
fighting ships of the world



"J", "K" and "N" destroyers (1939 - 1942)

Janus 1940

Jupiter 1940

Jupiter 1941


Napier 1942

Jervis 1945

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
"J" group
Jackal F22, G22   John Brown, Clydebank 9/1937 25.10.1938 4/1939 sunk 12.5.1942
Jaguar F34, G34   Denny, Dumbarton 11/1937 22.11.1938 9/1939 sunk 26.3.1942
Janus F53, G53   Swan Hunter, Wallsend 9/1937 10.11.1938 8/1939 sunk 23.1.1944
Javelin F61, G61, 1948- D161?   John Brown, Clydebank 10/1937 21.12.1938 6/1939 BU 6.1949
Jersey F72, G72   White, Cowes 9/1937 26.9.1938 4/1939 sunk 2.5.1941
Jervis F00, G00   Hawthorn Leslie, Hebburn 8/1937 9.9.1938 8/1939 TS 5.1946, BU 1.1949
Juno F46, G46   Fairfield, Govan 10/1937 8.12.1938 8/1939 sunk 21.5.1941
Jupiter F85, G85   Yarrow, Scotstoun 9/1937 27.10.1938 6/1939 sunk 27.2.1942
"K" group
Kandahar F28   Denny, Dumbarton 1/1938 21.3.1939 10/1939 sunk 20.12.1941
Kashmir F12   Thornycroft, Woolston 10/1937 4.4.1939 10/1939 sunk 23.5.1941
Kelly F01   Hawthorn Leslie, Hebburn 8/1937 25.10.1938 8/1939 sunk 23.5.1941
Kelvin F37, 1948- D37?   Fairfield, Govan 10/1937 19.1.1939 11/1939 BU 4.1949
Khartoum F45   Swan Hunter, Wallsend 10/1937 6.2.1939 11/1939 internal explosion 23.6.1940
Kimberley F50, 1948- D150?   Thornycroft, Woolston 1/1938 1.6.1939 12/1939 BU 3.1949
Kingston F64   White, Cowes 10/1937 9.1.1939 9/1939 CTL 11.4.1942
Kipling F91   Yarrow, Scotstoun 10/1937 19.1.1939 12/1939 sunk 11.5.1942
"N" group
Napier (RAN 11.1941 - 10.1945) G97, D13,1948- D297   Fairfield, Govan 7/1939 22.5.1940 12/1940 BU 1.1956
Nepal (ex-Norseman) G25, D14, 1948- D125   Thornycroft, Woolston 9/1939 4.12.1941 5/1942 BU 1.1956
Nestor (RAN 2.1941) G02   Fairfield, Govan 7/1939 9.7.1940 2/1941 sunk 15.6.1942
Nizam (RAN 1.1941 - 10.1945) G38, D15, 1948- D38   John Brown, Clydebank 7/1939 4.7.1940 1/1941 BU 11.1955
Noble G84   Denny, Dumbarton 7/1939 17.4.1941 2.1942 // --- to Netherlands at completion 2.1942 (Van Galen)
Nerissa, 1946 - Noble G65, 1948- D165   John Brown, Clydebank 7/1939 7.5.1940 11/1940 // 10.1946 to Poland before completion 10.1940 - 8.1946 (Piorun), BU 12.1955
Nonpareil G16   Denny, Dumbarton 5/1940 25.6.1941 10.1942 // --- to Netherlands before completion 5.1942 (Tjerk Hiddes)
Norman (RAN 9.1941 - 10.1945) G47, D16, 1948- D149   Thornycroft, Woolston 7.1939 30.10.1940 9.1941 BU 5.1958


Displacement standard, t

1760 - 1773

Displacement full, t

2330 - 2384 (later 2540 - 2555)

Length, m

103.5 pp 108.7 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

4.16 - 4.22 (later 4.34)

No of shafts



2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 2 Admiralty 3-drum boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kn


Fuel, t

oil 464

Endurance, nm(kts) 5500(15)


"J", "K" classes: 3 x 2 - 120/45 QF Mk XII, 1 x 4 - 40/39 2pdr QF Mk VIII, 2 x 4 - 12.7/62, 2 x 5 - 533 TT, 2 DCT, 1 DCR (20 DC), mechanical minesweeping gear

Norman: 3 x 2 - 120/45 QF Mk XII, 1 x 1 - 102/45 QF Mk V, 1 x 4 - 40/39 2pdr QF Mk VIII, 2 x 4 - 12.7/62, 2 x 2 - 12.7/62, 1 x 5 - 533 TT, 2 DCT, 1 DCR (45 DC)

Napier, Nepal, Nestor, Nizam: 3 x 2 - 120/45 QF Mk XII, 1 x 1 - 102/45 QF Mk V, 1 x 4 - 40/39 2pdr QF Mk VIII, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV, 2 x 2 - 12.7/62, 1 x 5 -533 TT, 2 DCT, 1 DCR (45 DC)

Noble: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 4 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 -533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45)


J, K classes: type 124 sonar

presumably Napier, Nepal, Nizam, Nestor, Norman: type 285, type 286/P radars, type 124 sonar

presumably Noble (10/1946): type 285, type 291, type 293 radars, type 124 sonar


183 - 218

Project history: Destroyers of "J" class became in many respects landmark ships, having exceeded in this quality even well-known "Tribals". All the subsequent destroyers of Royal Navy (behind a small exception) before occurrence in the end of war of "Battle" class were to some extent modifications of this successful design. Changes concerned basically armament while the hull and machinery remained practically invariable.

