
fighting ships of the world



GNEVNYY destroyers (project 7) (1938-1942)

Gnevnyy 1940

Gremyashchiy 1942

Razumnyy 1943

Grozyashchiy 1944

Bodryy 1945

Bodryy 1945

Gromkiy 1958

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Гневный [Gnevnyy]   501 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad 12.1935 13.7.1936 12.1938 sunk 23.6.1941
Грозный [Groznyy]   502 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad 12.1935 31.7.1936 12.1938 test ship 2.1956
Громкий [Gromkiy]   503 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad 4.1936 6.12.1937 12.1938 target 4.1958
Грозящий [Grozyashchiy]   513/301 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad // 189 Ordzhonikidze Yd, Leningrad 6.1936 5.1.1937 9.1939 stricken 8.1953
Гордый [Gordyy]   514 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad 6.1936 10.6.1937 12.1938 sunk 14.11.1941
Гремящий [Gremyashchiy]   515 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad 7.1936 12.8.1937 8.1938 test ship 12.1956
Стерегущий [Steregushchiy]   516 190 Zhdanov Yd, Leningrad 8.1936 18.1.1938 10.1939 stricken 4.1958
Решительный [Reshitelnyy]   229 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 11.1935 // 1936 18.10.1937 --- foundered incomplete 8.11.1938
Расторопный [Rastoropnyy]   312 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2.1936 // 12.1936 25.6.1938 1.1940 rescue vessel 2.1956
Разящий [Razyashchiy]   313 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 202 Yd, Vladivostok 2.1936 // 11.1936 24.3.1938 12.1940 target 4.1956
Бодрый [Bodryy]   314 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev 12.1935 1.8.1936 11.1938 target 2.1956
Рьяный [Ryanyy]   315 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 12.1935 // 1936 31.5.1937 8.1939 target 4.1956
Резкий [Rezkiy]   319 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 202 Yd, Vladivostok 5.1936 // 7.1938 29.4.1940 8.1942 to China 7.1955 (撫順 [Fu Shun])
Быстрый [Bystryy]   320 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev 4.1936 5.11.1936 3.1939 sunk 1.7.1941
Бойкий [Boykiy]   321 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev 12.1935 29.10.1936 3.1939 test ship 2.1956
Беспощадный [Besposhchadnyy]   322 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev 5.1936 5.12.1936 10.1939 sunk 6.10.1943
Ретивый [Retivyy]   323 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 8.1936 // 7.1937 27.10.1937 10.1941 to China 1.1955 (太原 [Tai Yuan])
Решительный [Reshitelnyy] (ex-Поспешный [Pospeshnyy])   324 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 8.1936 // 8.1939 30.4.1940 8.1941 to China 1.1955 (長春 [Chang Chun])
Ревностный [Revnostnyy] (ex-Проворный [Provornyy])   325 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 8.1936 // 9.1937 22.5.1941 12.1941 target 4.1958
Разъярённый [Raz`yaryonnyy] (ex-Развитой [Razvitoy], ex-Передовой [Peredovoy])   326 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 9.1936 // 9.1937 22.5.1941 12.1941 heating vessel 2.1956
Рекордный [Rekordnyy] (ex-Прыткий [Prytkiy])   327 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 202 Yd, Vladivostok 9.1936 // 8.1938 6.4.1939 1.1941 to China 7.1955 (鞍山 [An Shan])
Редкий [Redkiy] (ex-Пылкий [Pylkiy])   328 198 Marti Yd, Nikolayev // 199 Yd, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 9.1936 // 11.1938 28.9.1941 11.1942 target 4.1958
Стремительный [Stremitelnyy]   291 189 Ordzhonikidze Yd, Leningrad 31.7.1936 4.2.1937 11.1938 sunk 20.7.1941
Сокрушительный [Sokrushitelnyy]   292 189 Ordzhonikidze Yd, Leningrad 10.1936 23.8.1937 8.1939 foundered 24.11.1942
Сметливый [Smetlivyy]   294 189 Ordzhonikidze Yd, Leningrad 9.1936 16.7.1937 11.1938 sunk 5.11.1941
Ловкий [Lovkiy]   295 189 Ordzhonikidze Yd, Leningrad 9.1936 --- --- cancelled 1937
Лёгкий [Lyogkiy]   296 189 Ordzhonikidze Yd, Leningrad 10.1936 --- --- cancelled 1937
Резвый [Rezvyy]   298 189 Ordzhonikize Yd, Leningrad // 202 Yd, Vladivostok 11.1935 // 8.1936 24.9.1937 1.1940 stricken 4.1958
Безупречный [Bezuprechnyy]   1069 200 61 Kommunar Yd, Nikolayev 8.1936 25.6.1937 10.1939 sunk 26.6.1942
Бдительный [Bditelnyy]   1070 200 61 Kommunar Yd, Nikolayev 8.1936 29.6.1937 10.1939 sunk 2.7.1942
Бурный [Burnyy]   1071 200 61 Kommunar Yd, Nikolayev 8.1936 --- --- cancelled 1937
Боевой [Boevoy]   1072 200 61 Kommunar Yd, Nikolayev 8.1936 --- --- cancelled 1937
Разумный [Razumnyy] (ex-Прочный [Prochnyy])   1075 200 61 Kommunar, Nikolayev // 202 Yd, Vladivostok 7.1936 // 1937 30.6.1939 11.1941 target 2.1960
Пронзительный [Pronzitelnyy]   1079 200 61 Kommunar Yd, Nikolayev 10.1936 --- --- cancelled 1937
Поражающий [Porazhayushchiy]   1080 200 61 Kommunar Yd, Nikolayev 12.1936 --- --- cancelled 1937


