
fighting ships of the world




BALTIMORE heavy cruisers (1943-1946)

NORTHAMPTON command ship (1953)

Baltimore 1943

Baltimore 1943

Baltimore 1944

Oregon City 1946

Baltimore 1963

St. Paul 1963

Oregon City 1963


Canberra 1958

Boston 1963

Albany 1963

Albany 1970

Albany 1979

Northampton 1961

Northampton 1963

Northampton 1970

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
Baltimore subclass
CA68 Baltimore 1494 Bethlehem, Quincy 26.5.1941 28.7.1942 15.4.1943 stricken 2.1971
CA69, 1.1952- CAG1, 5.1968- CA69 Boston 1495 Bethlehem, Quincy 30.6.1941 26.8.1942 30.6.1943 missile cruiser 1.1952, stricken 4.1974
CA70, 1.1952- CAG2, 5.1968- CA70 Canberra (ex-Pittsburgh) 1496 Bethlehem, Quincy 3.9.1941 19.4.1943 14.10.1943 missile cruiser 1.1952, stricken 7.1978
CA71 Quincy (ex-St. Paul) 1497 Bethlehem, Quincy 9.10.1941 23.6.1943 15.12.1943 stricken 10.1973
CA72 Pittsburgh (ex-Albany) 1504 Bethlehem, Quincy 3.2.1943 22.2.1944 10.10.1944 stricken 7.1973
CA73 St. Paul (ex-Rochester) 1505 Bethlehem, Quincy 3.2.1943 16.9.1944 17.2.1945 stricken 7.1978
CA74, 9.1959- CG12 Columbus 1506 Bethlehem, Quincy 28.6.1943 30.11.1944 8.6.1945 missile cruiser 9.1959, stricken 8.1976
CA75 Helena (ex-Des Moines) 1507 Bethlehem, Quincy 9.9.1943 28.4.1945 4.9.1945 stricken 1.1974
CA130 Bremerton 449 New York SB, Camden 1.2.1943 2.7.1944 29.4.1945 stricken 10.1973
CA131 Fall River 450 New York SB, Camden 12.4.1943 13.8.1944 1.7.1945 stricken 2.1971
CA132 Macon 451 New York SB, Camden 14.6.1943 15.10.1944 26.8.1945 stricken 11.1969
CA133 Toledo 452 New York SB, Camden 13.9.1943 6.5.1945 27.10.1946 stricken 1.1974
CA135 Los Angeles   Philadelphia N Yd 28.7.1943 20.8.1944 22.7.1945 stricken 1.1974
CA136, 11.1958- CG11 Chicago   Philadelphia N Yd 28.7.1943 20.8.1944 10.1.1945 missile cruiser 11.1958, stricken 1.1984
Oregon City (Baltimore 1942) subclass
CA122 Oregon City 1544 Bethlehem, Quincy 8.4.1944 9.6.1945 16.2.1946 stricken 11.1970
CA123, 11.1958- CG10 Albany 1545 Bethlehem, Quincy 6.3.1944 30.6.1945 15.6.1946 missile cruiser 11.1958, stricken 6.1985
CA124 Rochester 1546 Bethlehem, Quincy 29.5.1944 28.8.1945 20.12.1946 stricken 10.1973
CLC1 (ex-CA125), 4.1961- CC1 Northampton 1547 Bethlehem, Quincy 31.8.1944 27.1.1951 7.3.1953 commissioned as command ship, stricken 12.1977
CA126 Cambridge 1548 Bethlehem, Quincy --- --- --- cancelled 8.1945
CA127 Bridgeport 1549 Bethlehem, Quincy --- --- --- cancelled 8.1945
CA128 Kansas City 1550 Bethlehem, Quincy 9.7.1945 --- --- cancelled 8.1945
CA129 Tulsa 1551 Bethlehem, Quincy --- --- --- cancelled 8.1945
CA137 Norfolk   Philadelphia N Yd 27.12.1944 --- --- cancelled 8.1945
CA138 Scranton   Philadelphia N Yd 27.12.1944 --- --- cancelled 8.1945
Data variant cruisers as commissioned

