
fighting ships of the world



ADROIT minesweepers (1942-1943)

nearly sister-ship PC466 1945

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
AM82, 6.1944- PC1586 Adroit, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 7.1941 21.2.1942 7.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1.1946
AM83, 6.1944- PC1587 Advent, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 8.1941 12.3.1942 7.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 2.1946
AM84, 6.1944- PC1588 Annoy, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 12.1941 6.4.1942 9.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 3.1946
AM85, 6.1944- PC1589 Conflict, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 1.1942 18.4.1942 9.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM86, 6.1944- PC1590 Constant, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 2.1942 9.5.1942 9.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1954
AM87, 6.1944- PC1591 Daring, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 3.1942 23.5.1942 10.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM88, 6.1944- PC1592 Dash, 6.1944- unnamed   Commercial Iron Wks, Portland 4.1942 20.6.1942 10.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM89, 6.1944- PC1593 Despite, 6.1944- unnamed   Dravo, Pittsburgh 11.1941 28.3.1942 8.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM90, 6.1944- PC1594 Direct, 6.1944- unnamed   Dravo, Pittsburgh 12.1941 25.4.1942 8.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM91, 6.1944- PC1595 Dynamic, 6.1944- unnamed   Dravo, Pittsburgh 1.1942 26.5.1942 9.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM92, 6.1944- PC1596 Effective, 6.1944- unnamed   Dravo, Pittsburgh 1.1942 12.6.1942 10.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM93, 6.1944- PC1597 Engage, 6.1944- unnamed   Dravo, Pittsburgh 2.1942 11.7.1942 10.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, to Dominican Republic 1946 (Cibas)
AM94, 6.1944- PC1598 Excel, 6.1944- unnamed   Jakobson, Oyster Bay 12.1941 10.5.1942 12.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, to Maritime Comm. 6.1947
AM95, 6.1944- PC1599, 8.1945- PCC1599 Exploit, 6.1944- unnamed   Jakobson, Oyster Bay 5.1942 7.9.1942 2.1943 patrol craft 6.1944, to Maritime Comm. 3.1949
AM96, 6.1944- PC1600 Fidelity, 6.1944- unnamed   Nashville Bridge 10.1941 28.2.1942 9.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, to Maritime Comm. 6.1948
AM97, 6.1944- PC1601, 8.1945- PCC1601 Fierce, 6.1944- unnamed   Nashville Bridge 10.1941 5.3.1942 10.1942 patrol craft 6.1944, stricken 1946
AM98, 6.1944- PC1602, 8.1945- PCC1602 Firm, 6.1944- unnamed   Penn-Jersey, Camden 10.1941 29.5.1942 4.1943 patrol craft 6.1944, to Maritime Comm. 6.1948
AM99, 6.1944- PC1603 Force, 6.1944- unnamed   Penn-Jersey, Camden 11.1941 7.9.1942 6.1943 patrol craft 6.1944, sunk 21.5.1945


Displacement standard, t

280 - 414

Displacement full, t

330 - 463

Length, m

51.8 wl 52.9 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

2.36 - 3.30 full load

No of shafts



2 diesels

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

diesel oil 49
Endurance, nm(kts) 3000 (12) - 4800 (12)


1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 1 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, mechanical, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gear

Electronic equipment

SF or SO or SCR-517A radar

Complement 59 - 65

Project history: In 1938 requirements have been prepared for the small patrol ship (PC, patrol craft) which should come instead of morally and physically out-of-date ships of Eagle class. Basic purpose of this ship would be escort of coastal convoys and anti-submarine service in base area. The task provided speed not less than 22kts and an endurance of 3000(12)nm. Under the FY1938 program two "prototypes" were built: 173-ft flush-decked turbine-engined ΠΡ452 and 165-ft diesel-engined ΠΡ451 with forecastle. During trials in 1940 ΠΡ452 has shown the better seaworthiness and higher speed, however low reliability of her experimental machinery have not allowed to mass-building this in remaining the successful ship. At the same time the diesel-powered variant, ΠΡ451, also did not suit a series: unsatisfactory seagoing capacities make use of armament very difficult. It was not represented possible to correct this lack by increasing of dimensions because of imminent decreasing of speed. The matter is that in the USA then was not available diesels appropriate for installation on small ships with more than 1500hp power. In addition to complexities with machinery choice the mite in the list of problems with designing was brought by President Roosevelt, demanded to establish the second 76mm gun.

The way out has been found after study of variant of installation of diesels into the hull of 173-ft "prototype". Thus, the truth, was necessary to refuse from 22kts. Contract speed was lowered on 2kts, and on trials lead ΠΡ461 reached 21.16kts, the truth, at the displacement close to standard. Increasing, in comparison with "prototype", on 0.2m of a hull breadth has allowed to place heavier armament. The project was ready in the early 1941, and in March, 1942 Navy received first serial ships.

In November, 1940, even before the termination of works under the project of PC, the decision on building of minesweepers in 173-ft hulls was accepted. In total 18 minesweepers of Adroit class were completed. At the expense of installation of less powerful diesels and decrease of speed to 16kts it was possible to get a place for diesel-generator for magnetic sweep. As minesweepers these ships have appeared unsuccessful and in June, 1944 they were re-classified as patrols.

Modernizations: 6.1944, all: were converted to PC, - minesweeping gear; + (3 - 4) x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 2 x 4 - 178 Mousetrap Mk 20 ASWRL, 2 DCT, 2 DCR

mid-1944, 3 PC were converted to PC(C): - 1 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, (3 - 4) x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4; additional communication and HQ accommodations were mounted.

1.1946, PC: 1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 21, 1 x 1 - 40/60 Mk 3, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 2 x 4 - 178 Mousetrap Mk 20 ASWRL, 2 DCT, 2 DCR

1.1946, PC(C): 1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 21, 2 x 4 - 178 Mousetrap Mk 20 ASWRL, 2 DCT, 2 DCR

Naval service: PC1603 was sunk by kamikaze at Okinawa.


© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15