
fighting ships of the world



SPRUANCE destroyers (1975 - 1983)

Kinkaid 1990

Deyo 1995

Spruance 2000

Arthur W. Radford 2000

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
DD963 Spruance 4201 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 27.11.1972 10.11.1973 20.9.1975 stricken 3.2005
DD964 Paul F. Foster 4202 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 6.2.1973 23.2.1974 21.2.1976 stricken 4.2004
DD965 Kinkaid 4203 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 19.4.1973 25.5.1974 10.7.1976 stricken 4.2004
DD966 Hewitt 4204 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 23.7.1973 24.8.1974 25.9.1976 stricken 6.2002
DD967 Elliot 4205 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 15.10.1973 19.12.1974 22.1.1977 stricken 4.2004
DD968 Arthur W. Radford 4206 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 24.1.1974 1.3.1975 16.4.1977 stricken 4.2004
DD969 Peterson 4207 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 29.4.1974 21.6.1975 9.7.1977 stricken 11.2002
DD970 Caron 4208 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 1.7.1974 24.6.1975 1.10.1977 stricken 6.2002
DD971 David R. Ray 4209 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 23.9.1974 23.8.1975 19.11.1977 stricken 11.2002
DD972 Oldendorf 4210 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 27.12.1974 21.10.1975 4.3.1978 stricken 4.2004
DD973 John Young 4211 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 17.2.1975 7.2.1976 20.5.1978 stricken 11.2002
DD974 Comte de Grasse 4212 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 4.4.1975 26.3.1976 5.8.1978 stricken 6.1998
DD975 O'Brien 4213 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 9.5.1975 8.7.1976 3.12.1977 stricken 9.2004
DD976 Merrill 4214 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 16.6.1975 1.9.1976 11.3.1978 stricken 3.1998
DD977 Briscoe 4215 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 21.7.1975 15.12.1976 3.6.1978 stricken 4.2004
DD978 Stump 4216 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 25.8.1975 29.1.1977 19.8.1978 stricken 10.2004
DD979 Conolly 4217 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 29.9.1975 19.2.1977 14.10.1978 stricken 9.1998
DD980 Moosbrugger 4218 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 3.11.1975 23.7.1977 16.12.1978 stricken 4.2006
DD981 John Hancock 4219 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 16.1.1976 29.10.1977 10.3.1979 stricken 4.2006
DD982 Nicholson 4220 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 20.2.1976 11.11.1977 12.5.1979 stricken 4.2004
DD983 John Rodgers 4221 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 12.8.1976 25.2.1978 14.7.1979 stricken 9.1998
DD984 Leftwich 4222 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 12.11.1976 8.4.1978 25.8.1979 stricken 3.1998
DD985 Cushing 4223 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 27.12.1976 17.6.1978 21.9.1979 stricken 9.2005
DD986 Harry W. Hill 4224 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 3.1.1977 10.8.1978 17.11.1979 stricken 5.1998
DD987 O'Bannon 4225 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 21.2.1977 25.9.1978 15.12.1979 stricken 8.2005
DD988 Thorn 4226 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 29.8.1977 22.11.1978 16.2.1980 stricken 8.2004
DD989 Deyo 4227 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 14.10.1977 20.1.1979 22.3.1980 stricken 4.2004
DD990 Ingersoll 4228 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 5.12.1977 10.3.1979 12.4.1980 stricken 7.1998
DD991 Fife 4229 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 6.3.1978 1.5.1979 31.5.1980 stricken 4.2004
DD992 Fletcher 4230 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 24.4.1978 16.6.1979 12.7.1980 stricken 10.2004
DD997 Hayler 4801 Ingalls SB, Pascagoula (Litton Industries) 20.10.1980 2.3.1982 5.3.1983 stricken 4.2004


Displacement standard, t

6156 light

Displacement full, t


Length, m

161.3 wl 171.7 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

5.79 mean 8.84 over sonar dome

No of shafts



4 General Electric LM-2500 gas turbines

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

gas turbine oil 1650

Endurance, nm(kts) 6000(20)


DD963-985: 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 1 x 8 ASROC ASuR (24 RUR-5), 2 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 45, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 TT (18), 1 SH-3 or 2 SH-2 helicopters

DD986-992: 2 x 4 Harpoon SSM (8 RGM-84), 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 1 x 8 ASROC ASuR (24 RUR-5), 2 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 45, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 TT (18), 1 SH-3 or 2 SH-2 helicopters