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

202.4 wl 205.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

7.32 oa

No of shafts



4 sets General Electric geared steam turbines, 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 1200 - 2250

Endurance, nm(kts) 10000 (15)

Armour, mm

CA68 - 73: belt: 152 - 102, deck: 64, barbettes: 160, turrets: 203 - 38

CA74, 75, 122 - 133, 135 - 138: belt: 152 - 102, deck: 64, barbettes: 160, turrets: 203 - 38, CT: 152 sides, 76 roof


CA68 - 71: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 12, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 12, 12 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 24 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 catapults, 4 seaplanes (SOC, OS2U, SO3C)

CA72 - 75: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 12, 11 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 2 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 22 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 catapults, 2 seaplanes (SOC, OS2U, SO3C, SC)

CA122 - 124: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 32, 11 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 2 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 10 x 2 - 20/70 Mk 24, 2 catapults, 2 seaplanes (OS2U, SC)

CA130 - 132, 135, 136: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 12, 11 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 2 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 14 x 2 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 catapults, 2 seaplanes (OS2U, SC)

CA133: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 32, 11 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 2 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 14 x 2 - 20/70 Mk 24, 2 catapults, 2 seaplanes (OS2U, SC)

Electronic equipment

presumably CA68 - 71: SG-1, SK, Mk 8, 2x Mk 12.22 radars

presumably CA72, 73, 130, 136: SG-1, SK-2, SP, Mk 8, 2x Mk 12.22 radars

presumably CA74, 75, 122 - 124, 131 - 132, 135: SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk 13, 2x Mk 12.22 radars



Project history: Works on the Baltimore desiign started in September, 1939. War in Europe cancelled all contractual limitations that allowed to return to building of cruisers with 203mm guns. Just completed Wichita was taken for a basis, an unsatisfactory stability was appeared as her unique lack. It was originally supposed to limit by increase in a hull beam at 0.6m, however it has soon been decided to go on more significant change of the project, having strengthened AA armament at the expense of placing of 127/38mm guns in twin turrets on accepted on Cleveland class light cruisers diamond-shaped scheme, and install multi-barrelled automatic guns (originally 4x4 28mm "Chicago pianos", subsequently replaced by 40/56mm Boforses). Also it was provided to lengthen a belt on a waterline. As a result new ship was notably grown: standard displacement has reached 13600t, and almost all gain of displacement was expended to strengthening of AA armament and providing of better seaworthiness and stability. Protection, in comparison with Wichita, practically has not changed: only deck thickness was increased to 65mm and waterline belt was hardly became longer. The immune zone under fire of 203mm guns was stretched from 77.5 to 120 cables. Engine power has been increased by 20%, as in comparison with a prototype displacement rose sharply.

The order for first four ships (ÑÀ68-71) had placed in July, 1940; in September the order for next four (ÑÀ72-75) followed. Last series of 16 ships (ÑÀ122-138) has been ordered in August, 1943. First ship has commissioned only in the spring of 1943, and war experience was considered in her construction, therefore after commissioning ships practically were not modernised throughout war. In 1942 the improved project, differing by reduction of funnels number to one and the improved fire sectors of an antiaircraft artillery has been created. It has been decided to finish on "1942 design" incomplete ÑÀ122-129, ÑÀ137 and ÑÀ138. In the end of war ÑÀ134 was re-ordered as new class cruiser with automatic 203mm guns (the future De Moines class), 12.8.1945 orders for CA126-129, CA137 and CA138 were cancelled, ÑÀ125 was completed after the war as command ship.

