICIENNE sailing frigates

21. CÉRÈS sailing frigate

22. RÉSOLUE sailing frigate

2. sailing corvettes

1. DILIGENTE sailing corvettes (1801-1830)

2. ASTROLABE sailing corvette (1811-1812/1825-1846)

3. FAVORITE sailing corvettes (1829-1833)

4. CRÉOLE sailing corvettes (1830-1836)

5. NAÏADE sailing corvette (1830)

6. HÉROÏNE sailing corvette (1830)

7. CAMILLE corvettes (1831-1838)

8. ARIANE sailing corvettes (1832-1837)

9. SOMME sailing corvettes (1841-1845/1845)

10. PRÉVOYANTE sailing corvette (1834-1843/1846)

11. GALATÉE sailing corvettes (1846-1849)

12. BAYONNAISE sailing corvettes (1847-1849)

13. ARTÉMISE sailing corvettes (1847-1849)

14. DURANCE sailing corvette (1849)

15. CONSTANTINE sailing corvette (1852)

16. AVENTURE sailing corvettes (1854-1878)

3. paddle frigates

1. GOMER paddle frigates (1842)

2. DARIEN paddle frigates (1843-1846)

3. INFERNAL paddle frigate (1845)

4. DESCARTES paddle frigate (1845)

5. VAUBAN paddle frigate (1846)

6. CAFFARELLI paddle frigate (1848)

7. SANÉ paddle frigate (1849)

8. MOGADOR paddle frigate (1849)

4. paddle corvettes

1. VÉLOCE paddle corvettes (1838-1841)

2. ARCHIMÈDE paddle corvette (1842)

3. CUVIER paddle corvette (1843)

4. PHOQUE paddle corvettes (1843)

5. ÉLAN paddle corvettes (1843)

