Soko 1897
Name | No | Yard No | Builder | Laid down | Launched | Comp | Fate |
操江 [Soko] (ex-操江 [Ts'ao Chiang]) | Kiangyan, Shanghai, China | 2/1869 | 5/1869 | 7/1869 // 9.1894 | wrecked 21.3.1903 |
Displacement normal, t |
950 |
Displacement full, t |
Length, m |
47.8 pp 54.9 oa |
Breadth, m |
8.61 |
Draught, m |
3.25 |
No of shafts |
1 |
Machinery |
1 HSE, 1 cylindrical boiler |
Power, h. p. |
425 |
Max speed, kts |
9 |
Fuel, t |
coal |
Endurance, nm(kts) | |
Armament |
4 x 1 - 163/14 Armstrong 70pdr 69cwt |
Complement |
79 |
Project history: Composite-hulled gunboat, built for Nanyang fleet. Captured by cruiser Akitsushima off west coast of Korea 25.7.1894 (without a fight), renamed Soko and commissioned by IJN 12.9.1894 as armed steamship.
Modernizations: 1898: - 4 x 1 - 163/14; + 2 x 1 - 76/40 Armstrong N
Naval service: In 1898 reclassified as gunboat, used also as survey vessel. 21.3.1903 Soko stranded in Nemuro Bay, stricken in October 1903 but was later used as receiving vessel. Since 1924 she was used commercially as Sako Maru since 1965. She is preserved in Japan today on some data.
� Ivan Gogin, 2014