
fighting ships of the world



"TE" destroyer escorts (1943-1944)

Manning 1943

Thomason 1944

Osmus 1944

Harmon 1945

Buckley 1955

Lovelace 1963

Vammen 1963

Gantner 1963

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
DE51, 4.1949- DER51, 10.1954- DE51 Buckley 3051 Bethlehem, Hingham 6/1942 9.1.1943 4/1943 stricken 6.1968
DE52 Bull 3052 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1942 3.2.1943 --- // 5.1943 to United Kingdom 5.1943-1/1946 (Bentinck), stricken 2.1946
DE53, 10.1944- APD37 Charles Lawrence 3053 Bethlehem, Hingham 8/1942 16.2.1943 5/1943 fast transport 10.1944 , stricken 9.1964
DE54, 10.1944- APD38 Daniel T. Griffin 3054 Bethlehem, Hingham 9/1942 23.2.1943 6/1943 fast transport 10.1944 , to Chile 11.1966 (Uribe)
DE55 Donaldson 3055 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1942 6.3.1943 --- // 6.1943 to United Kingdom 6.1943-12/1945 (Byard), stricken 2.1946
DE56 Donnell 3056 Bethlehem, Hingham 11/1942 13.3.1943 6/1943 damaged 3.5.1944, repaired as miscellaneous auxiliary IX182
DE57, 4.1949- DER57, 10.1954- DE57 Fogg 3057 Bethlehem, Hingham 12/1942 20.3.1943 7/1943 stricken 1.1965
DE58 Formoe 3058 Bethlehem, Hingham 12.1942 27.3.1943 --- // 7.1943 to United Kingdom 7.1943 (Calder)
DE59 Foss 3059 Bethlehem, Hingham 12/1942 10.4.1943 7/1943 stricken 1.1965
DE60, 2.1945- APD42 Gantner 3060 Bethlehem, Hingham 12/1942 17.4.1943 7/1943 fast transport 2.1945, stricken 1.1966, to Taiwan (文山 [Wen Shan])
DE61 Thomas J. Gary 3061 Bethlehem, Hingham 1.1943 1.5.1943 --- // 8.1943 to United Kingdom 8.1943-12/1945 (Duckworth), stricken 1.1946
DE62, 2.1945- APD43 George W. Ingram 3062 Bethlehem, Hingham 2/1943 8.5.1943 8/1943 fast transport 2.1945, stricken 1.1967, to Taiwan (岡山 [Kang Shan])
DE63, 2.1945- APD44 Ira Jeffery 3063 Bethlehem, Hingham 2/1943 15.5.1943 8/1943 fast transport 2.1945, stricken 6.1960
DE64 Lamons 3064 Bethlehem, Hingham 2.1943 22.5.1943 --- // 8.1943 to United Kingdom 8.1943 (Duff)
DE65, 2.1945- APD45 Lee Fox 3065 Bethlehem, Hingham 3/1943 29.5.1943 8/1943 fast transport 2.1945, stricken 9.1964
DE66, 2.1945- APD46 Amesbury 3066 Bethlehem, Hingham 3/1943 5.6.1943 8/1943 fast transport 2.1945, stricken 6.1960
DE67 Essington 3067 Bethlehem, Hingham 3.1943 19.6.1943 --- // 9.1943 to United Kingdom 9.1943-10/1945 (Essington), stricken 12.1945
DE68, 7.1944- APD47 Bates 3068 Bethlehem, Hingham 3/1943 6.6.1943 9/1943 fast transport 7.1944, sunk 25.5.1945
DE69, 7.1944- APD48 Blessman 3069 Bethlehem, Hingham 3/1943 19.6.1943 9/1943 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 6.1967, to Taiwan (鍾山 [Chung Shan])
DE70, 7.1944- APD49 Joseph E. Campbell 3070 Bethlehem, Hingham 3/1943 26.6.1943 9/1943 fast transport 7.1944, to Chile 11.1966 (Riquelme)
DE71 Oswald 3071 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1943 30.6.1943 --- // 9.1943 to United Kingdom 9.1943 (Affleck)
DE72 Harmon 3072 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1943 10.7.1943 --- // 9.1943 to United Kingdom 9.1943-11/1945 (Aylmer), stricken 12.1945
DE73 McAnn 3073 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1943 10.7.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943-10/1945 (Balfour), stricken 12.1945
DE74 Elbert 3074 Bethlehem, Hingham 4.1943 17.7.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943-11/1945 (Bentley), stricken 12.1945
DE75 Eisele 3075 Bethlehem, Hingham 5.1943 26.7.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943 (Bickerton)
