
fighting ships of the world



RAVEN (1940) and AUK (1942-1945) minesweepers

Prevail 1943

Broadbill 1963

Swift 1970

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
AM55, 2.1955- MSF55 Raven   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 6.1939 24.8.1940 11.1940 stricken 5.1967
AM56 Osprey   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 6.1939 24.8.1940 11.1940 sunk 5.6.1944
AM57, 2.1955- MSF57 Auk   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 4.1941 26.8.1941 1.1942 stricken 8.1956
AM58, 2.1955- MSF58 Broadbill   Defoe, Bay City 7.1941 21.5.1942 10.1942 stricken 7.1972
AM59, 2.1955- MSF59 Chickadee   Defoe, Bay City 8.1941 20.7.1942 11.1942 to Uruguay 8.1966 (Comandante Pedro Campbell)
AM60, 2.1955- MSF60 Nuthatch   Defoe, Bay City 5.1942 16.9.1942 11.1942 stricken 12.1966
AM61, 2.1955- MSF61 Pheasant   Defoe, Bay City 7.1942 24.10.1942 12.1942 stricken 12.1966
AM62 Sheldrake   General Engineering, Alameda 6.1941 12.2.1942 10.1942 survey ship AGS19 4.1952
AM63 Skylark   General Engineering, Alameda 7.1941 12.3.1942 11.1942 sunk 28.3.1945
AM64, 2.1955- MSF64 Starling   General Engineering, Alameda 7.1941 11.4.1942 12.1942 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Valentín Gómez Farías)
AM65 Swallow   General Engineering, Alameda 7.1941 6.5.1942 1.1943 sunk 22.4.1945
AM100, 2.1955- MSF100 Heed   General Engineering, Alameda 2.1942 19.6.1942 2.1943 stricken 3.1967
AM101, 2.1955- MSF101 Herald   General Engineering, Alameda 3.1942 4.7.1942 3.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Mariano Matamoros)
AM102, 2.1955- MSF102 Motive   General Engineering, Alameda 4.1942 17.8.1942 4.1943 stricken 12.1966
AM103, 2.1955- MSF103 Oracle   General Engineering, Alameda 5.1942 30.9.1942 5.1943 stricken 12.1966
AM104, 2.1955- MSF104 Pilot   Pennsylvania SY, Beaumont 10.1941 5.7.1942 2.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Juan Aldama)
AM105, 2.1955- MSF105 Pioneer   Pennsylvania SY, Beaumont 10.1941 26.7.1942 2.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Leandro Valle)
AM106 Portent   Pennsylvania SY, Beaumont 11.1941 16.8.1942 4.1943 sunk 22.1.1944
AM107 Prevail   Pennsylvania SY, Beaumont 11.1941 13.9.1942 4.1943 survey ship AGS20 4.1952
AM108 Pursuit   Winslow Marine 11.1941 12.6.1942 4.1943 survey ship AGS17 8.1951
AM109 Requisite   Winslow Marine 11.1941 25.7.1942 6.1943 survey ship AGS18 8.1951
AM110, 2.1955- MSF110 Revenge (ex-Right)   Winslow Marine 6.1942 7.11.1942 7.1943 stricken 11.1966
AM111, 2.1955- MSF111 Sage   Winslow Marine 7.1942 21.11.1942 8.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Hermenegildo Galeana)
AM112, 2.1955- MSF112, 10.1958- MMC5 Seer   American SB, Lorain 11.1941 23.5.1942 10.1942 minelayer 10.1958, to Norway 12.1962 (Uller)
AM113 Sentinel   American SB, Lorain 11.1941 23.5.1942 11.1942 sunk 12.7.1943
AM114, 2.1955- MSF114 Staff   American SB, Lorain 11.1941 17.6.1942 11.1942 stricken 3.1967
AM115 Skill   American SB, Lorain 11.1941 22.6.1942 11.1942 sunk 25.9.1943
AM116, 2.1955- MSF116 Speed   American SB, Cleveland 11.1941 18.4.1942 10.1942 to South Korea 11.1967 (순천 [Suncheon])
