
fighting ships of the world



UNRYU aircraft carriers (1944)

Unryu 1944

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
雲龍 [Unryu]     Yokosuka K K 1.8.1942 25.9.1943 6.8.1944 sunk 19.12.1944
天城 [Amagi]   906 Mitsubishi, Nagasaki 1.10.1942 15.10.1943 10.8.1944 sunk 24.7.1945
葛城 [Katsuragi]     Kure K K 8.12.1942 19.1.1944 15.10.1944 badly damaged 28.7.1945, BU 1947
笠置 [Kasagi]     Mitsubishi, Nagasaki 14.4.1943 19.10.1944 --- BU incomplete 1947
阿蘇 [Aso]     Kure K K 8.6.1943 1.11.1944 --- BU incomplete 1947
生駒 [Ikoma]     Kawasaki, Kobe 5.7.1943 17.11.1944 --- BU incomplete 1947


Displacement standard, t

Unryu: 17150

Amagi: 17460

Katsuragi: 17260

Displacement full, t

Unryu: 22400

Amagi: 22800

Katsuragi: 22534

Length, m

207.0 pp 223.0 wl 227.4 oa

Breadth, m

22.0 wl 27.0 fd

Draught, m

Unryu, Amagi: 7.85

Katsuragi: 7.76

No of shafts



4 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 8 Kampon boilers

Power, h. p.

Unryu, Amagi, Kasagi, Ikoma: 152000

Katsuragi, Aso: 104000

Max speed, kts

Unryu, Amagi, Kasagi, Ikoma: 34

Katsuragi, Aso: 32

Fuel, t

oil 3670

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

belt: 46 (165 abreast magazines), lower hangar deck: 25 (56 over magazines)


Unryu: 6 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki, 21 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 65 aircraft (A6M fighters, D3A, D4Y diving bombers, B5N, B6N, B7A torpedo bombers, C6N recon planes)

Amagi: 6 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki, 22 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 23 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 65 aircraft (A6M fighters, D3A, D4Y diving bombers, B5N, B6N, B7A torpedo bombers, C6N recon planes)

Katsuragi: 6 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki, 22 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 23 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 64 aircraft (A6M fighters, D3A, D4Y diving bombers, B5N, B6N, B7A torpedo bombers, C6N recon planes)

Electronic equipment 2x 1-shiki 2-go, 3-shiki 1-go radars



Aircraft facilities (fd - 5,856 or 5,792m², ha - 6,405m² / ~32,000m³): Flight deck: 216.9(214.5 Katsuragi, Aso)x27.0 m. Upper hangar: 175.0x21.0x?m, lower hangar: 130.0x21.0x?m. There were 2 lifts (15.0x14.0m, 6.5t). Aircraft fuel stowage: 216 000l.             

Year fighters diving bombers recon planes ASW planes
8/1944 Unryu 14 A6M2 21 D4Y1 20 D4Y1C ---
10.1944 Unryu 56 A6M5 --- --- 4 Ki.76

Project history: Project of Unryu was developed under 1941 Programme as modified variant of Soryu. Unlike Shokaku (also created on the basis of Soryu) she should have smaller displacement to be more cheaply and more technologically in building. With beginning of war against the USA design of Unryu has drawn attention of Japanese naval command as the most eligible for serial building. In 1942 instead of planed two ships they have given out the order for seven, and then on additional eight carriers. However these plans could not come true: only 6 ships from 15 ordered were really laid down, only three were completed, and any of them could not share in fleet operations.

On arrangement and architecture Unryu repeated the prototype. To indemnify the increased dimensions of island superstructure, hull was made asymmetric: the port side deviated from centreline more than starboard. Protection scheme repeated Soryu, differing only by some details. Underwater protection was a little improved for the account of more accuracy compartment arrangement and introduction of 50mm longitudinal bulkheads. Local protection of magazines was also strengthened. Additionally, aviation petrol tanks were protected by concrete layer. But as a whole protection of Unryu remained rather weak: inevitable result of the limited displacement. Machinery of Unryu, like on Soryu and Hiryu, was unified with machinery of heavy cruiser Suzuya. However shortage of powerful turbines forced to use for Katsuragi and Aso "twin" destroyer machinery. These two ships under the design had smaller power (on third) and max speed (on 2kts).

The number of 25mm AA guns under the design was 51 (17x3), but ships were commissioned with different armament.

Ship protection: Main 46mm belt protected only machinery, main 25mm lower hangar deck connected with its upper edge, its thickness increased to 55mm over magazines and aircraft fuel tanks. Magazines had 165mm vertical protection. There was 50mm longitudinal anti-torpedo bulkhead. Aircraft fuel tanks had additional concrete protection.

Modernizations: 1944-1945, Unryu, Amagi: + 6 x 28 - 120 AA RL

1944-1945, Katsuragi: + 8 x 28 - 120 AA RL

Naval service: Unryu 19.12.1944 in the East China Sea has received hits of two torpedoes from American submarine Redfish. Arisen fire has called explosion of carried onboard exploding boats and then carrier was sunk.

Amagi 24.7.1945 during raid of American carrier aircraft (TF.58) to Kure was seriously damaged by one direct bomb hit and two near misses. At second raid 28.7.1945 carrier received one bomb hit portside amidships. In the next morning she ran aground by port side and sunk on shallow water.

Katsuragi 24.7.1945 during raid of American carrier aircraft to Kure was damaged by air bomb, 28.7.1945 she received also two 454kg bomb hits, caused considerable breaking downs on flight and hangar decks amidships. After war she was used for repatriation and in broken up in 1947.

Building of Kasagi was cancelled 1.4.1945 when the ship was in 85% availability, she was broken up in 1947.

Building of Aso and Ikoma was suspended in January, 1945 when ships were in 60% availability. 24.7.1945 incomplete hulls were badly damaged by American aircraft, they were scrapped in 1947.

Unryu 1944


Katsuragi 1944

Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14