
fighting ships of the world



"Kaidai 3b" large submarines (1928-1930)

I156 1942

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
伊56 [I56], 5.1942- 156 [I156]     Kure K K 11/1926 23.3.1928 3/1929 surrendered 8.1945, scuttled 1.4.1946
伊57 [I57], 5.1942- 157 [I157]     Kure K K 7/1927 1.10.1928 12/1929 surrendered 8.1945, scuttled 1.4.1946
伊59 [I59], 5.1942- 159 [I159]     Yokosuka K K 3/1927 25.3.1929 3/1930 surrendered 8.1945, scuttled 1.4.1946
60 [I60]     Sasebo K K 10/1927 24.4.1929 12/1929 sunk 17.1.1942
63 [I63]     Sasebo K K 1926 28.9.1927 12/1928 collision 2.2.1939


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

1800 / 2300

Length, m

94.0 pp 98.9 wl 101.0 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 Kampon diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

6800 / 1800

Max speed, kts

20 / 8

Fuel, t

diesel oil 190

Endurance, nm(kts) 10000(10) / 90(3)

1 x 1 - 120/45 11-shiki, 8 - 533 TT (6 bow, 2 stern, 16)

Electronic equipment K-chubu hydrophone



Diving depth operational, m 60

Project history: Kaidai 3b (Large Admiralty 3b) type. Built under the 1923-1928 programme. Should become repetition of Kaidai 3 type, however during trials of a lead submarine of this type I53 a number of constructive lacks, such as insufficient stability and vibration on high speed has been revealed. Besides submarine was not possible to reach design 22kts. For lacks correction designers brought a number of changes into design: the hull was lengthened, its lines were a little changed, size of CT was moderated. After that design was renamed as Kaidai 3b (boats of first series began to be called Kaidai 3à).

Modernizations: 4.1945, I156, I157, I159: - 1 x 1 - 120/45; + 2 Kaiten human torpedoes.

Naval service: I63 was lost as result of collision with I60 off Kyushu 2.2.1939 in the Bungo Straits, she was raised 22.1.1940 and broken up. I60 17.1.1942 was sunk in Sunda Strait by British destroyer Jupiter. Remained three boats in 1942 were re-rated as training submarines and laid up in April, 1944, conversion to Kaiten carriers started late the same year. I156, I157 and I159 were scuttled by Americans 1.4.1946.



© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14