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m

3.27 mean 4.10 max

No of shafts



2 GTZA-24 geared steam turbines sets, 3 triangle-shaped boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 535

Endurance, nm(kts) 2720(20)


4 x 1 - 130/50 B-13, 2 x 1 - 76/52 34K, 2 x 1 - 45/43 21K, 2 x 1 - 12.7/79, 2 x 3 - 533 TT, 2 DCR (10), 56 mines

Rezkiy, Redkiy: 4 x 1 - 130/50 B-13, 2 x 1 - 76/52 34K, 3 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 4 x 1 - 12.7/79, 2 x 3 - 533 TT, 2 DCT, 2 DCR (40), 56 mines

Electronic equipment Mars hydrophone



Project history: Built under 1933-1938 Naval shipbuilding programme. Italian destroyer Maestrale served as prototype, from her arrangement and construction of machinery, in particular, was borrowed. The project 7 has been approved in December, 1934. Mass building of a class has begun in 1935, 53 ships were laid down, thus ships intended for Pacific, were laid down in Nikolaev and transported in the taken apart kind to the Far East for completion.
    As a whole rather successful ships, ensured to the Soviet Navy an exit on qualitatively new level. Thanks to a linear arrangement of machinery, allowed to deduce smoke ducts of all boilers into one wide and stocky funnel, ships possessed a graceful prompt outline profile. The hull was gathered under the mixed scheme: longitudinal amidships and cross-section at ship ends. As has shown operating experience, in places of transition from one system to another there were the raised stresses leading to rends and even a brake-off of the ships ends. Ships shown high speed qualities: on trials lead Gnevny reached 39.37kts at 53100hp and Ryany in 1945 shown 39.4kts at 56500hp. However an endurance was appeared significantly below than designed.
    In total on project 7 29 ships have been built; 18 more were completed under project 7u, and 6 hulls were taken apart on slipways. Reshitelny (i) under tow to Vladivostok 8.11.1938 has been wrecked by a storm on rocks S off Soviet Harbour.

