
fighting ships of the world



1. conventional attack submarines

1. HOLLAND submarine (1900)

2. "A" submarines (PLUNGER (A1)) (1903)

3. "B" submarines (VIPER (B1)) (1907)

4. "C" submarines (OCTOPUS (C1)) (1908 - 1910)

5. "D" submarines (NARWHAL (D1)) (1909 - 1910)

6. "E" submarines (SKIPJACK (E1)) (1912)

7. "F" submarines (CARP (F1)) (1912 - 1913)

8. "G" submarines (SEAL (G1)) (1912 - 1915)

9. "H" submarines (SEAWOLF (H1)) (1913 - 1918)

10. "K" submarines (HADDOCK (K1)) (1914)

11. "L" submarines (L1) (1916 - 1918)

12. "N" submarines (N1) (1917 - 1918)

13. "M" submarine (M1) (1918)

14. "O" submarines (O1) (1918)

15. "R" submarines (R1) (1918 - 1919)

16. "S" submarines (Navy Yard type) (S3) (1919 - 1923)

17. "AA" submarines (SCHLEY (T1)) (1920 - 1921)

18. "S" submarines (Electric Boat type) (S1) (1920 - 1924)

19. "S" submarine (Lake type) (S2) (1920)

20. "S" submarines (2nd Lake type) (S48) (1922)

21. "S" 2nd group submarines (S42) (1924 - 1925)

22. "V" submarines (V1) (1924 - 1926)

23. V4 submarine (1928)

24. V5 submarines (1930)

25. DOLPHIN submarine (1932)

26. CACHALOT submarines (1933 - 1934)

27. PORPOISE submarines (1935)

28. SHARK submarines (1936)

29. PERCH submarines (1936 - 1937)

30. SALMON submarines (1937 - 1938)

31. SARGO submarines (1939 - 1940), SEADRAGON submarines (1939)

32. TAMBOR submarines (1940 - 1941)

33. MACKEREL submarine (1941), MARLIN submarine (1941)

34. GATO submarines (1941 - 1944), BALAO submarines (1943 - 1948)

35. TENCH submarines (1944 - 1951)

36. K1 submarines (1951 - 1952)

37. TANG submarines (1951 - 1952)

38. T1 target submarines (1953)

39. SAILFISH early warning submarine (1956)

40. DARTER submarine (1956)

41. BARBEL submarines (1959)

2. conventional missile submarines

1. GRAYBACK missile submarine (1958)

2. GROWLER missile submarine (1958)

3. nuclear powered attack submarines

1. NAUTILUS nuclear powered submarine (1955)

2. SEAWOLF nuclear powered submarine (1957)

3. SKATE nuclear powered submarines (1957 - 1959)

4. SKIPJACK nuclear powered submarines (1959 - 1961)

5. TRITON nuclear powered early warning submarine (1959)

6. TULLIBEE nuclear powered submarine (1960)

7. THRESHER nuclear powered submarines (1961 - 1967)

8. STURGEON nuclear powered submarines (1966 - 1975)

9! LOS ANGELES nuclear powered submarines (1976 - 1996)

10! SEAWOLF nuclear powered submarines (1997 - 1998)

11! JIMMY CARTER nuclear powered special purpose submarine (2005)

12! VIRGINIA nuclear powered submarines (2004-)

4. nuclear powered missile submarines

1. HALIBUT nuclear powered missile submarine (1960)

5. nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines

1. GEORGE WASHINGTON nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (1959 - 1961)

2. ETHAN ALLEN nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (1961 - 1963)

3. LAFAYETTE nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (1963 - 1967)

4! OHIO nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (1981 - 1997)

6. midget submarines

1. X1 midget submarine (1955)

2. ASDS1 submersible SEAL transport (2004)

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-19