
fighting ships of the world



"PCE" escorts (1943-1945)

PCE867 1945

Amherst 1963

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
PCE827     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 10/1942 2.5.1943 --- // 7.1943 to United Kingdom 7.1943 (Kilbirnie)
PCE828     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 11/1942 15.5.1943 --- // 7.1943 to United Kingdom 7.1943 (Kilbride)
PCE829     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 12/1942 27.5.1943 --- // 8.1943 to United Kingdom 8.1943 (Kilchattan)
PCE830     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 12/1942 13.6.1943 --- // 8.1943 to United Kingdom 8.1943 (Kilchrenan)
PCE831     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1/1943 26.6.1943 --- // 9.1943 to United Kingdom 9.1943 (Kildary)
PCE832     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 2/1943 10.7.1943 --- // 9.1943 to United Kingdom 9.1943 (Kildwick)
PCE833     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 2/1943 2.8.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943 (Kilham)
PCE834     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 3/1943 19.8.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943 (Kilkenzie)
PCE835     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 3/1943 3.9.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943 (Kilkhampton)
PCE836     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 4/1943 17.9.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Kilmalcolm)
PCE837     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 4/1943 1.10.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Kilmarnock)
PCE838     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 5/1943 13.10.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Kilmartin)
PCE839     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 5/1943 23.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943 (Kilmelford)
PCE840     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 5/1943 2.11.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943 (Kilmington)
PCE841     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 6/1943 9.11.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943 (Kilmore)
PCE842 2/1956- Marfa   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 6.1943 14.11.1943 1.1944 stricken 6.1961, to South Korea (탕포 [Tangpo])
PCE843 2/1956- Skowhegan   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 6.1943 24.11.1943 1.1944 stricken 7.1960
PCE844     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 7.1943 1.12.1943 2.1944 to Mexico 1947 (Pedro Sainz de Baranda)
PCE845 2/1956- Worland   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 7.1943 1.12.1943 3.1944 stricken 6.1964
PCE846 2.1956- Eunice   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 8.1943 20.12.1943 3.1944 to Equador 11.1960 (Esmeraldas)
PCE847     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 8.1943 27.12.1943 3/1944 to Mexico 1947 (David Porter)
PCE(R)848     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 9.1943 21.1.1944 3.1944 stricken 3.1946
PCE(R)849 2/1956- Somersworth   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 9.1943 31.1.1944 4.1944 stricken 4.1966
PCE(R)850, 1959- EPCE(R)850 2.1956- Fairview   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 10.1943 8.2.1944 4.1944 stricken 5.1968
PCE(R)851, 10.1951- EPCE(R) 2/1956- Rockville   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 10.1943 22.2.1944 5.1944 stricken 12.1968, to Columbia (San Andres)
PCE(R)852 2/1956- Brattleboro   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 10.1943 1.3.1944 5.1944 to South Vietnam 7.1966 (Ngọc Hồi)
PCE(R)853 2/1956- Amherst   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 11.1943 18.3.1944 6.1944 to South Vietnam 6.1970 (Van Kiếp II)
PCE(R)854     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1943 1944 7.1944 sold 1946
PCE(R)855, 6.1946- EPCE(R)855 2/1956- Rexburg   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 12.1943 10.4.1944 11.1944 stricken 3.1970
PCE(R)856, 3.1962- PCE856 2/1956- Whitehall   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 12.1943 21.4.1944 11.1944 stricken 7.1970
PCE(R)857, 3.1947- EPCE(R)857 2/1956- Marysville   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 12.1943 4.5.1944 4.1945 stricken 1970?
PCE(R)858, 2.1946- WPC120 2.1946- Jackson   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1.1944 13.5.1944 5.1945 Coast Guard cutter 2.1946, sold 12.1947
PCE(R)859     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1.1944 28.11.1944 3.1945 sold 1946?
PCE(R)860, 9.1946- WPC121 9.1946- Bedloe   Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1.1944 30.5.1944 3.1945 Coast Guard cutter 9.1946, sold 12.1947
PCE861     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE862     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE863     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE864     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE865     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE866     Pullman Standard Car, Chicago 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE867     Albina, Portland 7.1942 3.12.1942 6.1943 to China 2.1948 (永泰 [Yung Tai])
PCE868     Albina, Portland 8.1942 29.1.1943 8.1943 to Mexico 12.1947 (Virgilio Uribe)
PCE869     Albina, Portland 9.1942 6.2.1943 9.1943 to China 2.1946 (永興 [Yong Xing])
PCE870 2/1956- Dania   Albina, Portland 11.1942 27.2.1943 10.1943 to South Korea 12.1961 (평파 [Byeokpa])