Ship protection: Main belt abreast machinery extended to 1.5m below and 2.86m over waterline. It was 152mm thick (76mm at lower edge) on 16mm STS plating. There were narrow belts abreast magazines. Thickness of these belts was 76mm decreasing to 51mm at lower edge. Magazines were protected by 140mm fore and 127mm aft bulkheads, machinery and magazines were separated by 152mm bulkheads. Armoured deck over main belt was 65mm. Barbettes were 178mm thick. Turrets had 203mm faces, 83-38mm sides, 38mm rears and 76mm crowns. CT was mounted from CA74.

Boston class CAG: Main belt abreast machinery extended to 1.5m below and 2.86m over waterline. It was 152mm thick (76mm at lower edge) on 16mm STS plating. There were narrow belts abreast magazines. Thickness of these belts was 76mm decreasing to 51mm at lower edge. Magazines were protected by 140mm fore and 127mm aft bulkheads, machinery and magazines were separated by 152mm bulkheads. Armoured deck over main belt was 65mm. Barbettes were 178mm thick. Turrets had 203mm faces, 83-38mm sides, 38mm rears and 76mm crowns.

Albany class CG: Main belt abreast machinery extended to 1.5m below and 2.86m over waterline. It was 152mm thick (76mm at lower edge) on 16mm STS plating. There were narrow belts abreast magazines. Thickness of these belts was 76mm decreasing to 51mm at lower edge. Magazines were protected by 140mm fore and 127mm aft bulkheads, machinery and magazines were separated by 152mm bulkheads. Armoured deck over main belt was 65mm.

Modernizations: to 1946, Baltimore, Boston, Canberra, Quincy: - SG-1, SK, Mk 8 radars; + SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk 13 radars

to 1946, Pittsburgh, St. Paul, Columbus, Helena: - SG-1, Mk 8 radars; + SG-3, Mk 13 radars

1/1946, Baltimore, Boston, Canberra, Quincy: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 12, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 32, 12 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 24 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 2 catapults, 4 seaplanes, SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk 13, 2x Mk 12.22 radars

1/1946, Pittsburgh, St. Paul, Columbus, Helena: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 32, 11 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 2 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 22 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 2 catapults, 2 seaplanes, SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk 13, 2x Mk 12.22 radars

1/1946, Bremerton, Fall River, Macon, Los Angeles, Chicago: 3 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 6 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 32, 11 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 2 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 14 x 2 - 20/70 Mk 24, 2 catapults, 2 seaplanes, SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk 13, 2x Mk 12.22 radars

early 1950s, all survived: - SK-2 radar; + SR-6 radar, SLR-2 ECM suite

1952 - 1955, Baltimore, Boston, Canberra, Quincy: - 12 x 4 - 40/60, 24 x 1 - 20/70; + 10 x 2 - 76/50 Mk 27/33

1952 - 1955, Pittsburgh, St. Paul, Columbus, Helena: - 11 x 4 - 40/60, 2 x 2 - 40/60, 22 x 1 - 20/70; + 10 x 2 - 76/50 Mk 27/33

1952 - 1955, Oregon City, Albany, Rochester: - 11 x 4 - 40/60, 2 x 2 - 40/60, 10 x 2 - 20/70; + 10 x 2 - 76/50 Mk 27/33

1952 - 1955, Bremerton, Fall River, Macon, Toledo, Los Angeles, Chicago: - 11 x 4 - 40/60, 2 x 2 - 40/60, 14 x 2 - 20/70; + 10 x 2 - 76/50 Mk 27/33

7/1956, Helena: - 1 x 2 - 76/50; + 3 x 1 Regulus I CruM launchers (3 RGM-6)

3/1956-1958, Macon, Toledo, Los Angeles: - 3 x 2 - 76/50; + 3 x 1 Regulus I CruM launchers (3 RGM-6)

late 1950s, all survived: - SG-3, SR-6 radars; + SPS-6 or SPS-12, SPS-8, SPS-10 radars, ULQ-6 ECM suite

1960-1969, Baltimore, Quincy, Pittsburgh, St. Paul, Bremerton, Fall River, Oregon City, Rochester: - (3 - 4) x 2 - 76/50

1960-1963, Helena, Macon, Toledo, Los Angeles: - 3 x 1 Regulus I CruM launchers (3 RGM-6)

1960s, many survived: - SPS-6 radar, SLR-2 ECM suite; + SPS-37A radar, WLR-1 ECM suite

11/1955, Boston; 6.1956, Canberra were modernized as given in the table.

