
fighting ships of the world



CASSIN destroyers (1913-1915)

nearly sister-ship Nicholson 1915

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
DD43, 6.1924- CG1, 6.1933- DD43 Cassin, 11.1933- unnamed 58 Bath Iron Wks 5.1912 20.5.1913 7/1913 Coast Guard cutter 6.1924, destroyer 6.1933, stricken 7.1934
DD44, 6.1924- CG3, 5.1932- DD44 Cummings, 7.1933- unnamed 59 Bath Iron Wks 5.1912 6.8.1913 9.1913 Coast Guard cutter 6.1924, destroyer 5.1932, stricken 7.1934
DD45, 4.1924- CG4, 5.1931- DD45 Downes, 7.1933- unnamed 122 New York SB, Camden 6.1912 8.11.1913 2.1915 Coast Guard cutter 4.1924, destroyer 5.1931, stricken 7.1934
DD46 Duncan 202 Fore River, Quincy 6.1912 5.4.1913 8.1913 stricken 3.1935
DD47 Aylwin, 7.1933- unnamed 383 Cramp, Philadelphia 3.1912 23.11.1912 1.1914 stricken 3.1935
DD48 Parker 384 Cramp, Philadelphia 3.1912 8.2.1913 12.1913 stricken 3.1935
DD49 Benham 385 Cramp, Philadelphia 3.1912 22.3.1913 1.1914 stricken 3.1935
DD50 Balch, 11.1933- unnamed 386 Cramp, Philadelphia 5.1912 21.12.1912 3.1914 stricken 3.1935

Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

91.5 wl 93.1 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



DD43, 44: 2 Parsons steam turbines / 1 VTE for cruising, 4 Normand boilers

DD45 - 50: 2 Parsons steam turbines / 2 VTE for cruising, 4 Normand boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 290

Endurance, nm(kts)  


DD43, 44: 3 x 1 - 102/50 Mk IX, 4 x 2 - 450 TT

DD45 - 50: 4 x 1 - 102/50 Mk IX, 4 x 2 - 450 TT



Project history: These destroyers, authorized in March 1911, were the first whose design was dominated by the General Board, which was above all concerned with the operation of the battlefleet as an integrated formation. It therefore emphasized sea-keeping and range at the expense of the small silhouette which destroyermen regarded as essential for successful torpedo attacks. The board hoped to replace at least one of the 76mm/50 guns with a 102mm or even a long-recoil 127mm; C&R managed to change the gun battery to 102mm/50, a fourth twin 450mm TT replacing the fifth gun.

    Unlike the 'flivvers', all had twin screws. Two (DD 43 and 44) had a reciprocating engine which could be clutched to one shaft for cruising below 15kts. The remainder had reciprocating engines on both shafts.

Modernizations: 1917 - 1918, all: + 1 DCT (Y-gun), 2 DCR

Naval service: The part of these destroyers was a part of USN Forces in Europe during Great War; Cassin was a leader of USN destroyers of Atlantic fleet in 1914-1915.

Aylwin 1916

© Ivan Gogin, 2014