DD997: 2 x 4 Harpoon SSM (8 RGM-84), 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 1 x 8 ASROC ASuR (24 RUR-5), 2 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 45, 2 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 TT (18), 1 SH-3 or 2 SH-2 helicopters

Electronic equipment

DD963-970: SPS-53, SPS-55, SPS-40B/C/D/E, SPQ-9A, SPG-60, Mk 91 radars, SQS-53A sonar, WLR-1 ECM suite, 4x Mk 33 decoy RLs

DD971-975: LN-66, SPS-55, SPS-40B/C/D/E, SPQ-9A, SPG-60, Mk 91 radars, SQS-53A sonar, WLR-1, SLQ-32(v)2 ECM suites, 4x Mk 33 decoy RLs

DD976-992: LN-66, SPS-55, SPS-40B/C/D/E, SPQ-9A, SPG-60, Mk 91 radars, SQS-53A sonar, SLQ-32(v)2 ECM suite, 4x Mk 33 decoy RLs

DD997: LN-66, SPS-55, SPS-49(v)2, SPQ-9A, SPG-60, Mk 91, 2x Mk 90 radars, SQS-53A sonar, SLQ-32(v)2 ECM suite, 4x Mk 33 decoy RLs




Project history: A contract for the development and production of thirty ships was awarded on 23 June 1970 to a new established by Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries, Pascagoula, Mississippi. The entire class was contracted to a single shipyard to facilitate design and mass-production, but construction was delayed by labour and technical problems. These large destroyers were surely among the more controversial of recent US warships: they were usually described as too large and too poorly armed. In fact they were the direct consequence of an attempt to replace the mass of Second World War destroyers, which were nearing the end of their lives in the mid-1960s.

    Initially, it was hoped that most of the ASW destroyers would be replaced by Knox class ocean escorts, and that the Navy would build a new class of missile destroyers to make up for the gap in such construction since the early 1960s, a gap caused largely by the failure of the Typhoon system planned for FY63 and later units. Analysis suggested, first, that it would be wise to seek maximum commonality between the ASW and missile units, and second, that although each carrier would require six escorts, only three would need anti-aircraft missile capability. In addition,  Secretary McNamara strongly espoused a project system in which preliminary design would be done by a contractor.

    One of the benefits of a common hull was that, if the air threat were to increase in the future, ASW ships could easily be refitted to meet it. Ultimately, relatively few ships could be ordered, none of them for air defence. However, the Spruance remained an anti-aircraft design with its missiles, radars and some of its computers never installed. To some extent, too, its large size was mandated by the requirement for 30kts in rough weather, a requirement of carrier operation.

    Plans to install single lightweight 203mm/55 guns for amphibious fire support were cancelled in 1978, but the potential for major AA upgrade remains. Indeed, Iran ordered six (later reduced to four) anti-aircraft versions of the Spruance class in 1973-74. With the Iranian Revolution, they were offered for sale, and all four were purchased as the Kidd dass in July 1979, receiving DDG hull numbers in the Spruance series. As in the case of Virginia class cruisers, they have magazine stowage for 68 missiles, with two SPG-51D guidance radars plus an SPG-60. The greatly increased displacement of the Kidds is due in part to the addition of armour. A thirty-first Spruance, DD997, was authorised in FY78 with the proviso that it had increased helicopter facilities; however, she was identical to the 30 earlier ships already ordered, except for the provision of Kevlar armour and an SPS-49 air search radar. The Reagan Administration FY83-FY87 programme included three more ships of this type in FY86-FY87, out of a planned total of six. None was built.

Modernizations: late 1970s, Hewitt, Elliot, Arthur W. Radford, Peterson, Caron, David R. Ray, Oldendorf, John Young, Comte de Grasse, O'Brien, Merrill, Briscoe, Stump, Conolly, Moosbrugger, John Hancock, Nicholson; early 1980s, Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Kinkaid, John Rodgers, Leftwich, Cushing: + 2 x 4 Harpoon SSM (8 RGM-84)

late 1970s, Kinkaid; early 1980s, Elliot, Arthur W. Radford, Peterson, Caron, David R. Ray; late 1980s, Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Hewitt, Oldendorf, John Young, Comte de Grasse, O'Brien, Merrill, Briscoe, Stump, Conolly, Moosbrugger, John Hancock, Nicholson, John Rodgers, Leftwich, Cushing, Harry W. Hill, O'Bannon, Thorn, Deyo, Ingersoli, Fife, Fletcher: + 2 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 2x Mk 90 radars