DE76 Liddle 3076 Bethlehem, Hingham 5.1943 31.7.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943-11/1945 (Blight), stricken 4.1946
DE77 Straub 3077 Bethlehem, Hingham 5.1943 31.7.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943-11/1945 (Braithwaite), stricken 1.1946
DE78 --- 3078 Bethlehem, Hingham 5.1943 7.8.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943 (Bullen)
DE79 --- 3079 Bethlehem, Hingham 5.1943 14.8.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943-11/1945 (Byron), stricken 1.1946
DE80 --- 3080 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 21.8.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943-11/1945 (Conn), stricken 1.1946
DE81 --- 3081 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 21.8.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943-11/1945 (Cotton), stricken 1.1946
DE82 --- 3082 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 28.8.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943-12/1945 (Cranstoun), stricken 2.1946
DE83 --- 3083 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 11.9.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943-3/1946 (Cubitt), stricken 4.1946
DE84 --- 3084 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 18.9.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943-3/1946 (Curzon), stricken 5.1946
DE85 --- 3085 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 18.9.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Dakins)
DE86 --- 3086 Bethlehem, Hingham 6.1943 25.9.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943-3/1946 (Deane), stricken 4.1946
DE87 --- 3087 Bethlehem, Hingham 7.1943 2.10.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Ekins)
DE88 --- 3088 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 1.9.1943 --- // 10.1943 to United Kingdom 10.1943-1/1946 (Fitzroy), stricken 2.1946
DE89 --- 3089 Bethlehem, Hingham 7.1943 2.10.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Redmill)
DE90 --- 3090 Bethlehem, Hingham 7.1943 9.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-10/1945 (Retalick), stricken 12.1945
DE91 --- 3091 Bethlehem, Hingham 7.1943 14.10.1943 --- // 11.1943 to United Kingdom 11.1943 (Halsted)
DE92 --- 3092 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 23.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-2/1946 (Riou), stricken 3.1946
DE93 --- 3093 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 23.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-10/1945 (Rutherford), stricken 12.1945
DE94 --- 3094 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 20.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943 (Cosby)
DE95 --- 3095 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 30.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-11/1945 (Rowley), stricken 1.1946
DE96 --- 3096 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 31/101943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-3/1946 (Rupert), stricken 4.1946
DE97 --- 3097 Bethlehem, Hingham 8.1943 31.10.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-2/1946 (Stockham), stricken 3.1946
DE98 --- 3098 Bethlehem, Hingham 9.1943 1.11.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943-1/1946 (Seymour), stricken 2.1946
DE153, 4.1949- DER153, 10.1954- DE153 Reuben James   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 9/1942 6.2.1943 4/1943 stricken 6.1968