PCE871     Albina, Portland 12.1942 10.3.1943 10.1943 to Mexico 1947 (Blas Godínez)
PCE872     Albina, Portland 1.1943 24.3.1943 11.1943 to Cuba 11.1947 (Caribe)
PCE873, 8.1945- PCE(C)873     Albina, Portland 2.1943 5.5.1943 12.1943 to South Korea 9.1955 (한산 [Hansan])
PCE874 2/1956- Pascagoula   Albina, Portland 3.1943 11.3.1943 12.1943 stricken 5.1959, to Ecuador (Manabí)
PCE875     Albina, Portland 3.1943 27.5.1943 1.1944 to Mexico 1947 (Tomás Marín)
PCE876     Albina, Portland 5.1943 30.9.1943 6.1944//--- commissioned as degaussing vessel YDG8
PCE877, 8.1945- PCE(C)877, 10.1955- PCE877 2/1956- Harve   Albina, Portland 5.1943 11.8.1943 2.1944 stricken 7.1970
PCE878, 6.1944- ACM4 6/1944- Buttress   Albina, Portland 5.1943 26.8.1943 3.1944 training minelayer 6.1944, stricken 3.1947
PCE879     Albina, Portland 5.1943 30.9.1943 7.1944//--- commissioned as degaussing vessel YDG9
PCE880 2/1956- Ely   Albina, Portland 8.1943 27.10.1943 4.1944 stricken 7.1970
PCE881     Albina, Portland 8.1943 10.11.1943 7.1944 to Philippines 7.1948 (Cebu)
PCE882, 8.1945- PCE(C)882     Albina, Portland 8.1943 3.12.1943 2.1945 to South Korea 2.1955 (노량 [Noryang])
PCE883     Albina, Portland 1943 1944 11.1944//--- commissioned as degaussing vessel YDG10
PCE884     Albina, Portland 10.1943 24.2.1944 3.1945 to Philippines 7.1948 (Negros Occidental)
PCE885     Albina, Portland 2.1944 20.6.1944 4.1945 to Philippines 7.1948 (Leyte)
PCE886, 8.1945- PCE(C)886, 10.1955- PCE886 2.1956- Banning   Albina, Portland 3.1944 10.7.1944 5.1945 stricken 1970?
PCE887     Albina, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE888     Albina, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE889     Albina, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE890     Albina, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE891     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 10.1943 24.4.1944 6.1944 to Philippines 7.1948 (Pangasinan)
PCE892 2/1956- Somerset   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 10.1943 1.5.1944 7.1944 to South Korea 12.1961 (율포 [Yulpo])
PCE893     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 10.1943 8.5.1944 7.1944 to Cuba 11.1947 (Siboney)
PCE894 2/1956- Farmington   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 12.1943 15.5.1944 8.1944 to Burma 6.1965 (ရန်တောင် [Yan Taing Aung])
PCE895 2/1956- Crestview   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 12.1943 18.5.1944 10.1944 to South Vietnam 11.1961 (Đống Đa II)
PCE896, 8.1945- PCE(C)896, 10.1955- PCE896     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 12.1943 22.5.1944 11.1944 to South Korea 2.1955 (명량 [Myengnyang])
PCE897     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 12.1943 30.8.1944 1.1945 to Philippines 7.1948 (Iloilo)
PCE898, 8.1945- PCE(C)898     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 12.1943 30.8.1944 1.1945 to South Korea 9.1955 (옥포 [Okpo])
PCE899 2/1956- Lamar   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1.1944 11.8.1944 3.1945 Coast Guard cutter (miscellaneous) WTR899 7.1964
PCE900 2/1956- Groton   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1.1944 11.8.1944 4.1945 stricken 2.1960
PCE901     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 5.1943 8.7.1943 10.1944//--- commissioned as transport AG72 Parris Island
PCE902 2/1956- Portage   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1.1944 28.8.1944 4.1945 stricken 6.1970
PCE903 2/1956- Batesburg   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 2.1944 6.9.1944 5.1945 stricken 6.1961, to South Korea (사천 [Sacheon])
PCE904 2/1956- Gettysburg   Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 2.1944 9.9.1944 5.1945 BU 6.1960
PCE905     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE906     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE907     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE908     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE909     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE910     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE911     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE912     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE913     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE914     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE915     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE916     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE917     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE918     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE919     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE920     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE921     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE922     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE923     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE924     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE925     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE926     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE927     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE928     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE929     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE930     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE931     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE932     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE933     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944
PCE934     Willamette Iron & Steel, Portland 1944 --- --- cancelled 6.1944


