
fighting ships of the world



LA GALISSONNIÈRE central battery ironclads (1874 - 1879)

La Galissonnière 1874

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
La Galissonnière     Arsenal de Brest 22.6.1868 7.5.1872 1874 stricken 1894
Triomphante     Arsenal de Rochefort 5.8.1869 28.3.1877 1879 sold 1903
Victorieuse     Arsenal de Toulon 5.8.1869 18.11.1875 1877 hulk 1900


Displacement normal, t

La Galissonnière: 4645

Triomphante, Victorieuse: 4585

Displacement full, t


Length, m

La Galissonnière: 78.0 wl

Triomphante, Victorieuse: 78.6 wl

Breadth, m


Draught, m

7.37 max

No of shafts

La Galissonnière: 2

Triomphante, Victorieuse: 1


La Galissonnière: 2 VC, 4 oval boilers

Triomphante, Victorieuse: 1 VC, 4 oval boilers

Power, h. p.

2200 - 2400

Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

La Galissonnière: coal 500

Triomphante, Victorieuse: coal 330

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

wrought iron; belt: 150, battery: 120, barbettes: 120


La Galissonnière: 6 x 1 - 240/18 M1870, 4 x 1 - 120/25 M1870

Triomphante, Victorieuse: 6 x 1 - 240/18 M1870, 1 x 1 - 194/20 M1870, 6 x 1 - 139/21 M1870


La Galissonnière: 352

Triomphante, Victorieuse: 382

Project history: This class were wooden-hulled ships with iron plating above water where not armoured. Central battery had 4 240mm guns in broadside ports. The remaining 2 240mm were in barbettes over the forward corners of the battery, with the 194mm firing ahead from under the forecastle, and the smaller guns on the upper deck. They were rigged as ships or barques with 1535 m2 of sail and had one funnel, though by 1892 Triomphante had pole topmasts with no yards.

Ship protection:  There was a complete belt extending to about 1.5m below water. There was no armour deck.

Modernizations: 1880s, La Galissonnière: - 4 x 1 - 120/25; + 6 x 1 - 100/27 M1875, 4 x 5 - 37/20 M1885

1880s, Triomphante: + 8 x 5 - 37/20 M1885, 4 - 350 TT (beam, aw)

1880s, Victorieuse: + 8 x 5 - 37/20 M1885

Naval service: No significant events.

Victorieuse 1890

© Ivan Gogin, 2014