
fighting ships of the world



WICKES destroyers (1918-1921)

Wickes 1918

Ringgold 1918

Dent 1918

Ward 1942

McKean 1942


McKean 1942

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
DD75 Wickes 74 Bath Iron Wks 6.1917 25.6.1918 7.1918 to United Kingdom 10.1940 (Montgomery)
DD76 Philip 75 Bath Iron Wks 9.1917 25.7.1918 8.1918 to United Kingdom 10.1940 (Lancaster)
DD77 Woolsey 76 Bath Iron Wks 11/1917 17.9.1918 9/1918 collision 26.2.1921
DD78 Evans 77 Bath Iron Wks 12.1917 30.10.1918 11.1918 to United Kingdom 10.1940 (Mansfield)
DD79, 8.1940- APD4 Little 274 Fore River, Quincy 6.1917 11.11.1917 4.1918 fast transport 8.1940, sunk 5.9.1942
DD80 Kimberly 275 Fore River, Quincy 6.1917 14.12.1917 4.1918 stricken 1.1937
DD81 Sigourney 276 Fore River, Quincy 8.1917 16.12.1917 5.1918 to United Kingdom 11.1940 (Newport)
DD82, 8.1940- APD3 Gregory 277 Fore River, Quincy 8.1917 27.1.1918 6.1918 fast transport 11.1940, sunk 5.9.1942
DD83, 1940- APD6, 6.1945- DD83 Stringham 278 Fore River, Quincy 9.1917 30.3.1918 7.1918 fast transport 12.1940, destroyer 6.1945, stricken 12.1945
DD84 Dyer 279 Fore River, Quincy 9.1917 13.3.1918 7.1918 stricken 1.1936
DD85, 8.1940- APD2 Colhoun 280 Fore River, Quincy 9.1917 21.2.1918 7.1918 fast transport 12.1940, sunk 30.8.1942
DD86 Stevens 281 Fore River, Quincy 9.1917 13.1.1918 5.1918 stricken 1.1936
DD87 McKee 156 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 10.1917 23.3.1918 9.1918 stricken 1.1936
DD88 Robinson 157 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 10.1917 28.3.1918 10.1918 to United Kingdom 11.1940 (Newmarket)
DD89 Ringgold 158 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 10.1917 14.4.1918 11.1918 to United Kingdom 11.1940 (Newark)
DD90, 8.1940- APD5 McKean 159 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 2.1918 4.7.1918 2.1919 fast transport 12.1940, sunk 17.11.1943
DD91 Harding 160 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 2.1918 4.7.1918 1.1919 stricken 1.1936
DD92 Gridley, 5.1935- unnamed 161 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 4.1918 4.7.1918 1.1919 stricken 1.1937
DD93 Fairfax   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 7.1917 15.12.1917 4.1918 to United Kingdom 10.1940 (Richmond)
DD94 Taylor   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 10.1917 27.12.1917 7.1918 stricken 12.1938
DD95 Bell 301 Fore River, Quincy 11.1917 14.1.1919 7.1918 stricken 1.1937
DD96, 7.1920- DM1 Stribling 302 Fore River, Quincy 12.1917 29.5.1918 8.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 12.1936
DD97, 7.1920- DM2 Murray 303 Fore River, Quincy 12.1917 8.6.1918 8.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 1.1936
DD98, 7.1920- DM3 Israel 304 Fore River, Quincy 1.1918 22.6.1918 8.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 1.1937
DD99, 7.1920- DM4 Luce (ex-Schley) 305 Fore River, Quincy 2.1918 29.6.1918 9.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 1.1936
DD100, 7.1920- DM5 Maury 306 Fore River, Quincy 2.1918 4.7.1918 9.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 10.1930
DD101, 7.1920- DM6 Lansdale 307 Fore River, Quincy 4.1918 21.7.1918 10.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 1.1937
DD102, 7.1920- DM7 Mahan 308 Fore River, Quincy 5.1918 4.8.1918 10.1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 10.1930