Modernizations: 1941, Gremyashchiy, Groznyy, Gromkiy, Sokrushitelnyy: + 2 x 1 - 37/63 70K

1942 - 1944, all survived: + 2 DCT (67 DC at all), type 128 sonar

early 1942, Ryanyy, Steregushchiy, Rastoropnyy, Rezvyy, Razyashchiy, Rekordnyy, Reshitelnyy, Retivyy, Razumnyy, Revnostnyy, Raz`yaryonnyy: - 2 x 1 - 45/43 + 3 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 2 x 1 - 12.7/79

1942, Bodryy, Bystryy, Boykiy, Bezuprechnyy, Besposhchadnyy, Bditelnyy, Grozyashchiy: - 2 x 1 - 45/43; + 3 x 1 - 37/63 70K

1942, Gremyashchiy, Groznyy, Sokrushitelnyy; 1943, Gromkiy: - 2 x 1 - 45/43; + 2 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 2 x 2 - 12.7/90, type 286M radar

1942 - 1943, all survived except Rezkiy and Redkiy: + 2 DCT (30 - 40 at all)

1943, Razumnyy, Raz`yaryonnyy: - 2 x 1 - 45/43; + 4 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 2 x 2 - 12.7/90, type 286M radar

1943, Boykiy; 1944, Bodryy: + 2 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 2 x 2 - 12.7/90

1943, Grozyashchiy: + 1 x 1 - 76/52 34K, 1 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 1 x 1 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk IV, 1 x 2 - 12.7/90

1944, Grozyashchiy: - 1 x 1 - 20/70; + 2 x 1 - 37/63 70K

1945, Ryanyy, Rastoropnyy, Rezvyy, Razyashchiy, Rekordnyy, Reshitelnyy, Retivyy, Revnostnyy, Rezkiy, Redkiy: + (1 - 2) x 1 - 37/63 70K, 2 x 1 - 12.7/79, type 291 radar

1949, Gremyashchiy, Ryanyy; 1950, Razyashchiy; 1951, Rastoropnyy; 1952, Rekordnyy, Revnostnyy; 1953, Reshitelnyy; 1954, Groznyy, Retivyy; 1955, Rezkiy; 1956, Gromkiy, Redkiy; 1957, Razumnyy: all were armed with 4 x 1 - 130/51 B-13, 4 x 2 - 37/70 V-11, 2 x 3 - 533 TT, 2 DCT, 2 DCR (67), 60 mines, Giuys-1, Rif-1, Vympel-2 radars, Tamir-5N sonar; standard displacement was 1900 t, max speed was 34 - 35kts.

Naval service: To the beginning of Great Patriotic War Gnevny, Gordy, Grozyashchiy, Smetlivy and Steregushchiy served on Baltic; Gremyashchiy, Grozny, Gromkiy, Sokrushitelny and Stremitelny on the North; Bditelny, Bezuprechny, Besposhchadny, Bodry, Boykiy and Bystry on the Black Sea; remaining ships on Pacific, but Razumny and Razyaryonny in 1942 passed to the Northern Fleet.

   Gnevny 23.6.1941 was lost on German mine in the entrance to the Gulf of Finland. Smetlivy and Gordy were lost on German mines in Gulf of Finland during evacuation of Hanko 5.11.1941 and 14.11.1941 respectively. Steregushchiy 21.9.1941 was sunk by German aircraft at Peterhof; salvaged 20.7.1944, re-commissioned in 1945, but ultimately repaired only in 1948.
   Stremitelny 20.7.1941 was sunk by German aircraft at Polyarny. Sokrushitelny 20.11.1942 was broken apart during a storm in Barents Sea; 22.11.1942 she was left by salvaging ships; the exact place and loss time are unknown.
   Bystry 1.7.1941 was stricken by ground mine at Sevastopol and sunk; she was salvaged 13.7.1941, 30.8.1941 towed off to Kilen-bay where ultimately sunk by German aircraft. Bezuprechny 26.6.1942 was sunk by German aircraft S of Crimea. Bditelny 2.7.1942 was sunk by German aircraft at Novorossiysk. Besposhchadny 6.10.1943 was sunk by German aircraft S of Yalta.

Gromkiy 1940s

Gromkiy 1945

Bditelnyy 1941


© Ivan Gogin, 2009-15