
fighting ships of the world





110-ft submarine chasers (1917-1919)

SC1 1917

SC64 1941


SC1 - 21

SC22, 11.1919- Quigley

SC23 - 26

SC27, 11.1919- Richards

SC28 - 67

SC68, 1.1920- Hansen


SC70, 1.1920- Newbury

SC71 - 151

SC152, 11.1919- Vaughan

SC153, 11.1919- Taylor


SC155, 11.1919- Smith

SC156 - 182

SC183, 10.1921- Tingard

SC184 - 196

SC197, 11.1919- Mehalatos


SC199, 11.1919- Ovesen

SC200 - 202

SC203, 11.1919- Larsen

SC204 - 228

SC229, 8.1942- WPC335 Boone


SC231, 8.1942- WPC336 Blaze

SC232 - 237

SC238, 7.1943- WPC365 Bowstring

SC239 - 257

SC258, 11.1942- WPC372 Belleville

SC259 - 267

SC268, 1.1920- Adams

SC269 - 332

SC333, 2.1920- Deering

SC334, 2.1920- Talley

SC335, 11.1919- Cygan

SC336 - 414

SC415, 12.1919- Hahn


SC417, 10.1919- Stellenwerf

SC418 - 430

Knudsen (ex-SC431), 8.1921- SC431


SC433, 10.1919- Klingelhoefer, 8.1921- SC433


Johansson (ex-SC435)


SC437, 10.1919- Boyce, 8.1921- SC437

Cook (ex-SC438)

SC439 - 448


New Orleans Naval Station: SC1 - 4, 114, 115, 443 - 448

New York N Yd, Brooklyn: SC5 - 64

Mathis YB, Camden: SC65 - 74, 209 - 213, 381 - 385, 426 - 430

Hiltebrant, Kingston: SC75 - 89, 371 - 375, 421 - 425

ELCO, Bayonne: SC90 - 105, 363, 364

Charleston N Yd: SC106 - 113

Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth: SC116 - 136

Hodgdon, East Boothbay: SC137 - 139

Hartman-Greiling, Green Bay: SC140, 141

Rocky River: SC142, 143, 403 - 406, 437, Cook (ex-SC438)

Vinyard BB, Milford: SC144 - 146

Fry, Clayton: SC147, 148, 337, 338

Dubuque Boat & Boiler: SC149, 150

Gibbs Gas Engine, Jacksonville: SC151 - 155, 365 - 370

Blount, Warren: SC156 - 159

Wheeler, Brooklyn: SC160 - 168, 439 - 442

Matthews Boat, Port Clinton: SC169 - 178, 386 - 392, 431 - 432, Klingelhoefer (ex-SC433)

International SB, Upper Nyack: SC179 - 188

General SB, Alexandria: SC189 - 208

McDonald, Staten Is: SC214 - 217, 434, Johansson (ex-SC435), SC436

Newcomb, Hampton: SC218 - 222

New York Yacht, Launch & Engine, Morris Heights: SC223 - 242, 393 - 402

Eastern SY, Greenport: SC243 - 248

Chance, Annapolis: SC249, 250, 409, 410

Camden Rockland: SC251, 252, 407, 408

Lawley, Neponset: SC253 - 272

Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo: SC273 - 287

Puget Sound N Yd, Bremerton: SC288 - 312

Jacob, City Is: SC313 - 317

Luders, Stamford: SC318 - 322

Kyle & Purdy, City Is: SC323 - 327, 376 - 380

Great Lakes BB, Milwaukee: SC328, 329, 419, 420

Burger Boat, Sturgeon Bay: SC330

Smith & Williams, Salisbury: SC331, 332

Barett SB, Mobile: SC333 - 336

American Car & Foundry, Wilmington: SC339 - 346

College Point Boat: SC347 - 362, 413 - 418

Clayton SBB: SC411, 412


1-12/1917: SC1, 6, 17 - 27, 55, 77 - 81, 90 - 96, 105, 106, 116 - 125, 130, 143, 147, 148, 151, 156, 159, 174, 178, 179, 214, 215, 223 - 227, 244, 251, 254 - 259, 320, 323 - 329, 349

