
fighting ships of the world



PLUTON minelaying cruiser (1931)

Pluton 1939

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Pluton     Arsenal de Lorient 16.4.1928 10.4.1929 1.10.1931 TS 4.1933, internal explosion 18.9.1939


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

144.0 pp 152.5 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

5.18 full load

No of shafts



2 sets Bréguet geared steam turbines, 4 small-tube boilers (2 F C de la Gironde, 2 Normand)

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 1200

Endurance, nm(kts) 4510(14)

Armour, mm

shileds: 20


4 x 1 - 139/40 M1927, 2 x 1 - 47/40 M1885, 10 x 1 - 37/50 M1925, 6 x 2 - 8.80, 290 mines



Project history: Built under the 1925 programme, was designed on the sample of British Adventure as minelayer for 250 mines and personnel transport for 1000 troops with armament. Armament consisted of 2 single 203mm and 2 single 138mm guns was originally supposed. However in this case ship would be considered as "A" class (heavy) cruiser which number has been limited by agreements.

Ship protection: only guns had light splinter protection.

Modernizations: 4.1933: - 8 x 1 - 37/50, 6 x 2 - 8.80; + 4 x 1 - 75/50 M1927, 6 x 2 - 13.2/76

Naval service: As minelayer Pluton practically was not used. 24.10.1932-27.4.1933 she has passed conversion to gunnery TS. Many rangefinders for training of cadets have been installed. Since June, 1940 ship should become ultimately training ship and been renamed La Tour D`Auvergne. Under this name she, basically, is known, though (contrary to a popular belief) actually has not received it. Pluton was lost at Casablanca on 18.9.1939 as result of internal explosion and followed 18hour fire.

Pluton 1938

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14