
fighting ships of the world



THEODORE ROOSEVELT nuclear powered aircraft carriers (1986-1998)

Theodore Roosevelt 2000

Theodore Roosevelt 2010

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
CVN71 Theodore Roosevelt 624 Newport News SB 31.10.1981 27.10.1984 25.10.1986 in service (2020)
CVN72 Abraham Lincoln 630 Newport News SB 3.11.1984 13.2.1988 11.11.1989 in service (2020)
CVN73 George Washington 631 Newport News SB 25.8.1986 21.7.1990 4.7.1992 in service (2020)
CVN74 John C. Stennis 641 Newport News SB 13.3.1991 11.11.1993 9.12.1995 in service (2020)
CVN75 Harry S. Truman (ex-United States) 642 Newport News SB 29.11.1993 7.9.1996 25.7.1998 in service (2020)

Displacement standard, t

CVN71: 80753

CVN72: 81147

CVN73: 81083

CVN74: 80085

CVN75: 78453

Displacement full, t

CVN71: 103658

CVN72: 104242

CVN73: 104208

CVN74: 103020

CVN75: 101390

Length, m

317.1 wl 332.9 oa

Breadth, m

40.9 wl 78.3 ext

Draught, m

11.7 - 11.9

No of shafts



4 sets Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 2 Westinghouse A4W/A1G reactors

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t


Endurance, nm(kts) practically unlimited

Armour, mm

presumably belt summary: 135, flight deck: 45, hangar deck: 50, main deck: 56 + Kevlar protection of vital spaces


CVN71: 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 4 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, ~90 aircraft (F-4, F-14, F/A-18 fighters, A-4, A-6, A-7, AV-8 attackers, RF-4, OV-10 recon planes, EA-3, EA-6 ECM planes, E-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, KA-3, EKA-3, KA-6 tankers, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-3, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-3, MH-53, RH-53, SH-2, SH-3, SH-60, UH-1, UH-2, UH-3, UH-46 helicopters)

CVN72: 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 4 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, ~90 aircraft (F-4, F-14, F/A-18 fighters, A-4, A-6, A-7, AV-8 attackers, RF-4, OV-10 recon planes, EA-3, EA-6 ECM planes, E-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, KA-3, EKA-3, KA-6 tankers, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-3, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-3, MH-53, RH-53, SH-2, SH-3, SH-60, UH-1, UH-2, UH-3, UH-46 helicopters)

CVN73: 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 4 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, ~90 aircraft (F-14, F/A-18 fighters, A-4, A-6, AV-8 attackers, OA-4, OV-10 recon planes, EA-6, ES-3 ECM planes, E-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, KA-6 tankers, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-3, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-3, HH-60, MH-53, RH-53, SH-2, SH-3, SH-60, UH-1, UH-2, UH-3, UH-46 helicopters)

CVN74: 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 4 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 10 x 1 - 12.7/90, ~90 aircraft (F-14, F/A-18 fighters, A-6, AV-8 attackers, OA-4 recon planes, EA-6, ES-3 ECM planes, E-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, KA-6 tankers, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-3, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-3, HH-60, MH-53, RH-53, SH-2, SH-3, SH-60, UH-1, UH-2, UH-3, UH-46 helicopters)

CVN75: 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 4 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 10 x 1 - 12.7/90, ~90 aircraft (F-14, F/A-18 fighters, AV-8 attackers, OA-4 recon planes, EA-6, ES-3 ECM planes, EW-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-3, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-3, HH-60, MH-53, RH-53, SH-2, SH-3, SH-60, UH-1, UH-2, UH-3, UH-46 helicopters)


CVN71: SPS-49(v)5, SPS-48E, SPS-67(v)1, 2x SPN-42A, SPN-43B, SPN-44, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-73, 6x Mk 95, 4x Mk 90, Mk 23 TAS radars, SLQ-29 ECM suite, 8x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A torpedo decoy, ACDS, JDTS, POST, CVIC, NTCS-A, ASCAC CCS

CVN72: SPS-49(v)5, SPS-48E, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-43B, SPN-44, 2x SPN-46, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-72, 6x Mk 95, 4x Mk 90, Mk 23 TAS radars, SLQ-32(v)4 ECM suite, 8x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A torpedo decoy, ACDS, JDTS, POST, CVIC, NTSC-A, ASCAC CCS

CVN73-75: SPS-49(v)5, SPS-48E, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-43B, SPN-44, 2x SPN-46, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-73, 6x Mk 95, 4x Mk 90, Mk 23 TAS radars, SLQ-32(v)4 ECM suite, 8x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A torpedo decoy, ACDS, JDTS, POST, CVIC, NTSC-A, ASCAC CCS



  Aircraft facilities CVN71 (fd - 22,268 m², ha - 6,860 m² / 55,357 m³): Flight deck: 331.7 x 76.8m. Hangar: 208.5 x 32.9 x 8.07 m. There are 4 deck-edge elevators (47.6t, 21.4/25.9 x 15.9m). There are 4 C13 Mod.1 catapults. Aircraft fuel stowage: 10 220 000 l of JP-5 jet fuel. Aviation ordnance stowage is 1954t.

CVN72-75 (fd - 22,268 m², ha - 6,860 m² / 55,357 m³): Flight deck: 331.7 x 76.8m. Hangar: 208.5 x 32.9 x 8.07 m. There are 4 deck-edge elevators (47.6t, 21.4/25.9 x 15.9m). There are 4 C13 Mod.2 catapults. Aircraft fuel stowage: 10 220 000 l of JP-5 jet fuel. Aviation ordnance stowage is 1954t.

