
fighting ships of the world



"APD" fast amphibious personnel transports (1944-1945)

Rednour 1945

Weiss 1964

Sims 1963

LPR before 1960s modernization

LPR after 1960s modernization

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
APD69 (ex-DE668) Yokes   Consolidated, Orange 8.1943 27.11.1943 12.1944 stricken 4.1964
APD70 (ex-DE669) Pavlic   Consolidated, Orange 9.1943 18.12.1943 12.1944 stricken 4.1967
APD71 (ex-DE670) Odum   Consolidated, Orange 10.1943 19.1.1944 1.1945 to Chile 11.1966 (Serrano)
APD72 (ex-DE671) Jack C. Robinson   Consolidated, Orange 11.1943 8.1.1944 2.1945 to Chile 12.1966 (Orella)
APD73 (ex-DE672) Bassett   Consolidated, Orange 11.1943 15.1.1944 2.1945 stricken 5.1967, to Columbia (Almirante Tono)
APD74 (ex-DE673) John P. Gray   Consolidated, Orange 12.1943 18.3.1944 3.1945 stricken 3.1967
APD87 (ex-DE226) Crosley   Philadelphia N Yd 10.1943 12.2.1944 10.1944 stricken 6.1960
APD88 (ex-DE227) Cread   Philadelphia N Yd 10.1943 12.2.1944 7.1944 stricken 6.1960
APD89 (ex-DE228), 1.1969- LPR89 Ruchamkin   Philadelphia N Yd 2.1944 15.6.1944 9.1944 to Columbia 11.1969 (Córdoba)
APD90 (ex-DE229), 1.1969- LPR90 Kirwin   Philadelphia N Yd 2.1944 16.6.1944 11.1944 stricken 9.1974
APD91 (ex-DE232) Kinzer   Charleston N Yd 9.1943 19.12.1943 11.1944 to Taiwan 4.1965 (玉山 [Yu Shan])
APD92 (ex-DE233) Register   Charleston N Yd 10.1943 20.1.1944 1.1945 to Taiwan 9.1966 (泰山 [Tai Shan])
APD93 (ex-DE234) Brock   Charleston N Yd 10.1943 20.1.1944 2.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD94 (ex-DE235) John Q. Roberts   Charleston N Yd 11.1943 11.2.1944 3.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD95 (ex-DE236) William M. Hobby   Charleston N Yd 11.1943 11.2.1944 4.1945 to South Korea 5.1967 (제주 [Jeju])
APD96 (ex-DE237) Ray K. Edwards   Charleston N Yd 12.1943 19.2.1944 6.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD97 (ex-DE281) Arthur L. Bristol   Charleston N Yd 12.1943 19.2.1944 6.1945 stricken 6.1964
APD98 (ex-DE282) Truxton   Charleston N Yd 12.1943 9.3.1944 7.1945 to Taiwan 11.1965 (長山 [Chang Shan])
APD99 (ex-DE283) Upham   Charleston N Yd 12.194 9.3.1944 7.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD100 (ex-DE590), 1.1969- LPR100 Ringness 3190 Bethlehem, Hingham 12.1943 5.2.1944 10.1944 stricken 9.1974
APD101 (ex-DE591), 1.1969- LPR101 Knudson 3191 Bethlehem, Hingham 12.1943 5.2.1944 11.1944 stricken 7.1972
APD102 (ex-DE592) Rednour 3192 Bethlehem, Hingham 12.1943 12.2.1944 12.1944 stricken 3.1967, to Mexico (Coahuila)
APD103 (ex-DE593) Tollberg 3193 Bethlehem, Hingham 12.1943 12.2.1944 1.1945 stricken 11.1964, to Columbia (Almirante Padilla)
APD104 (ex-DE594) William J. Pattison 3194 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 15.2.1944 2.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD105 (ex-DE595) Myers 3195 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 15.2.1944 3.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD106 (ex-DE596) Walter B. Cobb 3196 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 23.2.1944 4.1945 stricken 1.1966, to Taiwan
APD107 (ex-DE597) Earle B. Hall 3197 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 1.3.1944 5.1945 stricken 2.1965