Data variant Boston class CAG

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

202.4 wl 205.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets General Electric geared steam turbines, 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 1448

Endurance, nm(kts) 7300 (20)

Armour, mm

belt: 152 - 102, deck: 64, barbettes: 160, turrets: 203 - 38


2 x 2 Terrier SAM (144 RIM-2), 2 x 3 - 203/55 Mk 15, 5 x 2 - 127/38 Mk 32, 4 x 2 - 76/50 Mk 33

Electronic equipment

SPS-6, SPS-10, SPS-12, CXRX, 2x SPQ-5, 2x Mk 25 mod 7 radars, SLR-2 ECM suite



1950s, Boston, Canberra: - CXRX radar; + SPS-8 radar

to 1966, Boston, Canberrs: - SPS-6, SPS-8, SPS-12 radars, SLR-2 suite; + SPS-37A, SPS-30 radars, WLR-1, ULQ-6 ECM suites

1968, Boston, Canberra: - 2 x 2 Terrier SAM launchers, 2x SPQ-5 radars

11/1962, Albany; 12.1962, Columbus; 5.1964, Chicago were fully reconstructed as given in the table.

Data variant Albany class CG

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

202.4 wl 205.8 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets General Electric geared steam turbines, 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t


Endurance, nm(kts) 7000 (15)

Armour, mm

belt: 152 - 102, deck: 64


2 x 2 Talos SAM (104 RIM-8), 2 x 2 Tartar SAM (84 RIM-24), 1 x 8 ASROC ASuR (8 RUR-5), 2 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 30, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 TT (6), helicopter deck

Electronic equipment

SPS-10, SPS-29, 2x SPS-30, SPS-39, 4x SPG-49B / SPW-2, 4x SPG-51C, 2x Mk 35 radars, SQS-23 sonar, WLR-1, WLR-3, ULQ-6 ECM suites, 2x Mk 28 Chaffroc decoy RL



1969, Albany: - SPS-29, SPS-39 radars; + SPS-43A, SPS-48 radars

1970, Albany: + SLQ-19A ECM suite

1973, Chicago: - SPS-29, SPS-39 radars; + SPS-43A, SPS-52 radars, SLQ-26 ECM suite, NTDS CCS

1970s, Columbus: - SPS-29, SPS-39 radars; + SPS-43A radar

1975, Albany: - SPS-30 radar; + NTDS CCS

1980, Albany, Chicago: Talos SAMs and SPG-49B/SPQ-2 radars were made unoperable.

NORTHAMPTON was completed as command ship with data as given in the table.

Data variant Northampton

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

202.4 wl 206.5 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

7.32 full load

No of shafts



4 sets General Electric geared steam turbines, 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 2969

Endurance, nm(kts) 7000 (20)

Armour, mm

belt: 152 - 102, deck: 64


4 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 42, 4 x 2 - 76/70 Mk 37, helicopter deck

Electronic equipment

SPS-2, SPS-3, SPS-6, SPS-8A, SPS-10, 2x Mk 34, 4x Mk 35 radars, SLR-2 ECM suite



1963, Northampton: - 4 x 2 - 76/70, SPS-2 radar, SLR-2 ECM suite; + SPS-37 radar, WLR-1, ULQ-6 ECM suites

1970s, Northampton: - 3 x 1 - 127/54

Naval service: Canberra 13.10.1944 was damaged by Japanese air torpedo and returned to service in October, 1945. Pittsburgh 5.6.1945 was badly damaged during a typhoon (she lost fore end till No1 turret) and was under repair till September, 1945.

Columbus 1945

Albany 1946

Canberra 1964

Columbus 1963

Northampton 1963

© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15