1-12/1918: SC2 - 4, 34 - 54, 56 - 64, 68 - 74, 82 - 89, 97 - 104, 107 - 115, 126 - 129, 131 - 138, 144, 145, 149, 150, 152 - 155, 157, 158, 164 - 168, 180 - 213, 216 - 222, 228 - 242, 245 - 248, 250, 252, 253, 260 - 312, 321, 322, 330 - 346, 351 - 356, 419, 424, 425, 429, 432, Klingelhoefer (ex-SC433)

1-8/1919: SC407 - 409, 411 - 418, 420 - 423, 426 - 428, 430, 431, 434, Johansson (ex-SC435), SC436, 437,  Cook (ex-SC438), SC439 - 441, 443, 444

11/1942: WPC372 Belleville (ex-SC258) (2nd time)

completed for France 7-12/1917: SC5 (C5), SC7 (C2), SC8 (C1), SC9, 10 (C3, 4), SC11, 12 (C6, 7), SC13 - 15 (C9 - 11), SC16 (C8), SC28 (C24), SC29 (C23), SC65, 66 (C13, 14), SC67 (C22), SC75 (C16), SC76 (C15), SC141 (C93), SC160 (C25), SC170 (C29), SC171 (C39), SC172 (C26), SC174 (C40), SC177 (C99), SC243 (C17), SC314 (C27), SC315 - 317 (C19 - 21), SC318 (C28), SC319 (unnamed), SC347 (C18), SC348 (C22),

completed for France 1-12/1918: SC30 (C33), SC31 (C46), SC32, 33 (C41, 42), SC140 (C43), SC142 (C34), SC146 (C35), SC161 (C36), SC162 (C44), SC163 (C48), SC169 (C37), SC173 (C31), SC175 (C32), SC176 (C38), SC249 (C47), SC313 (C45), SC350 (C30), SC357 (C54), SC358 (C56), SC359 (C60), SC360 (C73), SC361 (C57), SC362 (C49), SC363, 364 (C50, 51), SC365 - 367 (C70 - 72), SC368 - 370 (C95 - 97), SC371 (C61), SC372 (C58), SC373 (C62), SC374 (C52), SC375 (C55), SC376 (C74), SC377 (C59), SC378 (C63), SC379 (C53), SC380 (C75), SC381 (C64), SC382 (C69), SC383, 384 (C76, 77), SC385 - 387 (C80 - 82), SC388 - 391 (C90 - 93), SC392 (C89), SC393 (C66), SC394 (C65), SC395, 396 (C67, 68), SC397, 398 (C78, 79), SC399 (C83), SC400 (C86), SC401 (C98), SC402 (C85), SC403, 404 (C87, 88), SC405 (C84), SC406 (C94)


cancelled: SC139, 410, 442, 445 - 448

SC23 (1920), SC53 (1920), SC58 (2.5.1919), SC60 (1.10.1918), SC81 (6.8.1920), SC84 (6.8.1920), SC117 (22.12.1917), SC132 (5.6.1918), SC165 (25.8.1920), SC184 (9.8.1919), SC185 (30.6.1940), SC187 (4.8.1918), SC209 (27.8.1918), SC219 (9.10.1918), SC256 (1.11.1919), SC282 (11.6.1920), SC339 (19.9.1919), SC340 (6.10.1923), SC343 (15.5.1919), SC433 (ex-Klingelhoefer, ex-SC433) (29.1.1938)


Italy, 6.1919: SC78, 82, 94, 128, 215, 248, 327; 1920: SC179

Cuba, 11.1918: SC274, 302, 311, 312


9-12/1919: SC38, 108, 233, 234, 267, 275, 279 - 281, 414

1-10/1920: SC3, 4, 18, 20, 90, 99, 205, 207, 276, 291, 296, 297, 307, 321, 336, 346, 351, 407, 411, 413, 418, 420, 434

1-12/1921: SC1, 6, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 34 - 37, 39, 41 - 52, 54 - 56, 59, 61, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 83, 85 - 89, 91 - 93, 95, 97, 100, 101, 105 - 107, 109 - 115, 118 - 127, 129 - 131, 133 - 138, 145, 148 - 151, Taylor (ex-SC153), SC157, 158, 164, 166 - 168, 178, 180 - 182, 189, 190, 193 - 196, 198, 202, 206, 208, 211 - 213, 216 - 218, 220 - 222, 225, 226, 228, 230, 235, 236, 239 - 242, 244 - 247, 250, 254, 255, 258 (1st time), 259, 261 - 266, 269, 272, 289, 290, 292, 300, 309, 323 - 325, 331, 337, 342, 344, 345, 349, 352, 354, 356, 409, 416, 421 - 423, 427 - 430, 436