DE154, 9.1944- APD50 Sims   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 9/1942 6.2.1943 4/1943 fast transport 9.1944, stricken 6.1960
DE155, 9.1944- APD51 Hopping   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 12/1942 10.3.1943 5/1943 fast transport 9.1944, stricken 9.1964
DE156, 9.1944- APD52 Reeves   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 2/1943 22.4.1943 6/1943 fast transport 9.1944, stricken 6.1960
DE157 Fechteler   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 2/1943 22.4.1943 7/1943 sunk 4.5.1944
DE158, 11.1944- APD54 Chase   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 3/1943 24.4.1943 7/1943 fast transport 11.1944, damaged 20.5.1945, repair incomplete
DE159, 11.1944- APD55, 1.1969- LPR55 Laning   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 4/1943 4.7.1943 8/1943 fast transport 11.1944, stricken 3.1975
DE160, 10.1944- APD56 Loy   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 4/1943 4.7.1943 9/1943 fast transport 10.1944, stricken 9.1964
DE161, 10.1944- APD57 Barber   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 4/1943 20.5.1943 10/1943 fast transport 10.1944, stricken 11.1968, to Mexico (Coahuila)
DE198 Lovelace   Norfolk N Yd, Portsmouth 5/1943 4.7.1943 11/1943 stricken 7.1967
DE199 Manning   Charleston N Yd 2/1943 1.6.1943 10/1943 stricken 7.1968
DE200 Neuendorf   Charleston N Yd 2/1943 1.6.1943 10/1943 stricken 7.1967
DE201 James E. Craig   Charleston N Yd 4/1943 22.7.1943 11/1943 stricken 6.1968
DE202 Eichenberger   Charleston N Yd 4/1943 22.7.1943 11/1943 stricken 12.1972
DE203 Thomason   Charleston N Yd 6/1943 23.8.1943 12/1943 stricken 6.1968
DE204 Jordan   Charleston N Yd 6/1943 23.8.1943 12/1943 collision 18.9.1945, repair incomplete
DE205, 7.1944- APD59 Newman   Charleston N Yd 6/1943 9.8.1943 11/1943 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 9.1964
DE206, 7.1944- APD60 Liddle   Charleston N Yd 6/1943 9.8.1943 12/1943 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 4.1967
DE207, 7.1944- APD61 Kephart   Charleston N Yd 5/1943 6.9.1943 1/1944 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 5.1967, to South Korea (경북 [Gyeongbuk])
DE208, 7.1944- APD62 Cofer   Charleston N Yd 5/1943 6.9.1943 1/1944 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 4.1966
DE209, 7.1944- APD63 Lloyd   Charleston N Yd 7/1943 23.10.1943 2/1944 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 6.1966
DE210 Otter   Charleston N Yd 7/1943 23.10.1943 2/1944 stricken 11.1969
DE211, 6.1945- APD53 Joseph C. Hubbard   Charleston N Yd 8/1943 11.11.1943 3/1944 fast transport 6.1945, stricken 5.1969
DE212, 6.1945- APD80 Hayter   Charleston N Yd 8/1943 11.11.1943 3/1944 fast transport 6.1945, stricken 12.1966, to South Korea (전남 [Jeonnam])
DE213, 3.1949- DER213, 12.1954- DE213 William T. Powell   Charleston N Yd 8/1943 27.11.1943 3/1944 stricken 11.1965
DE214 Scott   Philadelphia N Yd 1/1943 3.4.1943 7/1943 stricken 7.1965
DE215, 1.1945- APD65 Burke   Philadelphia N Yd 1/1943 3.4.1943 7/1943 fast transport 1.1945, stricken 6.1968, to Columbia (Almirante Brión)
DE216, 1.1945- APD66 Enright   Philadelphia N Yd 2/1943 29.5.1943 9/1943 fast transport 1.1945, to Ecuador 7.1967 (Veinteicinco de Julio (25 de Julio))
DE217 Coolbaugh   Philadelphia N Yd 2/1943 29.5.1943 10/1943 stricken 7.1972
DE218 Darby   Philadelphia N Yd 2/1943 29.5.1943 11/1943 stricken 9.1968