DD103, 2.1943- APD14, 7.1945- DD103 Schley 181 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 10.1917 28.3.1918 9.1918 fast transport 2.1943, destroyer 7.1945, stricken 12.1945
DD104 Champlin 182 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 10.1917 7.4.1918 11.1918 stricken 5.1936
DD105 Mugford, 5.1935- unnamed 183 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 12.1917 14.4.1918 11.1918 stricken 5.1936
DD106 Chew 184 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 1.1918 26.5.1918 12.1918 stricken 11.1945
DD107, 11.1930- IX36, 4.1931- DD107 Hazelwood 185 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 12/1917 22.6.1918 2/1919 target No2 IX36 11.1930, destroyer 4.1931, stricken 6.1935
DD108 Williams 186 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 3/1918 4.7.1918 3/1919 to Canada 9.1940 (St. Clair)
DD109 Crane 187 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 1/1918 4.7.1918 4/1919 stricken 12.1945
DD110, 7.1920- DM8 Hart 188 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 1/1918 4.7.1918 5/1919 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 11.1931
DD111, 7.1920- DM9 Ingraham 189 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 1/1918 4.7.1918 5/1919 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 12.1936
DD112, 7.1920- DM10 Ludlow 190 Union Iron Wks, San Francisco 1/1918 9.6.1918 12/1918 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 11.1930
DD113, 5.1944- APD25, 7.1945- DD113 Rathburne 450 Cramp, Philadelphia 7/1917 27.12.1917 6/1918 fast transport 5.1944, destroyer 7.1945, stricken 11.1945
DD114, 3.1943- APD7, 7.1945- DD114 Talbot 451 Cramp, Philadelphia 7/1917 20.2.1918 7/1918 fast transport 10.1942, destroyer 7.1945, stricken 10.1945
DD115, 2.1943- APD8, 8.1945- DD115 Waters 452 Cramp, Philadelphia 7/1917 9.3.1918 8/1918 fast transport 10.1942, destroyer 8.1945, stricken 10.1945
DD116, 3.1943- APD9 Dent 453 Cramp, Philadelphia 8/1917 23.3.1918 9/1918 fast transport 10.1942, stricken 1.1946
DD117, 11.1940- DMS1 Dorsey 454 Cramp, Philadelphia 9/1917 9.4.1918 9/1918 fast minesweeper 11.1940, wrecked 9.10.1945
DD118 Lea 455 Cramp, Philadelphia 9/1917 29.4.1918 10/1918 stricken 8.1945
DD119, 4.1932- AG21, 11.1940- DMS2 Lamberton 217 Newport News 10/1917 30.3.1918 8/1918 target vessel AG21 4.1932, fast minesweeper 11.1940, stricken 1.1947
DD120, 4.1932- AG22, 6.1932- DD120 Radford 218 Newport News 10/1917 5.8.1918 9/1918 conversion to target cancelled, stricken 5.1936
DD121, 1.1931- DM17 Montgomery 219 Newport News 10/1917 23.3.1918 7/1918 fast minelayer 1.1931, badly damaged 17.10.1944, never repaired
DD122, 6.1931- DM18 Breese 220 Newport News 11/1917 11.5.1918 10/1918 fast minelayer 6.1931, stricken 2.1946
DD123, 6.1930- DM15 Gamble 221 Newport News 11/1917 11.5.1918 11/1918 fast minelayer 6.1930, damaged 18.2.1945, never repaired
DD124, 6.1930- DM16 Ramsay 222 Newport News 12/1917 8.6.1918 2/1919 fast minelayer 6.1930, miscellaneous auxiliary AG98 6.1945
DD125, 7.1943- APD19 Tattnall 210 New York SB, Camden 12/1917 5.9.1918 6/1919 fast transport 7.1943, stricken 1.1946
DD126 Badger 211 New York SB, Camden 1/1918 14.8.1918 5/1919 stricken 8.1945
DD127 Twiggs 212 New York SB, Camden 1/1918 28.9.1918 7/1919 to United Kingdom 10.1940 (Leamington)