Year fighters attackers recon, EW, ECM ASW and auxiliary helicopters
1991, all 24 F-14A 24 F/A-18A or A-7E, 10 A-6E 4 EA-6B, 4 E-2C 10 S-3A, 4 KA-6D 6 SH-3G/H
2005, all 36 F/A-18C, 14 F-14 --- 4 EA-6B, 4 E-2C, 2 ES-3 8 S-3B, 2 C-2 6 SH-60
2010, all 55 F/A-18 --- 4 EA-6B, 4E-2C 2 C-2A 4 SH-60F, 2 HH-60H
2016, standard 14 F/A-18A/D, 30 F/A-18E/F --- 6 EA-18G, 6 E-2C/D 2 C-2A 10 MH-60R/S
2016, Theodore Roosevelt (CVW-17) 24 F/A-18E, 24 F/A-18F --- 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C 2 C-2A 6 MH-60S, 6 MH-60R
2016, John C. Stennis (CVW-9) 36 F/A-18E, 12 F/A-18F --- 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C 2 C-2A 6 MH-60S, 6 MH-60R
2016, Harry S. Truman (CVW-7) 12 F/A-18C, 24 F/A-18E, 12 F/A-18F --- 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C 2 C-2A 6 MH-60S, 6 MH-60R
2018, Theodore Roosevelt (CVW-17) 12 F/A-18C Hornet, 12 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 24 F/A-18F Super Hornet --- 6 EA-18G Growler, 6 E-2C Hawkeye 2 C-2A Greyhound 6 MH-60S Knighthawk, 6 MH-60R Seahawk
2018, Abraham Lincoln (CVW-7) 36 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 12 F/A-18F Super Hornet --- 6 EA-18G Growler, 6 E-2D Hawkeye 2 C-2A Greyhound 6 MH-60S Knighthawk, 6 MH-60R Seahawk
2018, John C. Stennis (CVW-9) 36 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 12 F/A-18F Super Hornet --- 6 EA-18G Growler, 6 E-2C Hawkeye 2 C-2A Greyhound 6 MH-60S Knighthawk, 6 MH-60R Seahawk
2018, Harry S. Truman (CVW-1) 24 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 24 F/A-18F Super Hornet --- 6 EA-18G Growler, 6 E-2D Hawkeye 2 C-2A Greyhound 6 MH-60S Knighthawk, 6 MH-60R Seahawk

Project history: With these ships the US Navy returned to building nuclear carriers of Enterprise size. They incorporate a new two-reactor power plant, developed from a project for a single reactor destroyer/frigate plant, and so have even more internal space than the huge Enterprise, in addition they incorporate the more economical (in terms of space) torpedo protection system of the Kennedy. Their general arrangement and electronic suit also duplicate those of Kennedy, and they were armed with 3 Sea Sparrow launchers for self-defence. Theodore Roosevelt sub-class are considerably improved, particularly in self-defence (Kevlar over vitals, and better hull protection). A reduction in aviation ordnance (to 1954 tons) presumably reflects increased volume devoted to protection. Otherwise these ships are similar to the CVN68 class, with much the same hull envelope.

Ship protection: Armour protection consists of 3 protected decks (flight, hangar and lower decks) and vertical armour (side armour and longitudinal bulkheads). Also there is a box-shaped protection of magazines and vital zones. Underwater protection includes 5 longitudinal bulkheads (4th bulkhead is 76mm-thick). Bottom is also protected. Also vital spaces have 63mm Kevlar protection.

Modernizations: 1996, George Washington; early 2000s, Abraham Lincoln, John C. Stennis, Harry S. Truman: + JSIPS-N CCS

1996, Theodore Roosevelt: + JSIPS-N CCS

1998, Theodore Roosevelt: - 2x SPN-42A radars, SLQ-29 ECM; + 2x SPN-46 radars, SLQ-32(v)4 ECM

2005, George Washington: - 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM, 2 x 6 - 20/76, 2x Mk 95, Mk 90, Mk 23 TAS radars; + 2 x 21 RAM SAM (42 RIM-116A), SPQ-9B radar, SLQ-20B ECM signal processor, SLX-1 torpedo-protection system

2006, Harry S. Truman; 2008, Abraham Lincoln: - 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM, 1 x 6 - 20/76, 2x Mk 95, Mk 90 radars; + 2 x 21 RAM SAM (42 RIM-116A), SLQ-20B ECM signal processor, SLX-1 torpedo-protection system, CEC USG-2 CCS

11/2007, Theodore Roosevelt; 2007, John C. Stennis: - 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM, 1 x 6 - 20/76, 2x Mk 95, Mk 90, Mk 23 TAS radars; + 2 x 21 RAM SAM (42 RIM-116A), SPQ-9B radar, SLQ-20B ECM signal processor, SLX-1 torpedo-protection system, CEC USG-2 CCS

2010, George Washington: + CEC USG-2 CCS

2010-2014, all: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM; + 2 x 8 ESSM SAM (16 RIM-162), SSDS Mk 2, ADMACS CCS

(8/2009-6/2013), Theodore Roosevelt; (7/2013-5/2017), Abraham Lincoln: top two levels of island were completely replaced, new antenna mast and new radar tower were installed.

Naval service: No significant events.

Harry S. Truman 2004

Abraham Lincoln 2008

Theodore Roosevelt 2015

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