DE219 J. Douglas Blackwood   Philadelphia N Yd 2/1943 29.5.1943 12/1943 stricken 1.1970
DE220 Francis M. Robinson   Philadelphia N Yd 2/1943 29.5.1943 1/1944 stricken 7.1972
DE221 Solar   Philadelphia N Yd 2/1943 29.5.1943 2/1944 internal explosion 30.4.1946
DE222 Fowler   Philadelphia N Yd 4/1943 3.7.1943 3/1944 stricken 7.1965
DE223, 4.1949- DER223, 10.1954- DE223 Spangenberg   Philadelphia N Yd 4/1943 3.7.1943 3/1944 stricken 11.1965
DE563 --- 3163 Bethlehem, Hingham 9.1943 16.10.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Spragge)
DE564 --- 3164 Bethlehem, Hingham 9.1943 6.11.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943 (Stayner)
DE565 --- 3165 Bethlehem, Hingham 9.1943 13.11.1943 --- // 12.1943 to United Kingdom 12.1943 (Thornborough)
DE566 --- 3166 Bethlehem, Hingham 9.1943 20.11.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Trollope)
DE567 --- 3167 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1943 20.11.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Tyler)
DE568 --- 3168 Bethlehem, Hingham 9.1943 27.11.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Torrington)
DE569 --- 3169 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1943 27.11.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Narbrough)
DE570 --- 3170 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1943 4.12.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Waldegrave)
DE571 --- 3171 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1943 12.12.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Whitaker)
DE572 --- 3172 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1943 18.12.1943 --- // 1.1944 to United Kingdom 1.1944 (Holmes)
DE573 --- 3173 Bethlehem, Hingham 10.1943 18.12.1943 --- // 2.1944 to United Kingdom 2.1944 (Hargood)
DE574 --- 3174 Bethlehem, Hingham 11.1943 21.12.1943 --- // 2.1944 to United Kingdom 2.1944 (Hotham)
DE575 Ahrens 3175 Bethlehem, Hingham 11/1943 21.12.1943 2/1944 stricken 4.1965
DE576, 10.1944- APD39 Barr 3176 Bethlehem, Hingham 11/1943 28.12.1943 2/1944 fast transport 10.1944, stricken 6.1960
DE577, 12.1949- DER577, 12.1954- DE577 Alexander J. Luke 3177 Bethlehem, Hingham 11/1943 28.12.1943 2/1944 stricken 5.1970
DE578, 3.1949- DER578, 12.1954- DE578 Robert I. Paine 3178 Bethlehem, Hingham 11/1943 30.12.1943 2/1944 stricken 6.1968
DE633 Foreman 5400 Bethlehem, San Francisco 3/1943 1.8.1943 10/1943 stricken 11.1965
DE634 Whitehurst 5401 Bethlehem, San Francisco 3/1943 5.9.1943 11/1943 stricken 7.1969
DE635 England 5402 Bethlehem, San Francisco 4/1943 26.9.1943 12/1943 damaged 9.5.1945, never repaired
DE636 Witter 5403 Bethlehem, San Francisco 4/1943 17.10.1943 12/1943 damaged 6.4.1945, repair incomplete
DE637, 6.1945- APD40 Bowers 5404 Bethlehem, San Francisco 5/1943 31.10.1943 1/1944 fast transport 6.1945, to Philippines 4.1961 (Rajah Soliman)
DE638 Willmarth 5405 Bethlehem, San Francisco 6/1943 21.11.1943 3/1944 stricken 12.1966
DE639 Gendreau 5406 Bethlehem, San Francisco 8/1943 12.12.1943 3/1944 stricken 12.1972
DE640 Fieberling 5407 Bethlehem, San Francisco 8/1943 2.4.1944 4/1944 stricken 3.1972
DE641 William C. Cole 5408 Bethlehem, San Francisco 9/1943 29.12.1943 5/1944 stricken 3.1972
DE642 Paul G. Baker 5409 Bethlehem, San Francisco 9/1943 12.3.1944 5/1944 stricken 12.1969
DE643 Damon M. Cummings 5410 Bethlehem, San Francisco 10/1943 18.4.1944 6/1944 stricken 3.1972