DD128 Babbitt 213 New York SB, Camden 2/1918 30.9.1918 10/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG102 6.1945
DD129 De Long 214 New York SB, Camden 2/1918 29.10.1918 9/1919 wrecked 1.12.1921
DD130 Jacob Jones 215 New York SB, Camden 2/1918 20.11.1918 10/1919 sunk 28.2.1942
DD131 Buchanan 78 Bath Iron Wks 6/1918 2.1.1919 1/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Campbelltown)
DD132 Aaron Ward 79 Bath Iron Wks 8/1918 10.4.1919 4/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Castleton)
DD133 Hale 80 Bath Iron Wks 10/1918 29.5.1919 6/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Caldwell)
DD134 Crowninshield 81 Bath Iron Wks 11/1918 24.7.1919 8/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Chelsea)
DD135 Tillman   Charleston N Yd 7/1918 7.7.1919 4/1920 to United Kingdom 11.1940 (Wells)
DD136, 8.1931- IX36, 11.1940- DMS3 Boggs   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 11/1917 25.4.1918 9/1918 target vessel IX36 8.1931, fast minesweeper 11.1940, miscellaneous auxiliary AG19 6.1945
DD137, 8.1931- IX37, 4.1932- DD137, 3.1943 - APD15, 7.1945 - DD137 Kilty   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 12/1917 25.4.1918 12/1918 target vessel IX37 8.1931, destroyer 4.1932, fast transport 1.1943, destroyer 7.1945, stricken 11.1945
DD138 Kennison   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 2/1918 8.6.1918 4/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG83 10.1944
DD139, 2.1943- APD16 Ward (ex-Cowell)   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 5/1918 1.6.1918 7/1919 fast transport 1.1943, sunk 7.12.1944
DD140 Claxton   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 4/1918 14.1.1919 9/1919 to United Kingdom 11.1940 (Salisbury)
DD141, 10.1941- DMS18 Hamilton   Mare Island N Yd, Vallejo 6/1918 15.1.1919 11/1919 fast minesweeper 10.1941, miscellaneous auxiliary AG111 6.1945
DD142 Tarbell 457 Cramp, Philadelphia 12/1917 28.5.1918 11/1918 stricken 8.1945
DD143 Yarnall 458 Cramp, Philadelphia 2/1918 19.1.1918 11/1918 to United Kingdom 10.1940 (Lincoln)
DD144 Upshur 459 Cramp, Philadelphia 2/1918 4.7.1918 12/1918 miscellaneous auxiliary AG103 6.1945
DD145 Greer 460 Cramp, Philadelphia 2/1918 1.8.1918 12/1918 stricken 8.1945
DD146, 11.1940- DMS4 Elliot 461 Cramp, Philadelphia 2/1918 4.7.1918 1/1919 fast minesweeper 11.1940, miscelaneous auxiliary AG104 6.1945
DD147, 10.1943- APD20 Roper 462 Cramp, Philadelphia 3/1918 17.8.1918 2/1919 fast transport 10.1943, stricken 10.1945
DD148 Breckinridge 463 Cramp, Philadelphia 3/1918 17.8.1918 2/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG112 6.1945
DD149 Barney 464 Cramp, Philadelphia 3/1918 5.9.1918 3/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG113 6.1945
DD150 Blakeley 465 Cramp, Philadelphia 3/1918 19.9.1918 5/1919 stricken 8.1945
DD151 Biddle 466 Cramp, Philadelphia 4/1918 3.10.1918 4/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG114 6.1945
DD152 Du Pont 467 Cramp, Philadelphia 5/1918 22.10.1918 4/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG80 9.1944
DD153 Bernadou 468 Cramp, Philadelphia 6/1918 7.11.1918 5/1919 stricken 8.1945
DD154 Ellis 469 Cramp, Philadelphia 7/1918 30.11.1918 6/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG115 6.1945
DD155 Cole 470 Cramp, Philadelphia 6/1918 11.1.1919 6/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG116 6.1945
