
fighting ships of the world



KRECHET torpedo boats (1900-1904)

Prozorlivyy 1902

Steregushchiy 1904

Prozorlivyy 1914

Smetlivyy 1914

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Коршун [Korshun], 3.1902- Послушный [Poslushnyy]   1455 Crichton, Abo 1898 5.1898 7.1900 captured by Finland 13.4.1918 (S3)
Кречет [Krechet], 3.1902- Пылкий [Pylkiy]   1456 Crichton, Abo 1897 1.10.1899 7.1900 oil depot 8.1911
Прочный [Prochnyy] (ex-Ястреб [Yastreb])     Izhora Wks, Kolpino 10.1896 1.10.1898 5.1902 stricken 8.1922
Поражающий [Porazhayushchiy] (ex-Нырок [Nyrok])     Izhora Wks, Kolpino 1896 15.11.1898 5.1902 dispatch vessel 1.1914, interned by Germany 12.4.1918 - 5.1918, torpedo boat 8.1918, stricken 11.1925
Пронзительный [Pronzitelnyy] (ex-Беркут [Berkut])     Izhora Wks, Kolpino 7.1897 29.6.1899 5.1902 stricken 7.1911
Прозорливый [Prozorlivyy] (ex-Гагара [Gagara])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg 1898 8.7.1899 5.1902 dispatch vessel 9.1914, torpedo boat 1.1916, captured by Finland 13.4.1918 (S2)
Резвый [Rezvyy] (ex-Ворон [Voron])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg 1899 31.8.1899 5.1902 captured by Finland 13.4.1918 (S4)
Ретивый [Retivyy] (ex-Филин [Filin])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg 1899 22.6.1900 5.1902 stricken 8.1922
Рьяный [Ryanyy] (ex-Сова [Sova])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg 1899 7.7.1900 5.1902 dispatch vessel 9.1914, torpedo boat 1916, captured by Finland 13.4.1918 (S1)
Подвижный [Podvizhnyy] (ex-Альбатрос [Albatros])     Izhora Wks, Kolpino 10.1899 3.6.1901 5.1902 captured by Finland 13.4.1918 (S5)
Решительный [Reshitelnyy (ex-Кондор [Kondor], ex-Баклан [Baklan])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1900 // 4.1901 26.7.1901 7.1902 captured by Japan 12.8.1904 (暁 [Akatsuki])
Строгий [Strogiy] (ex-Лебедь [Lebed]), 12.1922- Марти [Marti]   1470 Crichton, St. Petersburg 8.1899 2.8.1901 9.1902 captured by Germany 1.5.1918, to White Army 5.1919, to Red Fleet 12.1920 (re-commissioned 7.1923), dispatch vessel 2.1926, stricken 7.1929
Сметливый [Smetlivyy] (ex-Пеликан [Pelikan])   1469 Crichton, St. Petersburg 8.1899 2.8.1901 9.1902 scuttled 18.6.1918
Свирепый [Svirepyy] (ex-Павлин [Pavlin]), 12.1922- Лейтенант Шмидт [Leytenant Shmidt]   1472 Crichton, St. Petersburg 8.1899 7.9.1901 9.1902 captured by Germany 1.5.1918, to White Army 5.1919, to Red Fleet 12.1920 (re-commissioned 7.1921), stricken 4.1927
Стремительный [Stremitelnyy] (ex-Фазан [Fazan])   1471 Crichton, St. Petersburg 8.1899 1.10.1901 9.1902 scuttled 18.6.1918
Сердитый [Serdityy] (ex-Бекас [Bekas])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1901 // 1901 4.11.1901 6.1903 interned by China 1.1.1905 - 11.1905, captured by Japan 30.6.1918
Смелый [Smelyy] (ex-Горлица [Gorlitsa])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1901 // 1901 10.2.1902 9.1903 interned by China 1.1.1905 - 11.1905, captured by Japan 30.6.1918
Сторожевой [Storozhevoy] (ex-Грач [Grach])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1901 // 1901 31.3.1902 9.1903 damaged 16.12.1904, scuttled 2.1.1905
Стерегущий [Steregushchiy] (ex-Кулик [Kulik])     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1901 // 1902 22.6.1902 9.1903 sunk 10.3.1904
Разящий [Razyashchiy] (ex-Дрозд [Drozd])     Izhora Wks, Kolpino // Port Arthur Wks 1901 // 1902 10.12.1902 9.1903 scuttled 2.1.1905
Расторопный [Rastoropnyy] (ex-Дятел [Dyatel])     Izhora Wks, Kolpino // Port Arthur Wks 1900 // 3.1902 12.3.1903 11.1903 scuttled 16.11.1904
Сильный [Silnyy]     Izhora Wks, Kolpino // Port Arthur Wks 7.1902 // 1903 21.6.1903 12.1903 scuttled 2.1.1905, to Japan (文月 [Fumizuki])
Скорый [Skoryy]     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 12.1902 // 1903 17.5.1903 12.1903 interned by China 1.1.1905 - 11.1905, captured by Japan 30.6.1918
Страшный [Strashnyy]     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1902 // 1903 1903 3.1904 sunk 13.4.1904
Стройный [Stroynyy]     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1902 // 1903 1903 3.1904 sunk 13.11.1904
Статный [Statnyy]     Nevskiy Wks, St. Petersburg // Port Arthur Wks 1902 // 1903 21.11.1903 7.1904 interned by China 2.1.1905 - 11.1905, captured by Japan 30.6.1918