DE644, 2.1952- DEC644, 1957- DE644 Vammen 5411 Bethlehem, San Francisco 8/1943 21.5.1944 7/1944 stricken 7.1969
DE665 Jenks   Dravo, Pittsburgh 5/1943 11.9.1943 6/1944 stricken 2.1966
DE666 Durik   Dravo, Pittsburgh 6/1943 9.10.1943 3/1944 stricken 6.1965
DE667 Wiseman   Dravo, Pittsburgh 7/1943 6.11.1943 4/1944 stricken 4.1973
DE675, 12.1944- APD75 Weber 1552 Bethlehem, Quincy 2/1943 1.5.1943 6/1943 fast transport 12.1944, stricken 6.1960
DE676, 1.1945- APD76 Schmitt 1553 Bethlehem, Quincy 2/1943 29.5.1943 7/1943 fast transport 1.1945, stricken 5.1967, to Taiwan (龍山 [Lung Shan])
DE677, 12.1944- APD77 Frament 1554 Bethlehem, Quincy 5/1943 28.6.1943 8/1943 fast transport 12.1944, stricken 1.1960
DE678 Harmon 1555 Bethlehem, Quincy 5/1943 25.7.1943 8/1943 stricken 8.1965
DE679 Greenwood 1556 Bethlehem, Quincy 6/1943 21.8.1943 9/1943 stricken 2.1967
DE680 Loeser 1557 Bethlehem, Quincy 7/1943 11.9.1943 10/1943 stricken 8.1968
DE681 Gillette 1558 Bethlehem, Quincy 8/1943 25.9.1943 10/1943 stricken 12.1972
DE682 Underhill 1559 Bethlehem, Quincy 9/1943 15.10.1943 11/1943 sunk 24.7.1945
DE683 Henry R. Kenyon 1560 Bethlehem, Quincy 9/1943 30.10.1943 11/1943 stricken 12.1969
DE693, 7.1944- APD78 Bull 266 Defoe, Bay City 12/1942 25.3.1943 8/1943 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 6.1966, to Taiwan (廬山 [Lu Shan])
DE694, 7.1944- APD79 Bunch 267 Defoe, Bay City 2/1943 29.5.1943 8/1943 fast transport 7.1944, stricken 4.1964
DE695 Rich 268 Defoe, Bay City 3/1943 22.6.1943 10/1943 sunk 8.6.1944
DE696 Spangler 269 Defoe, Bay City 4/1943 15.7.1943 10/1943 stricken 3.1972
DE697 George 270 Defoe, Bay City 5/1943 14.8.1943 11/1943 stricken 11.1969
DE698, 11.1949- DEC698, 12.1957- DE698 Raby 271 Defoe, Bay City 6/1943 4.9.1943 12/1943 stricken 6.1968
DE699 Marsh 272 Defoe, Bay City 6/1943 25.9.1943 1/1944 stricken 4.1973
DE700 Currier 273 Defoe, Bay City 7/1943 14.10.1943 2/1944 stricken 12.1966
DE701 Osmus 274 Defoe, Bay City 8/1943 4.11.1943 2/1944 stricken 12.1972
DE702 Earl V. Johnson 275 Defoe, Bay City 9/1943 24.11.1943 3/1944 stricken 5.1967
DE703 Holton 276 Defoe, Bay City 9/1943 15.12.1943 5/1944 stricken 11.1972
DE704, 12.1950- DEC704, 12.1957- DE704 Cronin 277 Defoe, Bay City 10/1943 5.1.1944 5/1944 stricken 6.1970
DE705, 12.1950- DEC705, 12.1957- DE705 Frybarger 278 Defoe, Bay City 11/1943 25.1.1944 5/1944 stricken 12.1972
DE789, 12.1944- APD81 Tatum   Consolidated, Orange 4/1943 7.8.1943 11/1943 fast transport 12.1944, stricken 6.1960
DE790 Borum   Consolidated, Orange 4/1943 14.8.1943 11/1943 stricken 8.1965
DE791, 8.1946- EDE791 Maloy   Consolidated, Orange 5/1943 18.8.1943 12/1943 stricken 6.1965
DE792, 12.1944- APD84 Haines   Consolidated, Orange 5/1943 26.8.1943 12/1943 fast transport 12.1944, stricken 6.1960
DE793, 1.1945- APD85 Runels   Consolidated, Orange 6/1943 4.9.1943 1/1944 fast transport 1.1945, stricken 6.1960
DE794, 1.1945- APD86, 1.1969- LPR86 Hollis   Consolidated, Orange 7/1943 11.9.1943 1/1944 fast transport 1.1945, stricken 9.1974
DE795 Gunason   Consolidated, Orange 8/1943 16.10.1943 2/1944 stricken 9.1973
DE796 Major   Consolidated, Orange 8/1943 23.10.1943 2/1944 stricken 12.1972
DE797 Weeden   Consolidated, Orange 8/1943 27.10.1943 2/1944 stricken 6.1968
DE798 Varian   Consolidated, Orange 8/1943 6.11.1943 2/1944 stricken 12.1972
DE799 Scroggins   Consolidated, Orange 9/1943 6.11.1943 3/1944 stricken 7.1965
DE800 Jack W. Wilke   Consolidated, Orange 10/1943 18.12.1943 3/1944 stricken 8.1972