AM117, 2.1955- MSF117, 10.1958- MMC1 Strive   American SB, Cleveland 11.1941 16.5.1942 10.1942 minelayer 9.1959, to Norway 10.1959 (Gor)
AM118, 2.1955- MSF118 Steady   American SB, Cleveland 11.1941 6.6.1942 11.1942 stricken 2.1968, to Taiwan (平靖 [Ping Jing])
AM119, 2.1955- MSF119, 10.1958- MMC2 Sustain   American SB, Cleveland 11.1941 23.6.1942 11.1942 minelayer 9.1959, to Norway 10.1959 (Tyr)
AM120, 2.1955- MSF120 Sway   John H. Mathis, Camden 11.1941 29.9.1942 7.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Ignacio Miguel Altamirano)
AM121 Swerve   John H. Mathis, Camden 5.1942 25.2.1943 1.1944 sunk 9.7.1944
AM122, 2.1955- MSF122 Swift   John H. Mathis, Camden 6.1942 5.12.1942 12.1943 stricken 7.1972
AM123, 2.1955- MSF123 Symbol   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 11.1941 2.7.1942 12.1942 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Guillermo Prieto)
AM124, 2.1955- MSF124 Threat   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 12.1941 15.8.1942 3.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Francisco Zarco)
AM125 Tide   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 3.1942 7.9.1942 5.1943 sunk 7.6.1944
AM126, 2.1955- MSF126 Token   Gulf SB, Madisonville 7.1941 28.3.1942 12.1942 stricken 12.1966
AM127, 2.1955- MSF127 Tumult   Gulf SB, Madisonville 7.1941 19.4.1942 2.1943 stricken 5.1967
AM128, 2.1955- MSF128 Velocity   Gulf SB, Madisonville 7.1941 15.4.1942 4.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Ignacio L. Vallarta)
AM129 Vital   Gulf SB, Madisonville 1.1942 7.9.1942 5.1943 // --- to United Kingdom before commission 5.1943 (Strenuous)
AM130 Usage   Gulf SB, Madisonville 1.1942 4.10.1942 6.1943 // --- to United Kingdom before commission 6.1943 (Tourmaline)
AM131, 2.1955- MSF131 Zeal   Gulf SB, Madisonville 1.1942 15.9.1942 7.1943 stricken 12.1966
AM314, 2.1955- MSF314 Champion (ex-Akbar)   General Engineering, Alameda 7.1942 12.12.1942 9.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Mariano Escobedo)
AM315, 2.1955- MSF315 Chief (ex-Alice)   General Engineering, Alameda 7.1942 5.1.1943 10.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Jesús González Ortega)
AM316, 2.1955- MSF316 Competent (ex-Amelie)   General Engineering, Alameda 8.1942 30.1.1943 11.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Ponciano Arriaga)
AM317, 2.1955- MSF317 Defense (ex-Amity)   General Engineering, Alameda 10.1942 18.2.1943 1.1944 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Manuel Doblado)
AM318, 2.1955- MSF318 Devastator (ex-Augusta)   General Engineering, Alameda 12.1942 19.4.1943 1.1944 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Sebastián Lerdo de Teiada)
AM319, 2.1955- MSF319 Gladiator (ex-Blaze)   General Engineering, Alameda 1.1943 1.5.1943 2.1944 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Santos Degollado)
AM320, 2.1955- MSF320 Impeccable (ex-Brutus)   General Engineering, Alameda 2.1943 21.5.1943 4.1944 stricken 7.1972
AM321 Overseer (ex-Elfreda)   Associated, Seattle 9.1942 25.1.1943 12.1943 // --- to United Kingdom before commission 12.1943 (Elfreda)