Even at designing of "Tribal" class destroyers a number of Admiralty chiefs expressed as against an excessive enlarging, and cost of these ships (one "Tribal" cost almost in one and a half time more expensively, than "standard" "I" class destroyer) at too weak torpedo armament. The decision on return on destroyers of 1936 Programme to more balanced gun-torpedo armament at a little smaller displacement and two-boiler-room machinery with one funnel became the consequence. At early phases of designing it was offered to return to four single 120mm mounts and 2 quadruple TTs, that was actually to simple modified "I" class, but the choice has been made in favour of the design with three twin 120mm mounts (two in a bow and one on an aft superstructure) and 2 quintuple TTs. Similar arrangement of main artillery exempted quarterdeck for the anti-submarine and minesweeping equipment and has allowed to give out additional spaces for a flotilla headquarters in an aft superstructure without a ship enlarging as it practised earlier. Therefore since "J" class flotilla leaders had the same dimensions as destroyers, and the number of the ships of a flotilla was shrank from 9 to 8. The electrical drive on new ships was more widely applied. Transition to a longitudinal framing became the important innovation.

The order for building of eight ships of "J" class was given in March, 1937, a month later 8 units of "K" class of 1937 Programme were ordered. The decision on building of 8 more destroyers of this type ("N" class) have accepted in 1939, when in connection with growth of the sizes and costs of the ships of "L" and "M" classes of 1937 and 1939 Programmes a protraction of terms of their availability begun to show. The similar course has appeared true, and majority of destroyers of "N" class of 1939 Programme were completed earlier than ships of "L" and "M" classes.

Modernizations: 1940 - 1941, Jackal, Jaguar, Janus, Javelin, Jersey, Jervis, Jupiter, Kashmir, Kelly, Kelvin, Kimberley, Kingston, Kipling: - 1 x 5 - 533 TT; + 1 x 1 - 102/45 QF Mk V

1940-1942, almost all completed and survived: + type 285, type 286/P/M radars

1941, "J" and "K" classes but Khartoum: - 2 x 4 - 12.7/62; + 4 x 1 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV

1942, Norman: - 1 x 1 - 102/45, 2 x 4 - 12.7/62, 2 x 2 - 12.7/62; + 4 x 2 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV, 1 x 5 - 533 TT

1942, "N" class but Norman: - 1 x 1 - 102/45, 2 x 1 - 20/70, 2 x 2 - 12.7/62; + 4 x 2 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV, 1 x 5 - 533 TT

1942 - 1943, all survived ships of "J" and "K" classes: - 1 x 1 - 102/45, 2 x 1 - 20/70, minesweeping gear; + 2 x 2 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV, 1 x 5 - 533 TT, DC stowage was increased up to 45 pcs.

1943, Jervis (temporarily): - 1 x 5 - 533 TT; + 1 x 4 - 533 TT

1943 - 1944, all survived: + 2 DCT, 1 DCR (DC stowage was 45 pcs)

1943 - 1945, almost all survived: - type 286/P radar; + type 271 or type 293, type 291 radars

1945, Nizam: - 1 x 5 - 533 TT; + 1 x 1 - 40/56 Bofors Mk III

1/1946, Javelin: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 2 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 - 533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Jervis: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 2 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 - 533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Kelvin: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 2 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 - 533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Kimberley: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 2 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 - 533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Napier: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 4 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 -533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Nepal: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 4 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 -533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Nizam: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 1 - 40/60 Mk III, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 4 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 1 x 5 -533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

8/1946, Noble: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 4 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 -533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

1/1946, Norman: 3 x 2 - 120/45 CP Mk XIX, 1 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 4 x 2 - 20/70 Mk V, 2 x 1 - 20/70 Mk III, 2 x 5 - 533 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (45), type 271 or type 293, type 285, type 291 radars, type 124 sonar

Naval service: Jackal has received hit of an air torpedo in December, 1941, and 11.5.1942 she was badly damaged by German Ju 88 bomber in 80nm NW of Mersa-Matruh. She was 12.5.1942 abandoned by crew and sunk by destroyer Jervis. Jaguar 26.3.1942 was sunk by German submarine U652 N of Sollum. Janus was sunk by German Ju 88 bomber at Anzio 23.1.1944. Javelin 29.11.1940 was badly damaged by hit of two torpedoes from German destroyer Hans Lody: fwd and aft ship ends were broken off by explosions, repair lasted till January 1942. Jersey 7.12.1939 was torpedoed by German destroyer Erich Giese and repaired till to September, 1940; she was stricken by German mine and lost in La-Valletta harbour (Malta) 4.5.1941. Jervis in March, 1940 was damaged in collision and repaired till July. Juno was sunk by Italian Z.1007 bomber S of Crete 21.5.1941. Jupiter was sunk by torpedoes from Japanese cruisers and destroyers in Java Sea 28.2.1942. Kandahar was stricken by Italian mine 19.12.1941 at Tripoli and next day she was sunk by gunfire of destroyer Jaguar. Kashmir 23.5.1941 was sunk by German Ju 87 bomber off Crete. Kelly 14.12.1939 was damaged by not-contact mine in a mouth of Tyne, repair lasted till the end of February, 1940; 10.5.1940 she has received hit of a torpedo from German MTB S31 and repaired till the middle of December, 1940; she was sunk by German Ju 87 bomber off Crete 23.5.1941. Khartoum 23.6.1940 in Red Sea in battle against Italian submarine Toriccelli received damages, blown up after the fire and completely destroyed. Kingston 11.4.1942 was badly damaged by German Ju 88 bomber off Malta, capsized and never repaired. Kipling was sunk by German Ju 88 bomber 11.5.1942 in East Mediterranean. Nestor was sunk by Italian Ju 87 bomber in East Mediterranean 15.6.1942.

Jackal 1939

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-15