
fighting ships of the world



ARLEIGH BURKE missile destroyers (1991 - 1999)

Arleigh Burke 2000

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
Flight I
DDG51 Arleigh Burke 450 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 6.12.1988 16.9.1989 4.7.1991 in service (2020)
DDG52 Barry 5252 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 26.2.1990 10.5.1991 12.12.1992 in service (2020)
DDG53 John Paul Jones 451 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 8.8.1990 26.10.1991 18.12.1993 in service (2020)
DDG54 Curtis Wilbur 452 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 12.3.1991 16.5.1992 19.3.1994 in service (2020)
DDG55 Stout 5255 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 8.8.1991 16.10.1992 13.8.1994 in service (2020)
DDG56 John S. McCain 453 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 3.9.1991 26.9.1992 2.7.1994 in service (2020)
DDG57 Mitscher 5257 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 12.2.1992 7.5.1993 10.12.1994 in service (2020)
DDG58 Laboon 454 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 23.3.1992 20.2.1993 18.3.1995 in service (2020)
DDG59 Russell 5259 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 24.7.1992 20.10.1993 20.5.1995 in service (2020)
DDG60 Paul Hamilton 455 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 24.8.1992 24.7.1993 27.5.1995 in service (2020)
DDG61 Ramage 5261 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 4.1.1993 11.2.1994 22.7.1995 in service (2020)
DDG62 Fitzgerald 456 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 9.2.1993 29.1.1994 14.10.1995 in service (2020)
DDG63 Stethem 5263 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 11.5.1993 17.6.1994 21.10.1995 in service (2020)
DDG64 Carney 457 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 3.8.1993 23.7.1994 13.4.1996 in service (2020)
DDG65 Benfold 5265 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 27.9.1993 9.11.1994 30.3.1996 in service (2020)
DDG66 Gonzalez 458 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 3.2.1994 18.2.1995 12.10.1996 in service (2020)
DDG67 Cole 5267 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 28.2.1994 10.2.1995 8.6.1996 in service (2020)
DDG68 The Sullivans 459 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 27.7.1994 12.8.1995 19.4.1997 in service (2020)
DDG69 Milius 5269 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 8.8.1994 1.8.1995 23.11.1996 in service (2020)
DDG70 Hopper 460 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 23.2.1995 6.1.1996 6.9.1997 in service (2020)
DDG71 Ross 5271 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 10.4.1995 22.3.1996 28.6.1997 in service (2020)
Flight II
DDG72 Mahan 461 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 17.8.1995 29.6.1996 14.2.1998 in service (2020)
DDG73 Decatur 462 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 11.1.1996 10.11.1996 29.8.1998 in service (2020)
DDG74 McFaul 5274 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 26.1.1996 18.1.1997 25.4.1998 in service (2020)
DDG75 Donald Cook 463 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 9.7.1996 3.5.1997 4.12.1998 in service (2020)
DDG76 Higgins 464 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 14.11.1996 4.10.1997 24.4.1999 in service (2020)
DDG77 O'Kane 465 General Dynamics Bath Iron Works 8.5.1997 28.3.1998 23.10.1999 in service (2020)
DDG78 Porter 5278 Northrop Grumman Ship System, Ingalls Div., Pascagoula 2.12.1996 12.11.1997 20.3.1999 in service (2020)


Displacement standard, t

Flight I: 6731 light

Flight II: 6914 light

Displacement full, t

Flight I: 8850

Flight II: 9033

Length, m

135.9 pp 142.0 wl 153.8 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

Flight I: 6.31 hull 9.35 over sonar

Flight II: 6.60 hull 9.90 over sonar

No of shafts



4 General Electric LM-2500-30 gas turbines

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

gas turbine oil

Endurance, nm(kts)



DDG51-71: (1 x 61 + 1 x 29) Mk 41 Mod. 0 VLS Tomahawk CruM/Standard SM-2MR Block III SAM/ASROC ASuR (90 Tomahawk RGM-109 + Standard SM-2MR Block III RIM-66 + ASROC RUM-139), 2 x 4 Harpoon SSM (8 RGM-84), 1 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 45 Mod. 1, 2 x 1 - 25/75 Mk 38 Mod. 1 Bushmaster, 2 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Mod. 1 Phalanx CIWS, 2 x 2 - 12.7/90, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 Mod. 14 TT, helicopter deck

DDG72-78: (1 x 61 + 1 x 29) Mk 41 Mod. 0 VLS Tomahawk CruM/Standard SM-2MR Block III/Standard SM-2ER Block IV SAM/ASROC ASuR (90 Tomahawk RGM-109 + Standard SM-2MR Block III RIM-66 + Standard SM-2ER Block IV RIM-156 + ASROC RUM-139), 2 x 4 Harpoon SSM (8 RGM-84), 1 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 45 Mod. 1, 2 x 1 - 25/75 Mk 38 Mod. 1 Bushmaster, 2 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Mod. 1 Phalanx CIWS, 2 x 2 - 12.7/90, 2 x 3 - 324 Mk 32 Mod. 14 TT, helicopter deck

Electronic equipment

DDG51, 53-67: SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk 90 radars, SQQ-89(v)4 sonar suite (SQS-53C(v)1 bow-mounted + SQR-19B(v)1 towed array, Kingfisher mine-avoidance), Mk 46 Mod. 0 optronic director, SLQ-32(v)5 ECM suite, 4x Mk 137 RLs of Mk 36 Mod. 12 SRBOC decoy system, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo decoy, SLQ-39 decoy buoy launch system, Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 3 CCS