AM322, 2.1955- MSF322 Spear (ex-Errant)   Associated, Seattle 10.1942 25.2.1943 12.1943 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Ignacio de la Llave)
AM323, 2.1955- MSF323, 12.1959- MMC3 Triumph (ex-Espoir)   Associated, Seattle 10.1942 25.2.1943 2.1944 minelayer 1.1961, to Norway 1.1961 (Brage)
AM324, 2.1955- MSF324 Vigilance (ex-Exploit)   Associated, Seattle 11.1942 5.4.1943 2.1944 stricken 12.1966, to Philippines (Quezon)
AM340, 2.1955- MSF340 Ardent (ex-Buffalo)   General Engineering, Alameda 2.1943 22.6.1943 5.1944 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Juan N. Álvarez)
AM341, 2.1955- MSF341 Dextrous (ex-Sepoy)   Gulf SB, Madisonville 1943 17.6.1943 9.1943 to South Korea 12.1967 (거제 [Geoje])
AM371 Minivet   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 7.1944 8.11.1944 5.1945 sunk 29.12.1945
AM372, 2.1955- MSF372 Murrelet   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 8.1944 29.12.1944 8.1945 stricken 12.1964, to Philippines (Rizal)
AM373, 2.1955- EMSF373 Peregrine   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 10.1944 17.2.1945 9.1945 experimental minesweeper 2.1955, miscellaneous auxiliary AG176 2.1964
AM374, 2.1955- MSF374 Pigeon   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 11.1944 28.3.1945 10.1945 stricken 12.1966
AM375, 2.1955- MSF375 Pochard   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 2.1944 11.6.1944 11.1944 stricken 12.1966
AM376, 2.1955- MSF376 Ptarmigan   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 3.1944 15.7.1944 1.1945 to South Korea 7.1963 (신성 [Sinseong])
AM377, 2.1955- MSF377 Quail   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 4.1944 20.8.1944 3.1945 stricken 12.1966
AM378, 2.1955- MSF378 Redstart   Savannah Machine & Foundry Co. 6.1944 18.10.1944 4.1945 to Taiwan 7.1963 (武勝 [Wu Sheng])
AM379, 2.1955- MSF379 Roselle   Gulf SB, Madisonville 2.1944 29.8.1944 2.1945 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Melchior Ocampo)
AM380, 2.1955- MSF380 Ruddy   Gulf SB, Madisonville 2.1944 29.10.1944 4.1945 to Peru 11.1960 (Gálvez)
AM381, 2.1955- MSF381 Scoter   Gulf SB, Madisonville 4.1944 26.9.1944 3.1945 stricken 7.1972, to Mexico (Gutérrez Zamora)
AM382, 2.1955- MSF382 Shoveller   Gulf SB, Madisonville 4.1944 10.12.1944 5.1945 to Peru 11.1960 (Diez Canseco)
AM383, 2.1955- MSF383 Surfbird   American SB, Lorain 2.1944 31.8.1944 11.1944 degaussing vessel ADG383 6.1957
AM384, 2.1955- MSF384 Sprig   American SB, Lorain 2.1944 15.9.1944 4.1945 stricken 7.1972
AM385, 2.1955- MSF385, 7.1964- WTR385 Tanager   American SB, Lorain 3.1944 9.12.1944 7.1945 Coast Guard training cutter 10.1963, sold 11.1972
AM386, 2.1955- MSF386 Tercel   American SB, Lorain 5.1944 16.12.1944 8.1945 stricken 7.1972
AM387, 2.1955- MSF387 Toucan   American SB, Cleveland 2.1944 15.9.1944 11.1944 to Taiwan 12.1964 (劍門 [Jian Men])
AM388, 2.1955- MSF388 Towhee   American SB, Cleveland 3.1944 6.1.1945 3.1945 survey vessel AGS28 4.1964
AM389, 2.1955- MSF389 Waxwing   American SB, Cleveland 5.1944 10.3.1945 8.1945 to Taiwan 10.1965 (居庸 [Ju Yong])
AM390, 2.1955- MSF390 Wheatear   American SB, Cleveland 5.1944 21.4.1945 10.1945 stricken 7.1972


