
fighting ships of the world



"Kaidai 6a" attack submarines (1934-1937)

I68 1941

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
68 [I68], 5.1942- 168 [I168]     Kure K K 6/1931 26.6.1933 7/1934 sunk 27.7.1943
69 [I69], 5.1942- 169 [I169]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 12/1931 15.2.1934 9/1935 sunk 4.4.1944
70 [I70]     Sasebo K K 1/1933 14.6.1934 11/1935 sunk 10.12.1941
71 [I71], 5.1942- 171 [I171]     Kawasaki, Kobe 2/1933 25.8.1934 12/1935 sunk 1.2.1944
72 [I72], 5.1942- 172 [I172]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 12/1933 20.6.1935 1/1937 sunk 10.11.1942
73 [I73]     Kawasaki, Kobe 4/1934 20.6.1935 1/1937 sunk 27.1.1942


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

1785 / 2440

Length, m

98.4 pp 102.6 wl 104.7 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 Kampon diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

9000 / 1800

Max speed, kts

23 / 8.2

Fuel, t

diesel oil 230

Endurance, nm(kts) 14000(10) / 65(3)

I68 - 70: 1 x 1 - 100/50 88-shiki, 1 x 1 - 13.2/76, 6 - 533 TT (4 bow, 2 stern, 14)

I71 - 73: 1 x 1 - 120/45 11-shiki, 1 x 1 - 13.2/76, 6 - 533 TT (4 bow, 2 stern, 14)

Electronic equipment 91-shiki sonar, MV-shiki hydrophone


60 - 84

Diving depth operational, m

I68, 69: 70

I70 - 73: 75

Project history: Kaidai 6a (Large Admiralty 6a) type. Built under 1st Supplementary programme of of 1931. Further development of Kaidai 5 type, differed in one and a half time of more powerful diesels and raised speed. Double-hulled, endurance was about 45 days.

I172 was also supposed to convert in late 1942 to transport, however it is not known, whether it has been made before her loss.

Modernizations: Autumn 1942, I171: was converted to transport submarine; - 1 x 1 - 120/45, torpedoes stowage was decreased; + 1 14m Daihatsu-type landing craft, deck cargo

Naval service: I70 was sunk 10.12.1941 NE off Oahu by US carrier aircraft. I73 was sunk 27.1.1942 W off Midway by US submarine Gudgeon. I172 was sunk 10.11.1942 at Guadalcanal by US destroyer Southard. I168 presumably was sunk 27.7.1943 at New Hanover by US submarine Scamp. I171 was sunk 1.2.1944 at Buka Island by US destroyers Guest and Hudson. I169 was sunk 4.4.1944 at Truk by US aircraft.



© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14