
fighting ships of the world



RONALD REAGAN nuclear powered aircraft carriers (2003-2009)

Ronald Reagan 2010

George H. W. Bush 2010

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
CVN76 Ronald Reagan 645 Newport News SB 12.2.1998 10.3.2001 12.7.2003 in service (2020)
CVN77 George H. W. Bush   Newport News SB 19.5.2003 9.10.2006 10.1.2009 in service (2020)

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

CVN76: 317.0 wl 334.7 oa

CVN77: 317.1 wl 332.9 oa

Breadth, m

40.9 wl 78.3 ext

Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 2 Westinghouse/General Electric A4W/A1G reactors

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t


Endurance, nm(kts) practically unlimited

Armour, mm

presumably belt summary: 135, flight deck: 45, hangar deck: 50, main deck: 56 + Kevlar protection of vital spaces


CVN76: 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 2 x 21 RAM SAM (42 RIM-116A), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, ~90 aircraft (F-14, F/A-18 fighters, AV-8 attackers, EA-6 ECM planes, E-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-60, MH-53, MH-60, SH-60, UH-1, UH-3, UH-46, UH-60 helicopters)

CVN77: 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (24 RIM-7), 2 x 21 RAM SAM (42 RIM-116A), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, ~90 aircraft (F-14, F/A-18 fighters, AV-8 attackers, EA-6 ECM planes, E-2 EW planes, S-3 ASW planes, C-2 cargo planes, AH-1, CH-46, CH-53, HH-1, HH-60, MH-53, MH-60, SH-60, UH-1, UH-3, UH-46, UH-60 helicopters)


CVN76: SPS-49A, SPS-48E, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-43B, SPN-44, 2x SPN-46, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-73, 4x Mk 95, 3x Mk 90, SPQ-9B radars, SLQ-32(v)4, SLQ-20B ECM suites, 8x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A torpedo decoy, CEC USG-2, ICDS, JDTS, POST, CVIC CCS

CVN77: SPS-49A(v)1, SPS-48E, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-43B, SPN-44, 2x SPN-46, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-73, 4x Mk 95, 3x Mk 90, SPQ-9B radars, SLQ-32(v)4, SLQ-20B ECM suites, 8x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A SSTDS torpedo decoy, CEC USG-2, ICDS, JDTS, POST, CVIC CCS



Aircraft facilities (fd - 22,268 m², ha - 6,860 m² / 55,357 m³): Flight deck: 331.7 x 76.8m. Hangar: 208.5 x 32.9 x 8.07 m. There are 4 deck-edge elevators (47.6t, 21.4/25.9 x 15.9m). There are 4 C13 Mod.2 catapults. Aircraft fuel stowage: 12 869 000 l of JP-5 jet fuel. Aviation ordnance stowage is 1954t.

Year fighters recon, EW, ECM ASW and auxiliary helicopters
2005, standard 36 F/A-18C, 14 F-14 4 EA-6B, 4 E-2C, 2 ES-3 8 S-3B, 2 C-2 6 SH-60
2010, standard 55 F/A-18 4 EA-6B, 4E-2C 2 C-2A 4 SH-60F, 2 HH-60H
2016, standard 14 F/A-18A/D, 30 F/A-18E/F 6 EA-18G, 6 E-2C/D 2 C-2A 10 MH-60R/S
2016, Ronald Reagan (CVW-5) 36 F/A-18E, 12 F/A-18F 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C 2 C-2A 6 MH-60S, 6 MH-60R
2016, George H. W. Bush (CVW-8) 12 F/A-18C, 24 F/A-18E, 12 F/A-18F 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C 2 C-2A 6 MH-60S, 6 MH-60R
2018, Ronald Reagan (CVW-5) 36 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 12 F/A-18F Super Hornet 6 EA-18G Growler, 6 E-2D Hawkeye 2 C-2A Greyhound 6 MH-60S Knighthawk, 6 MH-60R Seahawk
2018, George H. W. Bush (CVW-8) 12 F/A-18C Hornet, 24 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 12 F/A-18F Super Hornet 6 EA-18G Growler, 6 E-2C Hawkeye 2 C-2A Greyhound 6 MH-60S Knighthawk, 6 MH-60R Seahawk

Project history: Intermediate design between Nimitz class and new CVN78. CVN77 has integrated information systems, open-system architecture for computers and combat systems, fiber-optic cabling and zonal electrical distribution, multifunctional embedded antennas and composite construction for the island. Concepts and systems are employed to reduce the lifetime cost for the ship by about 20% and to reduce the crew by 500. Differed from previous sister-ships, they have a prominent, 10.4m-long bow bulb to the hull, while the island superstructure is one deck lower than in earlier ships, and supports two masts. The ships have improved air-conditioning systems and berthing facilities. Instead of previous ships, they have 3 but not 4 arrester wires.

Ship protection (presumably): Armour protection consists of 3 protected decks (flight, hangar and lower decks) and vertical armour (side armour and longitudinal bulkheads). Also there is a box-shaped protection of magazines and vital zones. Underwater protection includes 5 longitudinal bulkheads (4th bulkhead is 76mm-thick). Bottom is also protected. Also vital spaces have 63mm Kevlar protection.

Modernizations: late 2000s, Ronald Reagan: - SPS-49A radar; + SPS-49A(v)1 radar

early 2010s, both: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM, 3 x 6 - 20/76, SPS-73, SPS-64(v)9, 3x Mk 90 radars, SLQ-25 torpedo decoy; + 2 x 8 ESSM SAM (16 RIM-162), 4 x 1 - 12.7/90, SPS-73(v)12 radar, SLX-1 anti-torpedo system

Naval service: No significant events.

Ronald Reagan 2009

George H. W. Bush 2016

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