
fighting ships of the world



"Vickers L(4)" 2 class submarines (1923-1927)

RO60 1941

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
第59号艦 [59-go], 11.1924- 呂60 [RO60]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 12.1921 22.12.1922 9.1923 wrecked 29.12.1941
第72号艦 [72-go], 11.1924- 61 [RO61]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 6.1922 19.5.1923 2.1924 sunk 31.8.1942
第73号艦 [73-go], 11.1924- 62 [RO62]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 9.1922 19.9.1923 7.1924 surrendered 8.1945, BU 1946
63 [RO63] (ex-第84号艦 [84-go])     Mitsubishi, Kobe 4.1923 24.1.1924 12.1924 surrendered 8.1945, BU 1946
64 [RO64] (ex-第85号艦 [85-go])     Mitsubishi, Kobe 10.1923 19.8.1924 4.1925 sunk 12.4.1945
65 [RO65] (ex-第86号艦 [86-go])     Mitsubishi, Kobe 11.1923 25.9.1925 6.1926 sunk 4.11.1942
66 [RO66]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 12.1925 25.10.1926 7.1927 collision 17.12.1941
67 [RO67]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 3.1925 18.3.1926 12.1926 damaged 22.6.1945, never repaired
68 [RO68] (ex-第87号艦 [87-go])     Mitsubishi, Kobe 2.1924 23.2.1925 10.1925 surrendered 8.1945, BU 1946


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

996 / 1322

Length, m

74.1 pp 76.2 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 Vickers diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

2400 / 1600

Max speed, kts

16.5 / 9

Fuel, t

diesel oil 75

Endurance, nm(kts) 7000(10) / 85(4)

1 x 1 - 76/40 88-shiki, 1 x 1 - 7.7/87, 6 - 533 TT (bow, 10)


47 - 60

Diving depth operational, m


Project history: Vicker L(4) or (3 mod) type. Development of Vickers L(3), last Japanese licence-built submarines. They differed from predecessors by strengthened torpedo armament and also an arrangement of the gun, transferred from CT to a deck. Built under the 1921-1928 programme. Orders for No60 and 61 submarines were cancelled in 1921.

In 1942 RO62-64, 67 and 68 ere re-rated as training submarines.

Modernizations: none

Naval service: RO60 29.12.1941 ran ashore at northern end of Kwajalein, wrecked by a bad weather. RO61 was sunk 31.8.1942 at Atka (Aleutians) by US destroyer Reid and aircraft. RO65 ran ashore during evasion from attack of US aircraft 4.11.1942 at Kiska, later she was destroyed by aircraft. RO66 foundered 17.12.1941 after collision with RO62 N off Wake. RO64 was lost on a mine in Kobe area 12.4.1945.

RO62 was damaged 7.2.1942 at collision with RO61. RO67, under some data, 4.4.1945 was hard damaged on a mine in Internal Sea of Japan, 22.6.1945 she was hard damaged by US Army aircraft in Kure and stricken 20.7.1945.


RO68 1925


Ivan Gogin, 2008-14