DD156 J. Fred Talbott 471 Cramp, Philadelphia 7/1918 14.12.1918 6/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG81 9.1944
DD157, 8.1943- APD21 Dickerson 216 New York SB, Camden 5/1918 12.3.1919 9/1919 fast transport 8.1943, sunk 4.4.1945
DD158 Leary 217 New York SB, Camden 3/1918 18.12.1918 12/1919 sunk 24.12.1943
DD159 Schenck 218 New York SB, Camden 3/1918 23.4.1919 10/1919 miscellaneous auxiliary AG82 9.1944
DD160, 12.1943- APD22 Herbert 219 New York SB, Camden 4/1918 8.5.1919 11/1919 fast transport 12.1943, stricken 10.1945
DD161, 11.1940- DMS5 Palmer 321 Fore River, Quincy 5/1918 18.8.1918 11/1918 fast minesweeper 11.1940, sunk 7.1.1945
DD162 Thatcher 322 Fore River, Quincy 6/1918 31.8.1918 1/1919 to Canada 9.1940 (Niagara)
DD163 Walker 323 Fore River, Quincy 6/1918 14.9.1918 1/1919 water barge YW57 3.1938
DD164, 2.1943- APD17 Crosby 324 Fore River, Quincy 6/1918 28.9.1918 1/1919 fast transport 1.1943, stricken 10.1945
DD165 Meredith 325 Fore River, Quincy 6/1918 28.9.1918 1/1919 stricken 1.1936
DD166 Bush 326 Fore River, Quincy 7/1918 27.10.1918 2/1919 stricken 1.1936
DD167 Cowell 327 Fore River, Quincy 7/1918 23.11.1918 3/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Brighton)
DD168 Maddox 328 Fore River, Quincy 7/1918 27.10.1918 3/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Georgetown)
DD169 Foote 329 Fore River, Quincy 8/1918 14.12.1918 3/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Roxburgh)
DD170 Kalk (ex-Rodgers) 330 Fore River, Quincy 8/1918 21.12.1918 3/1919 to Canada 9.1940 (Hamilton)
DD171, 7.1920- DM11 Burns 191 Union Iron Wks 4/1918 4.7.1918 8/1919 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 11.1930
DD172, 7.1920- DM12 Anthony 192 Union Iron Wks 4/1918 10.8.1918 7/1919 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 12.1936
DD173, 7.1920- DM13 Sproston 193 Union Iron Wks 4/1918 10.8.1918 7/1919 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 12.1936
DD174, 7.1920- DM14 Rizal 194 Union Iron Wks 6/1918 21.9.1918 5/1919 fast minelayer 7.1920, stricken 11.1931
DD175 Mackenzie 195 Union Iron Wks 7/1918 29.9.1918 7/1919 to Canada 9.1940 (Annapolis)
DD176 Renshaw 196 Union Iron Wks 5/1918 21.9.1918 7/1919 stricken 5.1936
DD177 O`Bannon 197 Union Iron Wks 11/1918 28.2.1919 8/1919 stricken 5.1936
DD178, 11.1940- DMS6 Hogan 198 Union Iron Wks 11/1918 12.4.1919 10/1919 fast minesweeper 11.1940, miscellaneous auxiliary AG105 6.1945
DD179, 11.1940- DMS7 Howard 199 Union Iron Wks 12/1918 26.4.1919 1/1920 fast minesweeper 11.1940, miscellaneous auxiliary AG106 6.1945
DD180, 11.1940- DMS8 Stansbury 200 Union Iron Wks 12/1918 16.5.1919 1/1920 fast minesweeper 11.1940, miscellaneous auxiliary AG107 6.1945
DD181 Hopewell 223 Newport News 1/1918 8.6.1918 3/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Bath)
DD182 Thomas 224 Newport News 3/1918 4.7.1918 4/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (St. Albans)
DD183 Haraden 225 Newport News 3/1918 4.7.1918 6/1919 to Canada 9.1940 (Columbia)
DD184 Abbot 226 Newport News 4/1918 4.7.1918 6/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (Charlestown)
DD185 Bagley, 12.1939- Doran 227 Newport News 5/1918 19.10.1918 8/1919 to United Kingdom 9.1940 (St. Mary's)
Data variant as commissioned