APD108 (ex-DE598) Harry L. Corl 3198 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 1.3.1944 6.1945 to South Korea 1.1966 (아산 [Asan])
APD109 (ex-DE599) Belet 3199 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 3.3.1944 6.1945 to Mexico 12.1963 (California)
APD110 (ex-DE600) Julius A. Raven 3200 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1944 3.3.1944 6.1945 to South Korea 1.1966 (웅 포 [Ungpo])
APD111 (ex-DE601) Walsh 3201 Bethlehem, Hingham 2.1944 28.4.1945 7.1945 stricken 5.1966
APD112 (ex-DE602) Hunter Marshall 3202 Bethlehem, Hingham 3.1944 5.5.1945 7.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD113 (ex-DE603) Earhart 3203 Bethlehem, Hingham 3.1944 12.5.1945 7.1945 to Mexico 12.1963 (Papaloapan)
APD114 (ex-DE604) Walter S. Gorka 3204 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1944 26.5.1945 8.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD115 (ex-DE605) Rogers Blood 3205 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1944 2.6.1945 8.1945 stricken 6.1960
APD116 (ex-DE606) Francovich 3206 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1944 5.6.1945 9.1945 stricken 4.1964
APD117 (ex-DE674) Joseph M. Auman   Consolidated, Orange 11.1943 5.2.1944 4.1945 to Mexico 12.1963 (Tehuantepec)
APD118 (ex-DE721) Don O. Woods   Consolidated, Orange 12.1943 19.2.1944 5.1945 to Mexico 12.1963 (Usumacinta)
APD119 (ex-DE722), 1.1969- LPR119 Beverly W. Reid   Consolidated, Orange 1.1944 4.3.1944 6.1945 stricken 9.1974
APD120 (ex-DE687) Kline 1564 Bethlehem, Quincy 5.1944 27.6.1944 10.1944 to Taiwan 1.1966 (青山 [Ao Shan])
APD121 (ex-DE688) Raymond W. Herndon 1565 Bethlehem, Quincy 6.1944 15.7.1944 11.1944 stricken 9.1966, to Taiwan (恆山 [Heng Shan])
APD122 (ex-DE689) Scribner 1566 Bethlehem, Quincy 6.1944 1.8.1944 11.1944 stricken 8.1966
APD123 (ex-DE690), 1.1969- LPR123 Diachenko (ex-Alex Diachenko) 1567 Bethlehem, Quincy 7.1944 15.8.1944 12.1944 stricken 9.1974
APD124 (ex-DE691), 1.1969- LPR124 Horace A. Bass 1568 Bethlehem, Quincy 8.1944 12.9.1944 12.1944 stricken 9.1974
APD125 (ex-DE692) Wantuck 1569 Bethlehem, Quincy 8.1944 25.9.1944 12.1944 stricken 3.1958
APD126 (ex-DE710) Gosselin 283 Defoe, Bay City 2.1944 4.5.1944 12.1944 stricken 4.1964
APD127 (ex-DE711), 1.1969- LPR127 Begor 284 Defoe, Bay City 3.1944 25.5.1944 3.1945 stricken 5.1975
APD128 (ex-DE712) Cavallaro 285 Defoe, Bay City 3.1944 15.6.1944 3.1945 to South Korea 10.1959 (경남 [Gyeongnam])
APD129 (ex-DE713) Donald W. Wolf 286 Defoe, Bay City 4.1944 22.7.1944 4.1945 stricken 3.1965, to Taiwan (華山 [Hua Shan])
APD130 (ex-DE714) Cook 287 Defoe, Bay City 5.1944 26.8.1944 4.1945 stricken 11.1969
APD131 (ex-DE715) Walter X. Young 288 Defoe, Bay City 5.1944 30.9.1944 5.1945 stricken 5.1962
APD132 (ex-DE716), 1.1969- LPR132 Balduck 289 Defoe, Bay City 6.1944 27.10.1944 5.1945 stricken 7.1975
APD133 (ex-DE717) Burdo 290 Defoe, Bay City 7.1944 25.11.1944 6.1945 stricken 4.1966
APD134 (ex-DE718) Kleinsmith 291 Defoe, Bay City 8.1944 27.1.1945 6.1945 to Taiwan 5.1960 (天山 [Tien Shan])
APD135 (ex-DE719), 1.1969- LPR135 Weiss 292 Defoe, Bay City 10.1944 15.2.1945 7.1945 stricken 9.1974
APD136 (ex-DE720) Carpellotti 293 Defoe, Bay City 10.1944 10.3.1945 7.1945 stricken 1959