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

54.9 wl 56.2 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 diesels

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

diesel oil 140
Endurance, nm(kts) 8500 (12)


PCE: 1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20/21, (2 - 3) x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, (2 - 5) x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR

PCE(C), PCE(R):  1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20/21, 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR

Electronic equipment

SG or SL radar, QHA sonar

Complement 96


Project history: Raven class minesweepers because of aspiration of a management of the American Navy to receive universal ships have appeared too big, difficult-to-build and, as consequence, expensive. In spring 1940 works on creation of more simple and cheap specialised minesweeper have begun, this ship should meet two basic requirements: seaworthiness and ability to work with a minesweeping gear in bad weather conditions and also to have a simple construction, allowing to build minesweepers in big numbers with the minimum expenses.

As starting point at creation of new ship the project of cardinal "simplified" Raven class was given. A double bottom have refused, and for preservation of damage tolerance the hull have increased on height and breadth. A separate diesel-generator was fitted for magnetic sweep, having refused from accepted on Auk class diesel-electric main machinery.

Calculations have shown, that new ships can be built faster, than Raven/Auk class, and will cost on third more cheaply. The order for their building for USN originally has not followed: according to a number of members of the General Bureau they not completely answered to requirements, shown to minesweepers. The project was offered to Royal Navy for delivery on lend-lease. According to requirements of Admiralty they received new bridges, other improvements are brought, however British all the same were delighted not with the project: they liked larger ships of Auk class more. During this moment sentence also has arrived to redesign "simplified" minesweepers into escorts, required as by Royal, as by US Navies. Removal of minesweeping equipment has allowed to install sonar, Hedgehog and DCTs. Though escorts in minesweeper hulls have appeared slow-speed, to their advantages it is possible to refer quite good seaworthiness and powerful armament (in any case they exceeded British anti-submarine trawlers, successfully used throughout war).

In November, 1941 the order for the first ships of Admirable class has followed: 20 ships in PCE variant and 30 as AM, 15 more ΠΡΕ were intended for RN. In total were ordered 174 AM (AM136-165, 214-311, 351-366 and 391-420) and 108 ΠΡΕ (ΠΡΕ827-934). In 1944-1945 building of ΐΜ227-231, 236, 237, 243-245, 290-293, 351-355, 358, 359, 391-420 and ΠΡΕ861-866, 887-890, 905-960 was cancelled.

Modernizations: 1944, PCE882, 884 - 886, 897 - 900, 902 - 904; mid-1945, PCE842, 844 - 847, 870, 871, 874, 880, 881, 893 - 896: were converted to aircraft rescue ships and weather reconnaissance ships

1/1946, PCE: 1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 22, (2 - 3) x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, (2 - 5) x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, SF or SO or SU radar, QHA sonar

1/1946, PCE(C), PCE(R):  1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 22, 1 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, SF or SO or SU radar, QHA sonar

Naval service: No significant events.

PCE893 1944

© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15