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

94.5 wl 95.8 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



exact data is not available in many cases, following machinery composition is somewhat conjectural

DD75 - 78, 131 - 134: 2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 4 Normand boilers

DD79 - 86, 95 - 102, 161 - 170: 2 Curtis steam turbines / 1 geared steam turbine for cruising, 4 Yarrow boilers

DD87 - 92, 103 - 112, 171 - 180: 2 sets General Electric Curtis geared steam turbines, 4 Yarrow boilers

DD93, 94, 135 - 141: 2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 4 Normand boilers

DD113 - 118, 125 - 130, 142 - 160: 2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 4 White-Forster boilers

DD119 - 124, 181 - 185: 2 sets General Electric Curtis geared steam turbines, 4 Thornycroft boilers

Power, h. p.

DD75 - 125, 131 - 156, 161 - 185: 27000

DD125 - 130: 24900

DD157 - 160: 26000

Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 225

Endurance, nm(kts) 3800(15)


completed 1918: 4 x 1 - 102/50 Mk IX, 1 x 1 - 76/23 Mk XIV or 2 x 1 - 37/43 Mk VI/VII, 4 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 DCT, 2 DCR (15)

completed 1919-1920: 4 x 1 - 102/50 Mk IX, 2 x 1 - 76/23 Mk XIV, 4 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 DCT, 2 DCR (15)



Project history: These were the famous 'flush deckers', mass produced during World War One, formed the bulk of the US destroyer force nearly until the outbreak of World War Two. They were essentially a 35kt version of Caldwell, the speed matching that of the FY 17 batttecruisers and scouts (Omaha class). Higher speed cost nearly 50% more power, and that in turn cost 90 to 100 tons of machinery. The earlier flush-decker hull was, therefore, modified, with a level keel (no drag) and with more nearly horizontal shafting. In arrangement, however, these ships duplicated the first six flush-deckers. The first 50 were authorized as part of the massive 1916 programme. There were two detail designs, one by Bath and one by Bethlehem Steel, for Fore River and Union Iron Works. Bath employed Parsons or Westinghouse turbines and Normand, Thornycroft, or White-Foster boilers; Bethlehem - Curtis turbines and, in many cases, Yarrow boilers. The latter deteriorated badly in service, and in 1929 the Navy decided to scrap 60 ships with Yarrow boilers. All the non-Bethlehem yards built the Bath design, known unofficially as the 'Liberty'.

    Ships differed radically in performance, particularly in fuel economy, so that although the Wickes was credited with about 3178nm at 20krs, Fore River boats were credited with no more than about 3400nm at 15kts, and other Bethlehem ships were credited with only about 2300nm-2400nm at 15kts. The best 107 Bath ships were described as 'Long Radius Boats'.

The design called for two 1pdr AA guns, but in many vessels 76mm/23s had to be substituted.

Order on first 20 ships was given out in November, 1916 (DD75-94), a month later the repeated order on remained 30 (DD95-124) followed. Ships were built within the limits of the three-year program of 1916. USA's entry into the First World War has led to increase an order by 61 ships (DD125-185). Trials of first completed destroyers have appeared to some extent discouraging: both prototypes, and followed serial 'flushdeckers' have appeared notably wet, in comparison with predecessors, and the pitching even has increased, at the expense of narrower of ship ends.

Modernizations: 1918 - 1919, all destroyers early completed: - 1 x 1 - 76/23 or 2 x 1 - 37/43; + (1 - 2) x 1 - 76/23 Mk XIV

1920, DM Stribling, Murray, Israel, Luce, Maury, Lansdale, Mahan, Hart, Ingraham, Ludlow, Burns, Anthony, Sproston, Rizal; 1930, Gamble; 1931, Montgomery, Breese, Ramsay: - (1 - 2) x 1 - 76/23, 4 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 DCT; + 80 mines

1930s, all survived: + 2 x 1 - 12.7/90 (only 1 76mm gun on board)

1940-1942, almost all survived: + QCJ or QCL sonar

1940, DMS Dorsey, Lamberton, Boggs, Elliot, Palmer, Hogan, Howard, Stansbury; 1941, Hamilton: - 4 x 1 - 102/50, 1 x 1 - 76/23, 4 x 3 - 533 TT, 1 DCT (Y-gun); + 4 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 2 x 1 - 12.7/90, (2 - 4) DCT, minesweeping gear, one boiler was removed (25kts max)


1940, Little, Gregory, Stringham, Colhoun, McKean; 1942, Talbot, Waters, Dent; 1943, Schley, Tattnall, Kilty, Ward, Roper, Dickerson, Herbert, Crosby; 1944, Rathburne were converted to fast attack transports with data as given in the table


Data variant APD conversion

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



APD2 - 4, 6, 17: 2 Curtis steam turbines / 1 geared steam turbine for cruising, 2 Yarrow boilers

APD5, 14: 2 sets General Electric Curtis geared steam turbines, 2 Yarrow boilers

APD7 - 9, 19, 20 - 22, 25: 2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 2 White-Forster boilers

APD15, 16: 2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 2 Normand boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts

22 - 24

Fuel, t

oil 429

Endurance, nm(kts)



APD2 - 6: 3 x 1 - 102/50 Mk 9, 6 x 1 - 12.7/90, 4 DCT, 2 DCR

APD7 - 9: presumably 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 4 DCT, 2 DCR

APD14 - 17, 19 - 22, 25: presumably 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 5 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 4 DCT, 2 DCR