DDG52: SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk 90 radars, SQQ-89(v)4 sonar suite (SQS-53C(v)1 bow-mounted + SQR-19B(v)1 towed array, Kingfisher mine-avoidance), Mk 46 Mod. 0 optronic director, SLQ-32(v)5 ECM suite, 4x Mk 137 RLs of Mk 36 Mod. 12 SRBOC decoy system, 4x Mk 53 Nulka decoy RLs, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo decoy, SLQ-39 decoy buoy launch system, Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 3 CCS

DDG68-71: SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk 90 radars, SQQ-89(v)4 sonar suite (SQS-53C(v)1 bow-mounted + SQR-19B(v)1 towed array, Kingfisher mine-avoidance), Mk 46 Mod. 0 optronic director, SLQ-32(v)5 ECM suite, 4x Mk 137 RL of Mk 36 Mod. 12 SRBOC decoy system, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo decoy, SLQ-39 decoy buoy launch system, Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 3 CCS

DDG72-78: SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk 90 radars, SQQ-89(v)4 sonar suite (SQS-53C(v)1 bow-mounted + SQR-19B(v)1 towed array, Kingfisher mine-avoidance), Mk 46 Mod. 0 optronic director, SLQ-32(v)3, SRS-1 ECM suites, 4x Mk 137 RL of Mk 36 Mod. 12 SRBOC decoy system, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo decoy, SLQ-39 decoy buoy launch system, Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 3 CCS




Project history: This class was planned to complement the Ticonderoga class, and to replace the ageing missile destroyers. Compared to a Ticonderoga class  they have three illuminators and the entire SPY-1 radar is concentrated in a single deckhouse. Their CIC lacks the unit commander's station of the cruiser. They are also better protected than the cruisers, with steel rather than aluminium upper works, and they carry about 130t of Kevlar armour. Their sides are sloped to reduce their radar cross-section. In 1984 it was hoped that each (after the fifth production ship) would cost about two-thirds as much as a Ticonderoga, but would offer three-quarters her anti-aircraft potential.

    They lack a helicopter hangar because when they were designed it seemed unlikely that there would ever be enough LAMPS III helicopters to provide one per escort, and also because the ships they replaced had no helicopter facilities at all. They can accept a helicopter on board, and they have LAMPS data link and data processing facilities.

    By the late 1980s, the navy planned to build these ships at a steady rate of four or five per year, introducing changes only after several identical ships had been built. At that time a Flight 3 version, which would have had a hangar, was planned. The advantage of steady production would have been steady fleet modernization, as in the submarine fleet.

    When funds tightened dramatically, Flight 3 was abandoned in favour of studies of less expensive versions called DDV (DD variant), for example without the SPY-1 radar. Really Flight II (DDG72-78) is a slightly modified version of the original Flight I. Flight IIA (DDG79 and beyond) has been modified to provide a pair of LAMPS III hangars aft, with the helicopter deck beyond. These ships also have a stern wedge, for improved propulsive efficiency. In this version the underway replenishment crane is eliminated from the vertical launcher groups, so that the bow group has sixty-four rather than sixty-one cells, the after group thirty-two rather than twenty-nine, for a total of ninety-six rather than ninety missiles. This version was lengthened by 1.52m by the stern, but the original plan to add a substantial parallel midbody was dropped.

Modernizations: 2008-2013, John Paul Jones, Curtis Wilbur, John S. McCain, Russell, Paul Hamilton, Fitzgerald, Stethem, Carney, Benfold, Cole, The Sullivans, Milius, Hopper, Ross, Decatur, McFaul, Donald Cook, Higgins, O'Kane, Porter: BMD update (ballistic missile defence) + ability to use Standard SM-3 RIM-161 SAM

2011, John Paul Jones; 2015, Barry, Benfold; 2016-2017, Arleigh Burke, Mischer, Milius; late 2010s, all others (as planned): - 1 x 1 - 127/54, 2 x 6 - 20/76, SQQ-89(v)4 sonar suite, 4x Mk 137 RLs of Mk 36 Mod. 12 SRBOC decoy system, SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy, Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 3 CCS; + ability of use Standard SM-6 RIM-174 SAM, ESSM SAM capability (4 RIM-162 per one cell), 1 x 1 - 127/62 Mk 45 Mod. 4, 2 x 6 - 20/76 Phalanx Mk 15 Mod. 1B, SEWIP E/O IR system, SQQ-89(v)15 sonar suite, 4x Mk 53 Nulka decoy launchers, SLX-1 torpedo defence system, Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 12, JMCIS, CEC USG-2 CCS

late 2010s, some: - 2 x 1 - 25/75, 2 x 2 - 12.7/90; + 2 x 1 - 30/80 Mk 46, 4 x 1 - 12.7/90

late 2010s many: - SPS-64(v)9 radar, Mk 46 Mod.0 e/o system; + SPS-73 radar, Mk 46 Mod.1 e/o system, TRAFS torpedo detector

2017, Milius: - Aegis Mk 7 Basseline 12 CCS; + Aegis Mk 7 Baseline 9C1 CCS

Naval service: Gonzalez ran aground 12.11.1996 near St. Martin in the Caribbean, damaging the sonar dome, propellers and shaft struts, repair was completed in September 1997. Cole was heavily damaged 12.10.2000 by a terrorist attack at Aden (Yemen), with 17 killed, repair was completed in April 2002. Porter was damaged in a collision with Japanese tanker 12.8.2012. Fitzgerald was badly damaged in collision with Philippine containership 17.6.2017. John S. McCain was badly damaged in collision with tanker 21.8.2017 off Malacca.

Ross 2003

John S. McCain 2008

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