6. TITAN paddle corvette (1844)

7. CASSINI paddle corvette (1845)

8. PRONY paddle corvette (1849)

9. COLBERT paddle corvette (1849)

10. NEWTON paddle corvette (1849)

11. EUMÉNIDE paddle corvette (1849)

12. LABORIEUX paddle corvette (1849)

13. SOUFFLEUR paddle corvette (1850)

14. TANGER paddle corvettes (1850-1854)

15. COLIGNY paddle corvette (1851)

16. GORGONE paddle corvette (1851)

17. BERTHOLLET paddle corvette (1851)

18. CATINAT paddle corvette (1852)

19. AIGLE paddle corvette (1859)

5. screw frigates

1. POMONE screw frigate (1846)

2. ISLY screw frigate (1850)

3. IMPERATRICE EUGÉNIE screw frigates (1856-1858)

4. IMPÉTUEUSE screw frigates (1856-1857)

5. BELLONE screw frigate (1859)

6. GUERRIÈRE screw frigate (1860)

7. HERMIONE screw frigates (1860-1861)

8. ASTRÉE screw frigate (1860)

9. PALLAS screw frigate (1861)

10. SÉMIRAMIS screw frigate (1862)

11. MAGICIENNE screw frigates (1862)

12. CIRCÉ screw frigates (1862-1869)

13. VICTOIRE screw frigate (1863)

14. ARMORIQUE screw frigate (1863)

15. RÉSOLUE screw frigate (1872)

6. screw corvettes

1. CHAPTAL screw corvette (1846)

2. CATON screw corvette (1847)

3. COMTE D'EU screw corvette (1847)

4. BICHE screw corvette (1848)

5. SENTINELLE screw corvette (1849)

6. ROLAND screw corvette (1851)

7. PHLÉGÉTON screw corvettes (1852-1854)

8. D'ASSAS screw corvette (1854)

9. DU CHAYLA screw corvette (1856)

10. DUPLEIX screw corvette (1862)

11. COSMAO screw corvettes (1862-1867)

12. VÉNUS screw corvettes (1865-1866)

13. CASSARD screw corvette (1866)

7. armoured cruisers, heavy cruisers

1. BELLIQUEUSE broadside ironclad (1866)

2. ALMA central battery ironclads (1867-1869)

3. LA GALISSONNIÈRE central battery ironclads (1874 - 1879)

4. BAYARD barbette ships (1882)

5. VAUBAN barbette ships (1885 - 1886)

6. AMIRAL CHARNER armoured cruisers (1894 - 1896)

7. DUPUY DE LÔME armoured cruiser (1895)

8. POTHUAU armoured cruiser (1897)

9. JEANNE D`ARC armoured cruiser (1902)

10. GUEYDON armoured cruisers (1902 - 1905)

11. DUPLEIX armoured cruisers (1903 - 1904)

12. GLOIRE armoured cruisers (1903 - 1904)

13. LÉON GAMBETTA armoured cruisers (1905 - 1907)

14. JULES MICHELET armoured cruiser (1908)

15. ERNEST RENAN armoured cruiser (1909)

16. EDGAR QUINET armoured cruisers (1911)

17. DUQUESNE heavy cruisers (1928)

18. SUFFREN heavy cruisers (1930 - 1932)

19. ALGÉRIE heavy cruiser (1934)

8. corvettes, protected cruisers, light cruisers

1. SFAX protected cruiser (1887)

2. FORBIN protected cruisers (1889 - 1894)

3. TAGE protected cruiser (1890)

4. AMIRAL CÉCILLE protected cruiser (1890)

5. TROUDE protected cruisers (1890 - 1891)

6. DAVOUT protected cruiser (1891)

7. ALGER protected cruisers (1891 - 1893)

8. SUCHET protected cruiser (1894)

9. LINOIS protected cruisers (1895 - 1898)

10. FRIANT protected cruisers (1895 - 1896)

11. DESCARTES protected cruisers (1896 - 1897)

12. D`ASSAS protected cruisers (1898)

13. CATINAT protected cruisers (1898 - 1899)

14. D`ENTRECASTEAUX protected cruiser (1899)

15. GUICHEN protected cruiser (1899)

16. D`ESTRÉES protected cruisers (1899 - 1900)

17. CHÂTEAURENAULT protected cruiser (1902)

18. JURIEN DE LA GRAVIÈRE protected cruiser (1903)

19. COLMAR light cruiser (1910 / 1920)

20. MULHOUSE light cruiser (1912 / 1920)

21. STRASBOURG light cruiser (1915 / 1920)

22. METZ light cruiser (1916 / 1920)

23. THIONVILLE light cruiser (1915 / 1920)

24. DUGUAY TROUIN light cruisers (1926)

25. JEANNE D`ARC training cruiser (1931)

26. ÉMILE BERTIN light cruiser (1935)

27. LA GALISSONNIÈRE light cruisers (1936 - 1937)

28. DE GRASSE light cruisers (1956)

29. COLBERT cruiser (1959)

9. sloops, unprotected cruisers, minelaying cruisers and unarmoured light cruisers

1. CURIEUX screw sloops (1861-1862)

2. ADONIS screw sloops (1864)

3. GUICHEN screw sloops (1866-1868)

4. RENARD screw sloop (1867)

5. BRUIX screw sloops (1868-1873)

6. LIMIER wooden cruisers (1868-1869)

7. LINOIS wooden cruiser (1868)

8. CHÂTEAURENAULT wooden cruiser (1869)

9. BOURAYNE wooden cruisers (1870-1874)

10. INFERNET wooden cruisers (1871 - 1876)

11. SANÉ wooden cruisers (1872-1976)

12. HIRONDELLE wooden cruiser (1869/1873)

13. BISSON screw sloops (1875-1879)

14. TOURVILLE iron unprotected cruiser (1877)

15. PARSEVAL composite screw sloops (1877 - 1880)

16. RIGAULT DE GENOUILLY wooden cruisers (1878 - 1879)

17. DUQUESNE iron unprotected cruiser (1878)

18. DUGUAY-TROUIN iron unprotected cruiser (1879)

19. LAPÉROUSE composite cruisers (1880 - 1884)

20. VILLARS composite cruisers (1880-1885)

21. NAÏADE wooden cruiser (1882)

22. IPHIGÉNIE wooden cruiser (1883)

23. ARÉTHUSE wooden cruiser (1885)

24. MILAN unprotected cruiser (1885)

25. DUBORDIEU wooden cruiser (1886)

26. INCONSTANT composite screw sloops (1887 - 1888)

27. KERSAINT steel sloop (1898)

28. PLUTON minelaying cruiser (1931)

29. CHÂTEAURENAULT light cruisers (1942 - 1943 / 1948)

10. helicopter cruisers

1. JEANNE D'ARC helicopter cruiser (1964)

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