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

Korshun, Krechet: 60.7

Prochnyy, Pronzitelnyy, Strogiy, Smetlivyy, Svirepyy, Stremitelnyy: 58.1

Porazhayushchiy, Prozorlivyy, Rezvyy, Retivyy, Podvizhnyy: 57.9

Ryanyy: 58.5

Reshitelnyy, Serdityy, Smelyy, Storozhevoy, Steregushchiy, Razyashchiy, Rastoropnyy, Silnyy, Skoryy, Strashnyy, Stroynyy, Statnyy: 61.0

Breadth, m

5.64 - 5.67

Draught, m

2.26 - 2.39

No of shafts



Korshun, Krechet, Prochnyy, Porazhayushchiy, Pronzitelnyy, Podvizhnyy, Reshitelnyy: 2 VTE, 8 Yarrow boilers

others: 2 VTE, 4 Yarrow boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts

26.5 - 27.5

Fuel, t

coal 58 - 80

Endurance, nm(kts) 450-660(13)


1 x 1 - 75/48 Canet, 3 x 1 - 47/40 Hotchkiss, 2 x 1 - 381 TT


51 - 58

Project history: Modified Sokol. First serial-built seaworthy torpedo boat destroyers of Russian Navy, intended for service at squadron and operations against enemy`s torpedo boats. To the beginning of WWI they became outdated and made no more than 22-24kts. Rated as torpedo boats.

Modernizations: 1909, Porazhayushchiy, Strogiy, Smetlivyy, Svirepyy, Stremitelnyy; 1910, Ryanyy; 1911, Poslushnyy, Prochnyy, Prozorlivyy, Rezvyy, Retivyy, Podvizhnyy; 1912, Serdityy, Smelyy, Skoryy, Statnyy: - 3 x 1 - 47/40, 2 x 1 - 381 TT; + 1 x 1 - 75/48 Canet, 2 x 1 - 7.6/94, 2 x 1 - 450 TT, 10 mines

1914, Porazhayushchiy, Prozorlivyy, Ryanyy; 1926, Marti: - 2 x 1 - 450 TT

1916, Prozorlivyy, Ryanyy; 1918, Porazhayushchiy: + 2 x 1 - 450 TT

1/1916, Poslushnyy, Prochnyy, Prozorlivyy, Rezvyy, Retivyy, Ryanyy, Podvizhnyy: - 2 x 1 - 450 TT; + mechanical minesweeping gear

Naval service: Storozhevoy was torpedoed by Japanese torpedo boat 16.12.1904 at Port Arthur and ran ashore, she was ultimately destroyed by crew 1.1.1905, Razyashchiy and Silnyy 1.1.1905 were scuttled in Port Arthur harbour to avoid capture by Japanese. Steregushchiy was sunk by 4 Japanese torpedo boats in Liao Te Shan Strait 10.3.1904, Strashnyy was sunk by 6 Japanese torpedo boats off Elliot Islands 13.4.1904, Stroynyy was sunk by Russian mine in Port Arthur harbour 13.11.1904. Reshitelny was blown up by crew and abandoned at Chifu (China) 11.8.1904 but stay afloat, captured by Japanese, later repaired and commissioned by IJN as Akatsuki. Rastoropny was scuttled by crew at Chifu 16.11.1904 to avoid capture by Japanese.

    Poslushny, Prozorlivy, Rezvy, Ryanyy and Podvizhnyy were captured by Finnish White troops at Helsingfors 13.4.1918 and were commissioned by Finnish Navy. Smetlivy and Stremitelny 18.6.1918 were scuttled by crews in Novorossiysk harbour to avoid capture by British troops; Strogiy and Svirepy were abandoned by Whites at Sevastopol, repaired and commissioned by Red Navy. Serdity, Skory, Statny and Smely were captured by Japanese troops at Vladivostok 30.6.1918, destroyed by Whites in October, 1922, later they were re-captured by Red Army but never repaired.

Rastoropnyy 1904



Serdityy 1916

Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2009-14