
fighting ships of the world



ZUMWALT missile destroyers (2016)

Zumwalt 2016

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
DDG1000 Zumwalt 601 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 17.11.2011 28.10.2013 7.9.2016 in service (2020)
DDG1001 Michael Monsoor 602 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 23.5.2013 20.6.2016 26.1.2019 in service (2020)
DDG1002 Lyndon B. Johnson 603 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 30.1.2017 9.12.2018 2021 building (2020)


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

182.8 pp 185.9 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 Rolls-Royce MT-30 gas turbine generators + 2 Rolls-Royce 4500 gas turbine generators, 2 Alstom Converteam electric motors

Power, h. p.

97920 + 10440 = 94660 (maximal power of the propulsion motors)

Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

gas turbine oil

Endurance, nm(kts)



4 x 20 Mk 57 VLS Tomahawk CruM/Standard SM-2MR Block III/Standard SM-2ER/ Standard SM-6 SAM/ ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR (80 Tomahawk RGM-109 + Standard SM-2MR Block III RIM-66 + Standard SM-2ER Block IV RIM-156 + Standard SM-6 RIM-174 + ESSM RIM-162 (4 missiles in one cell) + ASROC RUM-139), 2 x 1 - 155/62 AGS, 2 x 1 - 57/70 Mk 110 Mod. 0, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 Mod. 15 TT, 2 helicopters (MH-60R) or (1 helicopter (MH-60R) + 3 UAV (MQ-8B)), WLD-1 RMS UAV

Military load 2 11m RIBs

Electronic equipment

2x SPS-73(v)18, SPY-3, fire control radars, IRST e/o system, SQQ-90 sonar suite (SQS-60 hull-mounted + SQS-61 hull-mounted + SQR-20 towed array), MFEW ECM suite, 4x Mk 137 Mod. 10 decoy RL (SRBOC and Nulka systems), SSTD torpedo decoy system, SLQ-25A Nixie towed torpedo decoy, NFCS, SSDS Mk 4 CCS




Project history: By 2001 Department of Defence decided that the previous DD21 program was too specialized and requested that a new DD(X) be capable of more general-purpose duties. The DD21 guided-missile destroyer program was reconstituted as the DD(X) 1.11.2001 and officially named the Zumwalt class 7.4.2006. The Zumwalt class is optimized for land-attack and littoral missions. Initial plans called for a class of 32 ships, though by 2009 this had been reduced to 3 units with funding going instead to purchase additional Arleigh Burke class destroyers. The ships are being built primarily at General Dynamics Bath Iron Works but  some portions (deckhouses, hangars) are built by Ingalls SB at Pascagoula.

    The ships are built with inward-sloped sides above the wl in what is known as water-piercing tumblehome hull design to reduce radar cross-section. Additional signature reduction features are included in the design, to include IR and acoustic; the superstructures enclose the masts, antennas, bridge, exhaust stacks and sensors. The class is fitted with stern boat ramp to launch and recover two 11m RIBs. The superstructure made extensive use of composites, and the Zumwalt class design includes an integrated electric propulsion system.  Two Rolls-Royce MT-30 gas turbines will power the ship as part of the Integrated Power System (IPS). Extensive use of automation permitted reduced crew size.

    Ships are armed with Raytheon's 80-cell Mk 57 Advanced VLS fitted in peripheral compartments to increase survivability by projecting any explosions outward and away from the ship. Two 155mm Advanced Gun Systems, each with 300 rounds of ammunition, are carried for land-attack operations. Each ship also carried two 57mm Bofors SAK, standartized by USN as Mk 110. Hangar can accommodate two MH-60R helicopters or one MH-60R and three MQ-8B Firescout drones, flight deck is 45.8x15.6m and fitted with ASIST landing/arresting system. The Zumwalt class is not expected to carry SSM but will carry the SM-3 missiles in addition to SM-2/SM-6. As a result of budget cuts, SPY-4 Volume Search Radar (VSR) is not installed. Software modifications permitted the SPY-3 to be used for horizon search or volume air search operations. The SPY-4 radar and SM-3 missiles can be added in the future. Ships are equipped with WLD-1 RMS (Remote Minehunting System), including unmanned submerged minehunting vehicle.

    Endurance is 45 days, planned living cycle is 35 years.


Modernizations: future, all: + SM-3 SAM ability, SPY-4 radar

Naval service: No significant events.


Zumwalt 2016


Zumwalt 2016

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