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

91.4 wl 93.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

3.43 ful load

No of shafts



DE51 - 98, 563 - 578, 665 - 673: 2 General Electric steam turbine-generators, 2 electric motors, 2 Foster Wheeler boilers

DE153, 154, 156 - 161, 198, 214 - 223, 789 - 800: 2 General Electric steam turbine-generators, 2 electric motors, 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

DE155, 199 - 213, 633 - 644, 675 - 683, 693 - 705: 2 General Electric steam turbine-generators, 2 electric motrs, 2 Combustion Engineering boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 359

Endurance, nm(kts) 5000(15) - 5500(15)


DE51, 153, 154: 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 1 x 4 - 28/75 Mk 1, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog k 10 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120)

DE53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68 - 70, 155 - 161, 198 - 223, 633 - 644, 665 - 667, 675 - 683, 693 - 705, 789 - 800: 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120)

DE575 - 578: 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 4 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120)

Electronic equipment

SC, SF or SL or SU radars, QGA sonar




Project history: Necessity for building, along with destroyers, of smaller and cheaper ships was advanced by a number of officers and admirals of the American Navy in 1939. Such "2nd rank" destroyers could fulfil successfully convoys escort and solve many auxiliary tasks, abstraction on which of destroyers was inexpedient. Originally General Board has disapproved of building of similar ships, but next year situation has cardinally changed, and as a result some projects have been prepared. Any of them was not been accepted, as the American designers have tried to go on a way of decreasing of usual destroyer to 1000-1200t displacement, having stored thus her basic armament. As a result very cramped arrangement with unsatisfactory combination of leading particulars was received.

In spite of the fact that the project has not been finished yet, in January, 1941 the decision on building of such 50 destroyers was accepted. That though somehow to boost process of designing, the General board in February changed requirements on speed (not less than 25kts.) and to armament structure (earlier it was provided to install DP 127mm guns). Soon new project was ready: 1140t displacement, 85.3m length, 24kts speed, 2 single 102/50mm or 127/38mm single-purpose guns, 1 quadruple 40mm Bofors, 2 single 20mm Oerlikons and 1 triple TT. General board approved project, however in such kind it was never realised: in May, 1941 this program was cancelled. Probably destroyer escort also would not appear at all, but unexpectedly the help has come from Britain. British commission has become interested in the project and 23.6.1941 directed inquiry about possibility of building of 100 similar ships, with replacement of SP by 3 single 76/50mm AA guns, installation of twin rudders for improvement of manoeuvrability and retuning under the British standard of bridge. Specified corrections have been brought in the project, and already 15.8.1941 plan of building of 50 ships for UK was approved by Roosevelt. Simultaneously the American Navy HQ convinced the president to begin building of similar ships for own navy, but this sentence has been rejected. Only in November, 1941 the order for first DE for USN has followed.