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

91.4 wl 93.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

3.84 full load

No of shafts



2 General Electric steam turbo-generators, 2 boilers, 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 347

Endurance, nm(kts) 5500 (15)


1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 3 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 DCR

APD55: 1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 4 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 DCR

APD63, 86: 1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 1 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 3 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 DCR

Electronic equipment

presumably SA, SF or SL or SU radars, QGA sonar (most ships)
Military load

4 LCVP, 162 marines, deck cargo

APD55, 63, 86: 4 LCVP, 162 marines

Complement 203

Project history: Necessity for building, along with destroyers, of smaller and cheaper ships was advanced by a number of officers and admirals of the American Navy in 1939. Such "2nd rank" destroyers could fulfil successfully convoys escort and solve many auxiliary tasks, abstraction on which of destroyers was inexpedient. Oroginally General Board has disapproved of building of similar ships, but next year situation has cardinally changed, and as a result some projects have been prepared. Any of them was not been accepted, as the American designers have tried to go on a way of decreasing of usual destroyer to 1000-1200t displacement, having stored thus her basic armament. As a result very cramped arrangement with unsatisfactory combination of leading particulars was received.

In spite of the fact that the project has not been finished yet, in January, 1941 the decision on building of such 50 destroyers was accepted. That though somehow to boost process of designing, the General board in February changed requirements on speed (not less than 25kts.) and to armament structure (earlier it was provided to install DP 127mm guns). Soon new project was ready: 1140t displacement, 85.3m length, 24kts speed, 2 single 102/50mm or 127/38mm single-purpose guns, 1 quadruple 40mm Bofors, 2 single 20mm Oerlikons and 1 triple TT. General board approved project, however in such kind it was never realised: in May, 1941 this program was cancelled. Probably destroyer escort also would not appear at all, but unexpectedly the help has come from Britain. British commission has become interested in the project and 23.6.1941 directed inquiry about possibility of building of 100 similar ships, with replacement of SP by 3 single 76/50mm AA guns, installation of twin rudders for improvement of manoeuvrability and retuning under the British standard of bridge. Specified corrections have been brought in the project, and already 15.8.1941 plan of building of 50 ships for UK was approved by Roosevelt. Simultaneously the American Navy HQ convinced the president to begin building of similar ships for own navy, but this sentence has been rejected. Only in November, 1941 the order for first DE for USN has followed.

After the introduction of the USA into war congestion of the industry by various defence orders has led to necessity of including to project of significant changes concerning machinery. Originally provided 12000hp twin-shaft geared steam turbines was replaced by diesel, diesel-electric or turbo-electric machinery and only small part of ships was equipped by geared turbines. Besides, new machinery required more spacious engine room and, consequently, lengthened hull.

In the project the displacement reserve for armament strengthening (replacement of three 76mms openly standing guns by two 127mm in enclosed mounts) was included, as has been realised in late series.

In total there were six series of destroyer escorts:

Evarts class (GMT): 6000hp diesel-electric machinery (4 1500hp diesels-generators, 2 electric motors), 76mm guns, "short" hull.

Cannon class (DET): 6000hp diesel-electric machinery (4 1500hp diesels-generators, 2 electric motors), 76mm guns, "long" hull.

Edsall class (FRM): 6000hp diesel machinery (4 1500hp diesels working through gears on 2 shafts), 76mm guns, "long" hull.

Buckley class (TE): 12000hp turbo-electric machinery, 76mm guns, "long" hull.

Rudderow class (TEV): 12000hp turbo-electric machinery, 127mm guns, "long" hull.

John Ñ. Butler class (WGT): 12000hp geared steam turbine machinery, 127mm guns, "long" hull.

In 1944 when the number of escorts on Atlantic has been recognised by sufficient, large number of DEs of Buckley and Rudderow classes were converted to fast landing transports for service on Pacific. Thus they received the superstructure expanded to sides, all anti-submarine armament (except two DCR) part of artillery and torpedoes were removed . After conversion such transport could carry up to 162 rangers for which landing 4 LCVP were available.

In addition to above, many old destroyers and destroyer escorts were converted to fast transports, as follows:

APD1 - Caldwell class
APD2 - 9, 14 - 17, 19 - 22, 25 - Wickes class
APD10 - 13, 18, 23, 24, 29, 31 - 36 - Clemson class
APD37 - 40, 42 - 57, 59 - 63, 65, 66, 75 - 81, 84 - 86 - "TE" (Buckley) class
APD139 - "TEV" (Rudderow) class

Conversion of DE635 (planned APD41), 636 (58), 214 (64), 665 (67), 666 (68), 790 (82), 791 (83) of "TE" class and DE684 (137), 685 (138) of "TEV" class was not started.

Modernizations: None.

1/1946: 1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 30, 3 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 2 DCR, SA, SF or SL or SU radars, QGA sonar

Naval service: No significant events.


APD55 Laning 1945

© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15