
fighting ships of the world



KAGERO destroyers (1939-1941)

Kagero 1942

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
陽炎 [Kagero]     Maizuru K K 9/1937 27.9.1938 11.1939 sunk 8.5.1943
黒潮 [Kuroshio]     Fujinagata, Osaka 8/1937 25.10.1938 1.1940 sunk 7.5.1943
親潮 [Oyashio]     Maizuru K K 3/1938 29.11.1938 8.1940 sunk 8.5.1943
初風 [Hatsukaze]     Kawasaki, Kobe 12/1937 24.1.1939 2.1940 sunk 2.11.1943
夏潮 [Natsushio]     Fujinagata, Osaka 12/1937 23.2.1939 8.1940 sunk 8.2.1942
雪風 [Yukikaze]     Sasebo K K 8/1938 24.3.1939 1.1940 damaged 30.7.1945, never repaired, to China 7.1947 (丹陽 [Tan Yang])
早潮 [Hayashio]     Uraga, Tokyo 6/1938 19.4.1939 8.1940 sunk 24.11.1942
舞風 [Maikaze]     Fujinagata, Osaka 4/1940 15.3.1941 7.1941 sunk 17.2.1944
磯風 [Isokaze]     Sasebo K K 11/1938 19.6.1939 11.1940 sunk 7.4.1945
不知火 [Shiranui]     Uraga, Tokyo 8/1937 28.6.1938 12.1939 sunk 27.10.1944
天津風 [Amatsukaze]     Maizuru K K 2/1939 19.10.1939 10.1940 sunk 6.4.1945
時津風 [Tokitsukaze]     Uraga, Tokyo 2/1939 10.11.1939 12.1940 sunk 3.3.1943
浦風 [Urakaze]     Fujinagata, Osaka 4/1939 19.4.1940 12.1940 sunk 21.11.1944
浜風 [Hamakaze]     Uraga, Tokyo 11/1939 25.11.1940 6.1941 sunk 7.4.1945
野分 [Nowaki]     Maizuru K K 11/1939 17.9.1940 4/1941 sunk 26.11.1944
[Arashi]     Maizuru K K 5/1939 22.4.1940 1.1941 sunk 7.8.1943
萩風 [Hagikaze]     Uraga, Tokyo 5/1939 18.6.1940 3.1941 sunk 7.8.1943
谷風 [Tanikaze]     Fujinagata, Osaka 10/1939 1.11.1940 4.1941 sunk 9.6.1944


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

111.0 pp 116.2 wl 118.5 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 3 Kampon boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 500

Endurance, nm(kts)



3 x 2 - 127/50 3-shiki, 2 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 4 - 610 TT (16), 2 DCT (16)

Electronic equipment 93-shiki sonar




 Project history: Abandoning of Japan in 1937 to join the total document of London Naval conference taken away tonnage limitation for own shipbuilders. In the light of this circumstance Naval Staff has prepared new requirements to "cruiser" destroyer according to which she should have: maximal speed more than 36kts, an endurance of 5000nm at 18kts, armament as on "special type" destroyer (6 127mm guns), hull dimensions not exceeding similar at "special type". Without the compromise nevertheless has not managed: speed was limited by 35kts. The big attention was given to stability, therefore they have gone on some increase in a hull breadth and draught and moderated sizes of superstructures. Welding was widely used, but framing and plating were riveted, as after "incident with the Fourth fleet" it was prohibited to use welding in tensile elements of the hull. Hull form has improved, especially in an aft part that has allowed to raise a propulsive efficiency. New 52000hp machinery was more light, than on previous destroyers. 3 boilers of advanced type (30kgf/cm2, 350°Ñ) took places in individual boiler rooms, smoke ducts of Nos1 and 2 boilers were deduced into fore funnel. Amatsukaze received boilers of the newest facilitated type which had higher steam temperature and pressure (40kgf/cm2, 390-400°Ñ). Turbines placed one after another in common engine room. Armament repeated previous class and consisted of 127mm/50 guns in twin mounts with max 55° elevation angle and two quadruple 610mm TT with spare torpedoes.

Fifteen ships have ordered under 3rd Supplementary Programme of 1937, three more on 4th ones (1939).

Modernizations: mid-1943, all survived: - 1 x 2 - 25/60; + 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki

late 1943, all survived: - 1 x 2 - 127/50 (No 2); + 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 DCT (36 totally)

1943-1944, all survived: + 2-shiki 2-go, 3-shiki 1-go radars

early 1944, all survived: + 4 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki

late 1944, all survived: + 10 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 4 x 1 - 13.2/76

Naval service: Natsushio 8.2.1942 was hard damaged off coast of East Borneo by US submarine S37 and foundered next day. Hayashio 24.11.1942 was sunk in Huon Bay (New Guinea) by US Army aircraft. Tokitsukaze 4.3.1943 was sunk in Bismarck sea by US Army aircraft. Kuroshio 8.5.1943 was stricken by US mine at Rendova and sunk. Oyashio and Kagero 8.5.1943 were mined off Rendova and this day both were sunk by US Marine Corps aircraft. Arashi and Hagikaze at night 6-7.8.1943 were sunk in a channel between Vella-Lavella and Kolombangara by torpedoes and gunfire of US destroyers Dunlap, Craven and Maury. Hatsukaze 10.1.1943 was hard damaged in Solomons area by a torpedo of US MTB, 2.11.1943 in Empresse Augusta Bay she was damaged as result of collision with heavy cruiser Myoko and this day sunk by artillery of US destroyers Dyson, Claxton and Stanley. Maikaze 17.2.1944 was sunk NW off Truk by gunfire of US battleships Iowa, New Jersey and destroyers Radford and Burnes. Tanikaze 9.6.1944 was sunk S off Celebes by US submarine Harder. Nowaki 7.12.1942 was hard damaged in Solomons area by US aircraft and 26.10.1944 was sunk SE off Legaspi (Philippines) by gunfire of US light cruisers and torpedoes from destroyers. Shiranuhi 5.7.1942 was hard damaged at Kiska (Aleuts) by US submarine Growler, 27.10.1944 off Panay (Philippines) sunk by US carrier aircraft. Urakaze 21.11.1944 was sunk off Formosa by US submarine Sealion. Hamakaze 7.4.1945 was sunk in 150nm SW off Nagasaki by US carrier aircraft. Amatsukaze 12-13.11.1942 in battle at Guadalcanal was damaged by gunfire of US cruiser Helena, 16.1.1944 she was hard damaged by US submarine Redfin and 6.4.1945 sunk in Formosa Strait by US Army aircraft. Isokaze 4.11.1943 was damaged by a mine off Kavieng, 7.4.1945 she was sunk in 150nm SW off Nagasaki by US carrier aircraft. Yukikaze 30.7.1945 was damaged near Maizuru by a mine, till end of war repair was not begun; in July, 1947 she was transferred to China.



© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14