After the joining of the USA into war congestion of the industry by various defence orders has led to necessity of including to project of significant changes concerning machinery. Originally provided 12000hp twin-shaft geared steam turbines was replaced by diesel, diesel-electric or turbo-electric machinery and only small part of ships was equipped by geared turbines. Besides, new machinery required more spacious engine room and, consequently, lengthened hull.

In the project the displacement reserve for armament strengthening (replacement of three 76mms openly standing guns by two 127mm in enclosed mounts) was included, as has been realised in late series.

In total there were six series of destroyer escorts:

Evarts class (GMT): 6000hp diesel-electric machinery (4 1500hp diesels-generators, 2 electric motors), 76mm guns, "short" hull.

Cannon class (DET): 6000hp diesel-electric machinery (4 1500hp diesels-generators, 2 electric motors), 76mm guns, "long" hull.

Edsall class (FRM): 6000hp diesel machinery (4 1500hp diesels working through gears on 2 shafts), 76mm guns, "long" hull.

Buckley class (TE): 12000hp turbo-electric machinery, 76mm guns, "long" hull.

Rudderow class (TEV): 12000hp turbo-electric machinery, 127mm guns, "long" hull.

John Ñ. Butler class (WGT): 12000hp geared steam turbine machinery, 127mm guns, "long" hull.

In 1944 when the number of escorts on Atlantic has been recognised by sufficient, large number of DEs of Buckley and Rudderow classes were converted to fast landing transports for service on Pacific. Thus they received the superstructure expanded to sides, all anti-submarine armament (except two DCR) part of artillery and torpedoes were removed . After conversion such transport could carry up to 162 rangers for which landing 4 LCVP were available.

In total 154 destroyer escorts of "TE" class were ordered.

43 destroyer escorts were converted to fast personnel landing transports: 6 ships (APD69-74, ex-DE668-673) were commissioned as landing ships, others (DE53, 54, 576, 637, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68-70, 154-156, 211, 158-161, 205-209, 215, 216, 675-677, 693, 694, 212, 789, 792-794 were re-classified as APD37-40, 42-57, 59-63, 65, 66, 75-81 and 84-86 respectively) were converted after they service as destroyer escorts.

For some reasons works on conversion of seven more ships (DE635, 636, 214, 665, 666, 790 and 791 for which numbers APD41, 58, 64, 67, 68, 82 and 83 have been reserved) were not started.

Modernizations: mid 1943, Buckley, Reuben James, Sims: - 1 x 4 - 28/75; + 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4

1944 - 1945, APD Charles Lawrence, Daniel T. Griffin, Gantner, George W. Ingram, Ira Jeffery, Lee Fox, Amesbury, Bates, Blessman, Joseph E. Campbell, Sims, Hopping, Reeves, Chase, Laning, Loy, Barber, Newman, Liddle, Kephart, Cofer, Lloyd, Joseph C. Hubbard, Hayter, Burke, Enright, Barr, Bowers, Weber, Schmitt, Frament, Bull, Bunch, Tatum, Haines, Runels, Hollis: - 3 x 1 - 76/50, 1 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog, 8 DCT; + 1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 2 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, military load: 4 LCVP, 162 troops