Displacement standard, t

AM55, 56: 810

AM57 - 390: 890

Displacement full, t

AM55, 56: 1040

AM57 - 390: 1250

Length, m

AM55, 56: 65.5 wl 67.1 oa

AM57 - 390: 65.5 wl 67.4 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

AM55, 56: 2.84 full load

AM57 - 390: 3.28 full load

No of shafts



AM55, 56: 2 diesels

AM57 - 390: 2 electric motors, 2 diesel-generators

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

diesel oil 200
Endurance, nm(kts) 6370 (16.5)


AM55, 56: 2 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, 2 DCR, 80 mines (overloaded), mechanical minesweeping gear

AM57: 2 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, 2 DCR, 80 mines (overloaded), mechanical, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gear

AM58 - 65, 100 - 131, 314 - 324, 340, 341: 2 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20/21, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 80 mines (overloaded), mechanical, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gear

AM371, 372, 375 - 387: 2 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20/21 or (1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20/21, 2 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2), 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 80 mines (overloaded), mechanical, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gear

AM373, 374, 388 - 390: 1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20/21, 2 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 80 mines (overloaded), mechanical, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gear

Electronic equipment presumably SF or SO or SU radar, QCU sonar



Project history: By the end of 1930th Bird class minesweepers, making a basis of USN minesweeping forces, have ultimately become outdated. For their replacement in 1938 designing of new ships have begun, which according to sights of Naval staff, besides the main destination, solve still variety of tasks: from ASW service to minelaying.

Similar universality has been bought by displacement growth. Besides the minesweeping equipment new minesweeper could carry 80 mines, sonar and two stern DC racks. The artillery consisted of two 76/50mm DP guns and four 12.7mm MGs.

Experience of an initial stage of war in Europe has unexpectedly revealed serious project lack: new minesweepers were not capable to struggle against magnetic mines. Dense arrangement did not allow to install a diesel-generator necessary for magnetic sweeping gear. The problem was decided by replacing of diesel machinery by diesel-electrical. Despite various machineries, outwardly diesel and diesel-electrical ships practically did not differ from each other.

Only two ships (Raven class) were built under original design, an all the subsequent concerned already to an improved version (Auk class).

During  building of first minesweepers armament structure has undergone some changes: 12.7mm MGs were replaced by 20mm/70 Oerlikons and ASW armament was strengthened by installation of Hedgehog and 4 DCTs. Many ships in 1944-45 had 2 single 40/56 Boforses instead of aft 76/50mm guns and up to 8 Oerlikons.

In total the order on 101 Ravens and Auks has been placed, but in 1943 six of them have refused. 22 ships were transferred to RN by lend-lease.

Modernizations: 1942 - 1943, AM55 - 57: - 4 x 1 - 12.7/90; + 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4

1944 - 45, most of survived early (AM55 - 65, 100 - 131, 314 - 324, 340, 341) ships: - 1 x 1 - 76/50; + 2 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2

1945, most of survived early (AM55 - 65, 100 - 131, 314 - 324, 340, 341) ships: + 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4

early 1960s, most survived: - sweeps

1/1946: 2 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 21/22 or (1 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 21/22, 2 x 1 - 40/60 Mk 3), 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 80 mines (overloaded), sweeps (inc. acoustic and magnetic)

Naval service: Sentinel 10.7.1943 was sunk at coast of Sicily by German aircraft. Skill 25.9.1943 was sunk at Salerno by German submarine U593. Portent was lost 22.1.1944 on a mine at Anzio. Osprey and Tide were lost at coast of Normandy on mines 5.6.1944 and 7.6.1944 respectively. Swerve was lost 9.7.1944 on a mine at Anzio. Skylark 28.3.1945 was lost at Okinawa on a mine. Swallow was sunk 22.4.1945 at Okinawa by kamikaze.

Following ships were damaged by kamikaze at Okinawa: Champion (17.2.1945 and 16.4.1945), Defense (6.4.1945), Devastator (6.4.1945), Gladiator (12.4.1945 and 22.4.1945).

Minivet was stricken by a mine in the Tsushima Strait 29.12.1945.


Raven 1941



© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15