
fighting ships of the world



1. command ships

1. APPALACHIAN amphibious command ships (1943 - 1944)

2. ANCON amphibious command ship (1938 / 1944)

3. MOUNT MCKINLEY amphibious command ships (1944 - 1946)

4. amphibious command ships converted from other classes

5! BLUE RIDGE command ships (1970 - 1971)

2. landing craft carriers

1. ASHLAND landing ship-docks (1943 - 1946)

2. THOMASTON landing ship-docks (1954 - 1957)

3. IWO JIMA amphibious helicopter carriers (1961 - 1970)

4. RALEIGH amphibious transport-docks (1962 - 1964)

5. AUSTIN amphibious transport-docks (1965 - 1971)

6. ANCHORAGE landing ship-docks (1969 - 1972)

7! TARAWA amphibious assault ships (1976 - 1980)

8! WHIDBEY ISLAND landing ship-docks (1985 - 1992)

9! WASP amphibious assault ships (1989 - 2009)

10! HARPERS FERRY landing ship-docks (1995 - 1998)

11! SAN ANTONIO amphibious transport-docks (2006-)

12! MONTFORD POINT mobile landing platforms (2013-)

13! AMERICA amphibious assault ships (2014-)

3. amphibious ships (direct landing)

1.  "LST" tank landing ships (LST1) (1942 - 1945)

2. CATSKILL amphibious vehicle landing ships (1944 - 1945)

3. "LSM" medium landing ships (LSM1) (1944 - 1946)

4. LST1153 tank landing ships (1947 - 1949)

5. TERREBONNE PARISH tank landing ships (1952 - 1954)

6. DE SOTO COUNTY tank landing ships (1957 - 1959)

7. COMET vehicle landing ship (1958/1963)

8. SEA LIFT vehicle landing ship (1967)

9. NEWPORT tank landing ships (1969 - 1972)

10! GENERAL FRANK S. BESSON, JR. tank landing ships of US Army (1988 - 1994)

11! SSGT ROBERT T. KURODA tank landing ships of US Army (2006 - 2007)

4. amphibious transports

1. ARCTURUS amphibious cargo ships (1939 / 1940 - 1941)

2. HARRIS amphibious personnel transports (1921 - 1922 / 1940 - 1942), JOSEPH T. DICKMAN amphibious personnel transports (1921 - 1922 / 1941 - 1942))

3. MCCAWLEY amphibious personnel transports (1928 / 1940)

4. HARRY LEE amphibious personnel transports (1930 - 1931 / 1940 - 1942)

5. PRESIDENT JACKSON amphibious personnel transports (1940 - 1941 / 1941 - 1942)

6. HEYWOOD amphibious personnel transports (1918 - 1919 / 1941)

7. ARTHUR MIDDLETON amphibious personnel transports (1941 - 1942)

8. PROCYON amphibious cargo ships (1941 - 1942)

9. ALHENA amphibious cargo ship (1941)

10. ALMAACK amphibious cargo ship (1941)

11. CRESCENT CITY amphibious personnel transports (1940 / 1941, 1942)

12. FOMALHAUT amphibious cargo ship (1942)

13. FREDERICK FUNSTON amphibious personnel transports (1942 - 1945), WINDSOR amphibious personnel transports (1943 - 1945)

14. "APD" fast amphibious personnel transports (YOKES) (1943 - 1945)

15. DOYEN amphibious personnel transports (1943)

16. BAYFIELD amphibious personnel transports (1943 - 1944)

17. ORMSBY amphibious personnel transports (1943)

18. SUMTER amphibious personnel transports (1943 - 1944)

19. ANDROMEDA amphibious cargo ships (1943 - 1945)

20. GILLIAM amphibious personnel transports (1944 - 1945)

21. HASKELL amphibious personnel transports (1944 - 1945)

22. RANKIN / TOLLAND amphibious cargo ships (1944 - 1945)

23. ARTEMIS amphibious cargo ships (1944 - 1945)

24. TULARE amphibious cargo ship (1956)

25. PAUL REVERE amphibious personnel transports (1953 - 1954/ 1958 - 1961)

26. CHARLESTON amphibious cargo ships (1968 - 1970)

27! WESTPAC EXPRESS theater logistic vessel (2001)

28. SWIFT high speed vessel (2003)

29! GUAM high speed transports (2007-2008/2012)

30! SPEARHEAD high speed vessels (2012-)

5. small landing ships

1. "LCI(L)" small infantry landing ships (LCI(L)1) (1942 - 1945), "LCI(FF)" small amphibious command ships (LCI(FF)367) (1942 - 1945), "LCI(G)" small amphibious fire support ships (LCI(G)2) (1942 - 1945), "LCI(R)" small amphibious fire support ships (LCI(R)31) (1942 - 1945), "LCI(M)" small amphibious fire support ships (LCI(M)351) (1942 - 1945)

2. "LCT(5)" small tank landing ships (LCT1) (1942 - 1943)

3. "LCT(6)" small tank landing ships (LCT501) (1943 - 1944)

4. LCU1466 utility landing craft (1953 - 1957)

5! LCU1610 utility landing craft (1957 - 1960)

6. LCU1625 utility landing craft (1965)

7! LCU1627 utility landing craft (1967 - 1969)

8! LCU1646 utility landing craft (1971 - 1975)

9! LCU1680 utility landing craft (1987)

10! RUNNYMEDE small utility landing ships of US Army (1990 - 1992)

11. LCU1700 utility landing craft

6. landing craft

1. LCM '38ft prototype' landing craft, mechanized (1938)

2. LCM '40ft prototype' landing craft, mechanized (1939)

3. LCM 'Norfolk prototype' landing craft, mechanized (1940)

4. LCM landing craft, mechanized (1941)

5. LCM(2) landing craft, mechanized (1941-1942)

6. LCV landing craft, vehicle (1941-1943)

7! LCP(L) landing craft, personnel, large (1941-1994)

8. LCM(3) landing craft, mechanized (1942-1945)

9. LCP(R) landing craft, personnel, ramp (1942-1945)

10. LCVP landing craft, vehicle and personnel (1942-1969)

11. LCM(6) landing craft, mechanized (1943-1987)

12. LCC landing craft, control (1943-1944)

13! LCM(8) vehicle landing craft (LCM26715) (1950 - 1992)

14! LCAC air-cushion landing craft (LCAC1) (1984 - 2001)

15! SURC small unit riverine craft (2003-2005)

16! LCVP MPF UB-40 landing craft (2006-2011)

17! Repeated mini-ATC river assault infantry landing craft (2006-2007)

18! riverine commando boats (CB-90) (2007-2008)

19! RPB riverine patrol boats (2007-2010)

20. LCAC100 air-cushion landing craft

21. MSVL landing craft

7. amphibious fire support ships and craft

1. "LCS(S)" amphibious fire support craft (LCS(S)1) (1942 - 1943)

2. "LCG(L)4" small amphibious fire support ships (LCG(L)687) (1943 / 1943)

3. "LSM(R)" medium amphibious fire support ships (LSM(R)188) (1944 - 1945)

4. "LCS(L)3" small amphibious fire support ships (LCS(L)1) (1945)

5. CARRONADE amphibious fire support ship (1953)

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-19