1981-1986, all: + Kevlar armour over vital spaces, T-Mk 6 Fanfare torpedo decoy

1984, Merrill; 1985, Comte de Grasse, Conolly, John Rodgers; 1986, Leftwich, Cushing, Deyo: + 2 x 4 Tomahawk CruM (8 RGM-109)

mid-1980s, all: - Mk 33 decoy RLs; + 4x Mk 137 decoy RLs (Mk 36 SRBOC system)

late 1980s, all: - WLR-1 and/or SLQ-32(v)2 ECM, T-Mk 6 torpedo decoy; + SLQ-32(v)2 ECM suite, SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy

early 1990s, Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Hewitt, Elliott, Arthur W. Radford, Peterson, Caron, David R. Ray, Oldendorf, John Young, O'Brien, Briscoe, Stump, John Hancock, Cushing, Harry W. Hill, O'Bannon, Ingersoll, Fife, Fletcher, Hayler; late 1990s, Kinkaid, Moosbrugger, Nicholson, Thorn: - 1 x 8 ASROC ASuR; + 1 x 61 Mk 41 VLS (61 Tomahawk RGM-109 CruM + ASROC RUM-139 ASuR)

early 1990s, all: + 4 x 1 - 12.7/90

early 1990s, Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Kinkaid, Hewitt, Elliot, Arthur W. Radford, Peterson, Caron, David R. Ray, Oldendorf, John Young, Comte de Grasse, O'Brien, Merrill, Briscoe, Stump, Conolly, Moosbrugger, John Hancock, Nicholson, John Rodgers, O'Bannon, Deyo, Fife, Hayler; late 1990s, Cushing, Thorn, Fletcher: + Mk 23 Mod. 0 TAS radar

early 1990s, Comte de Grasse, Conolly, Fletcher, Hayler; late 1990s, Peterson, Oldendorf, Merrill, Briscoe, Stump, Nicholson, John Rodgers, Cushing, O'Bannon, Deyo, Ingersoll: - (1- 2) SH-2D/F helicopters; + (1 - 2) SH-60B helicopters, helicopter magazines were altered to accommodate Penguin Mk 2 Mod. 7 ASM

early 1990s, Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Kinkaid, Hewitt, Elliot, Arthur W. Radford, Caron, David R. Ray, John Young, Comte de Grasse, O'Brien, Briscoe, Stump, Conolly, Moosbrugger, John Hancock, O'Bannon, Fife, Fletcher, Hayler; late 1990s, Peterson, Oldendorf, Nicholson, Cushing, Thorn Deyo, Fletcher: +SQR-19A/B TASS sonar (with SQS-53A completing SSQ-89 suite)

early 1990s, Peterson, John Young, Merrill, Briscoe, Stump, Conolly, John Rodgers, Hayler; late 1990s, Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Kinkaid, Elliot, Oldendorf, Moosbrugger, Nicholson, Cushing, O'Bannon, Thorn, Deyo, Fletcher: - SLQ-32(v)2 ECM; + SLQ-32(v)3 ECM

1996, Deyo: - 2 x 4 Tomahawk CruM (8 RGM-109), 1 x 8 ASROC ASuR; + 1 x 61 Mk 41 VLS (45 Tomahawk RGM-109 CruM + 16 ASROC RUM-139 ASuR)

late 1990s, Oldendorf, John Young, BBriscoe, Nicholson, O'Bannon, Fletcher: + 1 x 21 RAM SAM (21 RIM-116A)

late 1990s, some ships: + 2 x 1 - 25/87 Mk 88 Bushmaster

late 1990s, some ships: - SLQ-25 torpedo decoy; + SLQ-25A torpedo decoy

late 1990s, all: - SPS-53 or LN-66 radar; + SPS-64(V)9 radar, SLQ-49 floating radar reflector buoys

late 1990s, John Young: - SPQ-9A radar; + SPQ-9B radar

late 1990s, all survived had SSQ-89(v)5.6.8 sonar suite (SQS-53B/C hull-mounted sonar + SQR-19(V)3 or SQR-19A(V)3 or SQR-19B(V) TACTAS)

Naval service: No significant events.

Leftwich 1980

Spruance 2002

Cushing 2000

© Ivan Gogin, 2016