Electronic equipment

QCJ or QCL sonar

APD7 - 9, 14 - 17, 19 - 22, 25: presumably SA, SE radars, QCJ or QCL sonar

Military load

4 LCP(L) or LCP(R), 144 troops




1941 - 1942, Lea, Badger, Babbitt, Jacob Jones, Tarbell, Greer, Roper, Dupont, Bernadou, Ellis, Cole, Dickerson, Leary, Schenck, Herbert: - 4 x 1 - 102/50, 1 x 1 - 76/23, 2 x 3 - 533 TT; + 6 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 2 x 1 - 12.7/90


1942, McKean, Stringham: - 3 x 1 - 102/50, 6 x 1 - 12.7/90; + 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 6 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4


1942, Lea, Badger, Babbitt, Tarbell, Greer, Roper, Dupont, Bernadou, Ellis, Cole, Dickerson, Leary, Schenck, Herbert: - 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, 1 DCT (Y-gun); + 5 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 6 DCT


1942 - 1943, Gamble, Montgomery, Breese, Ramsay: - 4 x 1 - 102/50, 1 x 1 - 76/23, 2 x 1 - 12.7/90; + 4 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4


1942-1943, almost all survived: + SA, SE radars


1942 - 1944, Dorsey, Lamberton, Boggs, Elliot, Palmer, Hogan, Howard, Stansbury, Hamilton: - (1 - 2) x 1 - 76/50, 2 x 1 - 12.7/90; + 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2 (on ships with 2 76mm guns), (3 - 5) x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4


1943, McKean, Stringham, Talbot, Waters, Dent: - 1 x 1 - 20/70, + 1 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2


1943, almost all survived: no more than 3 boilers (25kt max), fuel stowage was increased


1943, Crane, Lea, Badger, Babbitt, Tarbell, Upshur, Greer: - (1 - 2) x 1 - 20/70 (4 x 1 Mk 4 on board), 2 DCT; + 1 x 24 - 178 Hedgehog Mk 10 ASWRL


1945, Schley, Rathburne, Talbot, Waters, Kilty: - landing craft and landing capacity


1/1946, APD9, 19: 3 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 22, 1 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 5 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 4 LCP(L) or LCP(R), 144 troops, SA, SE radars, QCJ or QCL sonar

1/1946, DMS2: 2 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 20, 1 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 5 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, minesweeping gear, SA, SE radars, QCJ or QCL sonar

1/1946, DM18: 4 x 1 - 76/50 Mk 22, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 2 DCR, 80 mines, SA, SE radars, QCJ or QCL sonar


Naval service: Woolsey collided with s/s Steel Inventor off Balboa 26.2.1921 and sunk. De Long 1.12.1921 wrecked in Half Moon bay (California), later salvaged and scrapped.

    Jacob Jones 28.2.1942 was sunk at coast of Delaware by German submarine U578. Colhoun 30.8.1942 at Guadalcanal was sunk by Japanese bombers. Little and Gregory 5.9.1942 were sunk at Guadalcanal by Japanese destroyers Yudachi, Hatsuyuki and Murakumo. McKean 17.11.1942 was sunk in Empress Augusta Bay by Japanese air torpedo. Leary 24.12.1943 was sunk in Northern Atlantic by German submarines U275 and U382. Ward 7.12.1944 was sunk by kamikaze in Ormock bay. Palmer 7.1.1945 was sunk by Japanese aircraft off Luzon. Dickerson 2.4.1945 was badly damaged by kamikaze off Okinawa and scuttled by own crew two days later.

Blakeley 25.5.1942 was damaged by a torpedo from German submarine at Martinique and was under repair till September, 1942. Stansbury 8.11.1942 was damaged by a mine during operation "Torch". Montgomery 17.10.1944 was badly damaged by a mine E from Palau. Talbot 10.11.1944 was damaged at explosion of ammunition carrying by cargo carrier Mount Hood. Gamble 18.2.1945 was badly damaged by Japanese aircraft off Iwojima, for some reasons her repair have not started and 16.7.1945 she was scuttled off Guam.

As a result of attacks of Japanese aircraft and kamikazes at Okinawa following ships received damages of various severity level: Dorsey (26.3.1945, heavy), Rathburne (27.4.1945, heavy), Tattnall (20.5.1945), Roper (25.5.1945, heavy).

Dorsey 9.10.1945 during a typhoon was wrecked at coast of Okinawa and finally was destroyed 1.1.1946. Hogan 8.11.1945 was sunk as a target off San Diego.

Fairfax 1918

© Ivan Gogin, 2014-15