
fighting ships of the world



'M' destroyers (1914-1915)

Mansfield 1915

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Murray HA4, H86, D33   Palmers, Jarrow 1913 6.8.1914 12.1914 sold 5.1921
Myngs HA5, H87, D41   Palmers, Jarrow 1913 24.9.1914 2.1915 sold 5.1921
Matchless H4A, H73, D47   Swan Hunter, Wallsend 1913 5.10.1914 12.1914 sold 10.1921
Milne H8A, H80, D12   John Brown, Clydebank 1913 5.10.1914 12.1914 sold 9.1921
Morris AH3, H85, D35   John Brown, Clydebank 1913 19.11.1914 12.1914 sold 11.1921
Moorsom HA2, H84, D27   John Brown, Clydebank 1913 20.12.1914 2.1915 sold 11.1921
Hawthorn Leslie 'specials'
Mentor H6A, H77, D54 468 Hawthorn Leslie, Hebburn 1913 21.8.1914 1915 sold 5.1921
Mansfield H1A, H70, D37 469 Hawthorn Leslie, Hebburn 1913 3.12.1914 1915 sold 10.1921
Thornycroft 'specials'
Meteor H7A, H78, D84 696 Thornycroft, Woolston 1913 24.7.1914 9.1914 sold 5.1921
Mastiff H3A, H72, D66 697 Thornycroft, Woolston 1913 5.9.1914 11.1914 sold 5.1921
Yarrow 'specials'
Miranda HA0, H83, D24   Yarrow, Scotstoun 1912 27.5.1914 8.1914 sold 10.1921
Minos H9A, H81   Yarrow, Scotstoun 1912 6.8.1914 10.1914 sold 8.1920
Manly H0A, H69, D20   Yarrow, Scotstoun 1913 12.10.1914 12.1914 sold 10.1921


Displacement normal, t

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 900

Mentor, Mansfield: 1055

Meteor, Mastiff: 980

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 850

Displacement full, t

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 1100

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 990

Length, m

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 83.3

Mentor, Mansfield: 82.8

Meteor, Mastiff: 83.6

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 82.1

Breadth, m

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 8.15

Mentor, Mansfield: 8.23

Meteor, Mastiff: 8.31

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 7.81

Draught, m

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 2.59

Mentor, Mansfield: 3.20

Meteor, Mastiff: 3.05

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 2.90

No of shafts

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 3

Mentor, Mansfield, Meteor, Mastiff, Miranda, Minos, Manly: 2


Murray, Myngs, Matchless: 3 Parsons steam turbines, 4 Yarrow boilers

Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 3 Brown-Curtis steam turbines, 4 Yarrow boilers

Mentor, Mansfield, Meteor, Mastiff: 2 sets Parsons independent reduction steam turbines, 4 Yarrow boilers

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 2 Brown-Curtis steam turbines, 3 Yarrow boilers

Power, h. p.

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 25000

Mentor, Mansfield: 27000

Meteor, Mastiff: 26500

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 23000

Max speed, kts

Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 34

Mentor, Mansfield, Meteor, Mastiff, Miranda, Minos, Manly: 35

Fuel, t

oil 278

Endurance, nm(kts)  


3 x 1 - 102/40 QF Mk IV, 2 x 1 - 40/39 2pdr QF Mk II, 2 x 2 - 533 TT (4), 4 Elia Mk IV mines


Murray, Myngs, Matchless, Milne, Morris, Moorsom: 80

Mentor, Mansfield: 76

Meteor, Mastiff: 82

Miranda, Minos, Manly: 79

Project history: The boats of the 1913-14 Programme were improved 'L's, wilh 6kts more speed, at the insistence of the new First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Chutthill. For the first time speed of delivery was all-important, as the Admiralty clearly recognised that war was imminent, and Thornycroft, White and Yarrow were asked to accept two orders each, with the first payment to be made in April 1913, before contracts were signed (delivery was to be in March 1914). Thus when in March 1913 the Controller issued invitations to tender, the three boats building at Thornycroft and the two each at Yarrow and Hawthorn Leslie were 'bought' as if they had been built on speculation. Two orders planned for J S White were not placed, however, and Thornycroft were given a third order. Geared turbines were favoured, but the E-in-C wished to wait until the trials results with Leonidas and Lucifer were available before making the switch to the 'all-geared' type. Similarly longitudinal framing would be examined after Ardent had finished her trials.
    Excluding the seven 'stock' boats already building, the final order was for only six, three from John Brown, two from Palmer and one from Swan Hunter, making 13 instead of the normal 20 for a full flotilla. The reason was that money for the Arethusa class light cruisers had used up funds in the current Estimates - a decision which was justified on the dubious grounds that they would take over many of the duties of destroyers. The lead boat, Miranda was begun in October 1912 and completed in August 1914, followed by her sisters in October-November. She made 33kts in deep load condition, whereas Minos in light condition made 36kts on a 6-hour trial. The 'M' class were generally similar to the 'L' class in appearance, but with the midships gun on the deck, not on a 'bandstand' platform. The Yarrow boats had two funnels and the bridge carried well back from the forecastle. The Hawthorn Leslie boats had four funnels. The Admiralty boats had short funnels, and the Thornycroft boats could be distinguished by three taller flat-sided funnels. The design proved most successful and, with only slight modifications, was used for mass-production in the war which followed.

    Marksman, Menace and Monitor were projected for the 1914-15 Programme but were cancelled in favour of two Lightfoot class leaders.

Modernizations: 1917, Meteor: - 1 x 1 - 102/40, 2 x 2 - 533 TT; + 60 mines

Naval service: No significant events.






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