
fighting ships of the world



FORRESTAL attack aircraft carriers (1955 - 1959)

Forrestal 1955

Forrestal 1963

Ranger 1975

Forrestal 1979

Ranger 1990

Saratoga 1990

Ranger 2000

No Name Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comm Fate
CVA59, 6.1975- CV59, 2.1992- AVT59 Forrestal 506 Newport News 14.7.1952 11.12.1954 1.10.1955 TS 2.1992, stricken 9.1993
CVA60, 6.1972- CV60 Saratoga   New York N Yd, Brooklyn 16.12.1952 8.10.1955 14.4.1956 stricken 8.1994
CVA61, 6.1975- CV61 Ranger 514 Newport News 2.8.1954 29.9.1956 10.8.1957 stricken 3.2004
CVA62, 2.1973- CV62 Independence   New York N Yd, Brooklyn 1.7.1955 6.6.1958 10.1.1959 stricken 3.2004

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

301.8 wl 316.7 oa

Breadth, m

39.4 wl 76.2 ext

Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 8 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

Power, h. p.

CVA59: 260000

CVA60-62: 280000

Max speed, kts

CVA59: 32

CVA60-62: 33

Fuel, t

oil 8570

Endurance, nm(kts) 12000(20)

Armour, mm

belt summary: 150, flight deck: 45, gallery deck: 25, hangar deck: 37, main deck: 37, torpedo bulkhead: 76


CVA59: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 42, 90 aircraft (F4U/FG/F3A, F7F, F8F, FJ, F2H, F9F, F3D, F7U fighters, AU, AD, AJ attackers, F2H-P, F9F-P, AJ-P, OE, F7U-P recon planes, S2F ASW planes, AD-Q ECM planes, AD-W EW planes, TF cargo planes, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HO5S, HSL, HSS helicopters)

CVA60: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 42, 90 aircraft (F7F, FJ, F2H, F9F, F3D, F7U, F3H, F4D fighters, AD, AJ, A3D attackers, F7F-P, F2H-P, F9F-P, AJ-P, OE, F7U-P recon planes, S2F ASW planes, AD-Q ECM planes, AD-W EW planes, TF cargo planes, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HO5S, HSL, HSS, HOK helicopters)

CVA61: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 42, 90 aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3D, F7U, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F2H-P, F9F-P, AJ-P, OE, F7U-P recon planes, S2F ASW planes, AD-Q ECM planes, AD-W EW planes, TF cargo planes, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HSL, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUL, HR2S helicopters)

CVA62: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk 42, 90 aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3D, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F2H-P, F9F-P, AJ-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon planes, S2F ASW planes, AD-Q, F3D-Q ECM planes, AD-W EW planes, TF cargo planes, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HSL, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters)


SPS-8A, SPS-12, SPS-10, SPN-6, SPN-8, SPN-12, 3 x Mk 35 radars, SLR-2 ECM suite



  Aircraft facilities (CVA59, 60) (fd - 18,600 m², ha - 6,945 m² / 52,785 m³): Flight deck: 310.2 x 73.0m. Hangar: 225.5 x 30.8 x 7.60 m. There were 4 deck-edge elevators (34t, 19.5 x 15.8m). There were 2 C7 and 2 C11 catapults. Aircraft fuel stowage: 2 840 000 l of petrol and 2 970 000 l of JP-5 jet fuel. Aviation ordnance stowage was 1650t.

  (CVA61, 62) (fd - 18,600 m², ha - 6,945 m² / 52,785 m³): Flight deck: 310.2 x 73.0m. Hangar: 225.5 x 30.8 x 7.60 m. There were 4 deck-edge elevators (34t, 19.5 x 15.8m). There were 4 C7 catapults. Aircraft fuel stowage: 2 840 000 l of petrol and 2 970 000 l of JP-5 jet fuel. Aviation ordnance stowage was 1650t.