1945, Ahrens, Alexander J. Luke, Robert I. Paine: - 4 x 1 - 40/56; + 2 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2

autumn 1945, Coolbaugh, Darby, J. Douglas Blackwood, Harmon, Greenwood, Loeser, Spangler, George, Raby, Currier, Osmus: - 3 x 1 - 76/50, 2 x 1 - 20/70, 1 x 3 - 533 TT; + 2 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 1 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 2 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2

1945, DER Buckley, Fogg, Reuben James, William T. Powell, Spangenberg: - 3 x 1 - 76/50, 2 x 1 - 20/70, 1 x 3 - 533 TT; + 2 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 1 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 2 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, SPS-6 radar

1945, DER Alexander J. Luke, Robert I. Paine: - 3 x 1 - 76/50, 2 x 1 - 20/70; + 2 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 1 x 4 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, SPS-6 radar

1.1946, DE51, 57, 153, 213, 223: 2 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 30, 1 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 3 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120), SPS-6 radar

1.1946, DE59, 198-203, 210, 214, 220-222, 633, 634, 638-644, 665-667, 681, 683, 695, 699, 702-705, 790, 791, 795-800: 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 22, 1 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120)

1.1946, DE217-219, 678-680, 696-698, 700, 701: 2 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 30, 1 x 4 - 40/60 Mk 2, 3 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120)

1.1946, DE575, 577, 578: 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 22, 3 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10.11 ASWRL, 8 DCT, 2 DCR (120)

1.1946, APD37-40, 42-46, 48-53, 55-57, 59-63, 65, 66, 75-81, 84-86: 1 x 1 -127/38 Mk 30, 3 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 2 DCR; 4 LCVP, 162 troops

late 1940s, Coolbaugh, Greenwood, Currier: - 3 x 2 - 40/60, 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL; + 1 x 24 - 178 Hedhehog Mk 14 ASWRL,

1950, Cronin, Frybarger, Maloy: were converted to ASW escorts

1952, Vammen: - 1 x 1 - 76/50, 1 x 2 - 40/60, 8 x 1 - 20/70; + 2 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 15 ASWRL

1957, Vammen, Cronin, Frybarger, Maloy: were reconverted to standard.

Naval service: DE668 - 673 were completed as fast transports APD69 - 74. Fechteler 5.5.1944 was sunk NW off Oran by German submarine U967. Rich 8.6.1944 was lost at coast of Normandy on a mine. Bates 25.5.1945 was sunk by three kamikazes at Okinawa. Underhill 24.7.1945 was sunk at Philippines coast by Japanese Kaiten human torpedo, launched from submarine I53.

Fogg 20.12.1944 was damaged by a torpedo from German submarine. Donnell 3.5.1944 was badly damaged N off Ireland by a torpedo from German submarine U765, never fully repaired and and since July, 1944 used as floating power-station in Cherbourg. Barr 29.5.1944 was damaged by German submarine U549 and repaired two months. Frament 15.11.1944 was damaged at Bermuda at collision with Italian submarine Luigi Settembrini and repaired one month. Vammen 1.4.1945 was damaged at Okinawa on a mine. Blessman 18.2.1945 was damaged by Japanese 225kg air bomb.

During attacks of Japanese aircraft and kamikazes at Okinawa following ships received damages of various severity level: Foreman (26.3.1945 and 2.4.1945, heavy), Witter (6.4.1945, heavy), Fieberling (6.4.1945), Whitehurst (12.4.1945, heavy), Bowers (16.4.1945, heavy), England (27.4.1945 and 9.5.1945, heavy, never repaired), Chase (20.5.1945, heavy), Sims (24.5.1945), William Ñ. Cole (24.5.1945), Loy (27.5.1945, heavy).

Gendreau 9.6.1945 was badly damaged at Okinawa by Japanese coastal guns.

Jordan collided with s/s John Sherman off Miami 18.9.1945, never completely repaired and stricken in January, 1946. Solar was badly damaged as result of 3 internal explosions while unloading ammunition 30.4.1946 at Earle and stricken in June.


Solar 1944

© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15