
fighting ships of the world



"Hei-gata C1" attack submarines (1940-1941)

I16 1941

I16 1943

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
16 [I16]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 9/1937 28.7.1938 3.1940 sunk 19.5.1944
18 [I18]     Sasebo K K 8/1937 12.11.1938 1.1941 sunk 11.2.1943
20 [I20]     Mitsubishi, Kobe 11/1937 25.1.1939 9.1940 sunk 3.9.1943
22 [I22]     Kawasaki, Kobe 11/1937 23.12.1938 3.1941 sunk 5.10.1942 or 12.11.1942
24 [I24]     Sasebo K K 12/1938 12.11.1939 10.1941 sunk 11.6.1943


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

2554 / 3561

Length, m

103.8 pp 107.0 wl 109.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 Kampon diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

12400 / 2000

Max speed, kts

23.6 / 8

Fuel, t

diesel oil 245

Endurance, nm(kts) 14000(16) / 60(3)

1 x 1 - 140/40 11-shiki, 1 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 8 - 533 TT (bow, 20), 1 A-gata midget submarine

Electronic equipment 93-shiki sonar, 93-shiki hydrophone



Diving depth operational, m


Project history: Hei-Gata C1 type. Built under 3rd Supplementary programme of 1937. Attack submarines, intended specially for attacks of enemy combat ships. They were designated as "model C" (Hei-Gata) and were created on the basis of Kaidai 6b type fleet submarine, were very similar to B type submarines, differing, first of all, by armament: number of TTs has increased from 6 to 8, and torpedo stowage was increased to 19-20, TTs took places on four in two separated compartments, arranged one over another. At the expense of abandoning from aviation the gun was transferred to a bow, and deck in an aft part was strengthened for possibility to carry "A" type midget submarine. Double-hulled, endurance was about 90 days.

Modernizations: early 1943, I16: was converted to transport submarine; - 1 x 1 - 140/40, torpedoes stowage was decreased; + 1 14m Daihatsu-type landing craft, deck cargo

1943-44, some survived: + 2-shiki 2-go radar

Naval service: I22 was lost after 5.10.1942 off Malaita (Solomons), under miscellaneous versions, she was sunk 5.10.1942 by US aircraft or 12.11.1942 by US MTB ÐÒ122 SW off New Guinea. I18 was sunk 11.2.1943 in Solomons area by seaplane from US cruiser Helena and destroyer Fletcher. I24 was sunk 10.6.1943 NE off Attu by ramming of US patrol craft ÐÑ487. I20 after 30.8.1943 was lost, presumably sunk 3.9.1943 NW off Espirito Santo by US destroyer Ellett. I16 was sunk 19.5.1944 in Solomons area by US escort destroyer England.



© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14