
fighting ships of the world



"Sen-Taka" fast attack submarines (1945)

I201 1945

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
201 [I201]     Kure K K 3/1944 22.7.1944 2.1945 surrendered 8.1945, to USA, BU 1946
202 [I202]     Kure K K 4/1944 2.9.1944 2.1945 surrendered 8.1945, scuttled 5.4.1946
203 [I203]     Kure K K 4/1944 20.10.1944 5.1945 surrendered 8.1945, to USA, BU 1946
204 [I204]     Kure K K 4/1944 16.12.1944 --- cancelled 3.1945, sunk incomplete 22.6.1945
205 [I205]     Kure K K 5/1944 15.2.1945 --- cancelled 3.1945, BU 7.1948
206 [I206]     Kure K K 5/1944 26.3.1945 --- cancelled 3.1945, BU 11.1946
207 [I207]     Harima Zosen, Harima 12.1944 --- --- cancelled 3.1945, BU 4.1946
208 [I208]     Harima Zosen, Harima 2.1945 --- --- cancelled 3.1945, BU 4.1946


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

1291 / 1450

Length, m

76.0 pp 78.5 wl 79.0 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 MAN diesels / 4 electric motors

Power, h. p.

2750 / 5000

Max speed, kts

15.8 / 19

Fuel, t

diesel oil 95

Endurance, nm(kts) 5800(14) / 135(3)

2 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 4 - 533 TT (bow,10)

Electronic equipment

2-shiki 2-go radar, 93-shiki sonar, 93-shiki hydrophone, E27 ECM suite



Diving depth operational, m 110

Project history: Sen-Taka (Fast submarine) type. Most perfect Japanese submarines of the Second World War. The same ideas that have led to occurrence in Germany of "elektro-booten" of XXI series are put in a basis of their construction. At their designing experience of creation and service of experimental submarine No71 was used. Double-hulled, outer hull was fulfilled streamlined for submerged resistance decrease. With the same purpose AA MGs were mounted on retractable mounts. At building the section method of assemblage was used. Hull was welded. Specially for this type accumulator batteries of the raised capacity have been created. Submarines were equipped with snorchel. Endurance was 25 days. In comparison with similar German, Japanese submarines had less dimensions, were faster, but yielded to them on an endurance both in surfaced, and in submerged position. With maximum submerged speed of 19kts Sen-Taka could move within 55 minutes then battery recharge was required.

Under the 1943/44 War programme 23 submarines of this type were ordered (I201-223). Actually only 8 submarines were laid down. In March, 1945 completion of I204-208 was suspended at availability of 90% (I204), 85% (I206), 80% (I205), 20% (I207) and 5% (I208). Then an order on the remained 15 boats of this programme (I209-223) was cancelled. Ordered for Nos I-LXXVI were never given out.

Modernizations: None.

Naval service: Incomplete I205 was sunk 19.3.1945 in a dry dock (the caisson gate is wrecked) in Kure by US carrier aircraft. Dock was unwatered and repair of submarine has begun, but 28.7.1945 she was again hard damaged by US carrier aircraft. She was handed over on demolition in 1948. I204 was sunk 22.6.1945 at Kure at raid of US Army aircraft, subsequently she was raised and handed over on demolition. I206, I207 and I208 are taken apart in 1946. I202 was scuttled by Americans 5.4.1946.



© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14