Year fighters attackers recon, EW, ECM ASW and auxiliary helicopters
1960, Saratoga 14 F3H, 14 F8U 24 A4D, 12 AD-6, 12 A3D 4 F8U-1P, 4 AD-5W - -
1967, Forrestal 24 F-4B 24 A-4E, 12 A-6A 3 RA-5C, 3 RA-3B, 4 E-2A 3 KA-3B 4 UH-2A
1973, Saratoga 24 F-4J 28 A-7A, 14 A-6A 4 RA-5C, 4 E-2B 4 KA-6D 8 SH-3D
1973, Forrestal 24 F-4J 24 A-7A, 12 A-6A 3 RA-5C, 4 EA-6B, 4 E-2B 4 KA-6D, 10 S-3A 8 SH-3H
1987, Independence 24 F-14A 42 A-6E 4 E-2C, 4 EA-6B 10 S-3A, 4 KA-6D 8 SH-3H
1998, Independence 20 F-14A, 36 F/A-18A/B --- 4 EA-6B, 4 E-2C 8 S-3A 4 SH-60F

Project history: These four ships were a major fruit of the revival of naval shipbuilding during and after the Korean War. Forrestal was originally designed as a somewhat smaller version of the cancelled United States. Senator Vinson having decreed that he would approve any carrier short of 60000t. Thus the design called for a flush (island-less) flight deck with four catapults, so that four aircraft could be launched simultaneously, with two in the bow and one angled out from each side in the waist. In order to launch heavy aircraft at high speed, the catapults were to be of a new explosive type, and the stowage of catapult charges was a major design problem. Compared to previous carriers, the sheer capacity of their magazines and aircraft fuel tanks was enormous.

    As redesigned with an angled flight deck, they have two catapults in the waist, to port, so that aircraft can be spotted simultaneously, although they must be launched in succession. In the first two ships the waist catapults were C-11s, as in the steam-catapult Essex-class modernizations, whereas the two bow catapults were C-7s.

Ship protection: Armour protection consisted of 4 protected decks and distributed vertical armour (side armour and longitudinal bulkheads). Also there was a box-shaped protection of magazines and vital zones. Underwater protection included 5 longitudinal bulkheads (4th bulkhead was 76mm-thick). Bottom was also protected.

Modernizations: early 1960s, Forrestal, Saratoga, Independence: - 4 x 1 - 127/54 (fwd), fwd gun sponsons were removed

1967, Forrestal: - 4 x 1 - 127/54, 3x Mk 35 radars; + 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (8 RIM-7), Mk 51, SPS-58 radars

1960s, all: - SPS-12, SPS-8A, SPN-6 radars, SLR-2 ECM suite; + SPS-29, SPS-30, SPN-10, LN-66 radars, WLR-1, ULQ-6 ECM suites

1973, Independence, 1974, Saratoga: - 4 x 1 - 127/54, 3x Mk 35 radars; + 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk 51, SPS-58 radars

1970s, all: - ULQ-6 ECM suite; + WLR-3, WLR-11 ECM suites

mid-1970s, Ranger: - 2 x 1 - 127/54

1976, Forrestal: + 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (8 RIM-7), Mk 51 radar

1977, Ranger: - 2 x 1 - 127/54, 3x Mk 35 radars; + 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (16 RIM-7), 6x Mk 95, SPS-58 radars

1980s, all: - SPS-10, SPN-8, SPN-10 radars; + SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-41, 2x SPN-42, SPN-43A radars, 5x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy

1983, Saratoga: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 25 launcher) (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk 51, SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 29 launchers) (24 RIM-7), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 6x Mk 95, Mk 23 TAS, SPS-48C, SPS-49, SPS-65, SPS-37, 3x Mk 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system), 3x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, NTDS CCS; kevlar armour was added; elevators can lift up to 45t aircraft.

1985, Ranger: - SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)1, Mk 23 TAS, SPS-49(v)5, SPS-48C, SPN-44, 3x Mk 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system)

1985, Forrestal: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 25 launchers) (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk 51, SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 29 launchers) (24 RIM-7), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 6x Mk 95, Mk 23 TAS, SPS-48C, SPS-49, SPS-58, SPS-43A, 3x Mk 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system), 3x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, NTDS CCS; kevlar armour was added; elevators can lift up to 45t aircraft.

1988, Independence: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 25 launchers) (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk 51, SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 29 launchers) (24 RIM-7), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk 15 Phalanx, 6x Mk 95, Mk 23 TAS, SPS-48C, SPS-49(v)5, SPS-58, SPS-43A, SPN-44, 3x Mk 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system), 3x Mk 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo decoy, NTDS CCS, TFCC (Tactical Flag Command Center); kevlar armour was added; elevators can lift up to 45t aircraft.

Naval service: No significant events.

Saratoga 1975


Ranger 1993

© Ivan Gogin, 2015