2-12/1922: Quigley (ex-SC22), SC62, 69, 104, 147, 201, 204, 223, 253, 257, Adams (ex-SC268), 270, 273, 277, 278, 283, 286, 288, 293 - 295, 298, 299, 301, 303 - 305, 308, 310, 322, 329, Deering (ex-SC333), Talley (ex-SC334), SC338, 355, 408, Stellenwerf (ex-SC417), SC426, Johansson (ex-SC435), SC439, 441

1-12/1923: Richards (ex-SC27), Newbury (ex-SC70), SC144, Mehalatos (ex-SC197), Ovesen (ex-SC199), Larsen (ex-SC203), SC232, 237, 251, 284, Hahn (ex-SC415), SC424, 425, 444

1-11/1924: SC40, 96, 98, 156, 188, 191, 227, 260, 287, 332, 443

date of discarding unknown: SC26, 116, 200

7-11/1926: SC103, 154, 159, 186

2-7/1927: Hansen (ex-SC68), SC214, 285, 320, 341, 419

3/1928: Vaughan (ex-SC152)

4-12/1930: SC2, 210, 306

7/1931: SC63

6/1934: SC271

11-12/1935: SC57, 326, 328

3-9/1936: SC143, 224, 252, Cygan (ex-SC335), SC353, Cook (ex-SC438)

5-6/1937: Smith (ex-SC155), Tingard (ex-SC183), SC192

8-11/1942: SC64, 440

1-7/1945: Bowstring (ex-SC238), Belleville (ex-SC258) (2nd time), SC432

3-12/1946: Boone (ex-SC229), Blaze (ex-SC231), SC330, 412, SC431 (ex-Knudsen)

1-3/1947: SC102, SC437 (ex-Boyce, ex-SC437)


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



3 Standard petrol engines

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

petrol 9080 l
Endurance, nm(kts) 1000 (12)


1 x 1 - 76/23 Mk XIV, 2 x 1 - 7.6/90, 1 DCT ("Y"-gun)

SC3, 17, 18, 24, 27, 43, 49, 50, 53-58, 62-64, 79, 92, 96, 97, 178, 214, 321, 340: 1 x 1 - 76/24 Mk XV (non-recoil), 2 x 1 - 7.6/90, 1 DCT ("Y"-gun)

Complement 27


Project history: This wooden boat was developed in 1917 for emergency production. The Elco Company already had built large numbers of 80ft motor launches for the Royal Navy, but the General Board considered them too small for sufficient sea-keeping. Wood was used for speed of construction; it was hoped that the entire US order of 345 craft could be ready by 1 January 1918. France was assigned 50 more, and then another 50 to bring the programme up to 448 units. Although they were not delivered on time, the sub-chaser programme was considered one of the triumphs of US World War One mobilisation.

    At first it appeared that powerplants would be a bottleneck, and the Navy considered both requisitioning private motor boats and buying the Elco 80-footers. However, three standard heavy-duty gasoline engines (220bhp each) were substituted for the proposed pair of 300bhp units, and the emergency procurement plans were abandoned.

    A prominent small-craft designer, Loring Swasey, was retained to design them; he was also responsible for the World War Two SC. The design was approved late in March 1917; by May, the General Board was complaining that so small a boat could not suffice to deal with submarines in the open ocean, and that a much larger steel-hulled type was needed. The latter became the Eagle Boat.

Modernizations: None.

1/1946, all survived: 1 x 1 - 76/23 Mk 14 or 1 x 1 - 76/24 Mk 15, 2 x 1 - 7.6/90, 1 DCT

Naval service: In 1919 SC413, 414, 233, 234, 267, 275, 276, 279 - 281 and 307 were transferred to Army (first 2 before completion).

Many chasers were transferred in 1919-1920 to Coast Guard (they were named). SC408, 409, 411, 417 - 423, 435, 436, 438 were never commissioned by Navy.


SC218 1918

© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15