
fighting ships of the world



CHITOSE seaplane tenders / light aircraft carriers (1938)

Chitose 1941

Chiyoda 1941

Chitose 1944

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
千歳 [Chitose]     Kure K K 26.11.1934 29.11.1936 25.7.1938 converted to carrier from 1.1943
千代田 [Chiyoda]     Kure K K 14.12.1936 19.11.1937 15.12.1938 converted to carrier from 8.1942


Data variant as seaplane tenders

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

174.0 pp 183.9 wl 192.5 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 4 Kampon boilers + 2 Kampon diesels

Power, h. p.

44000 + 12800

Max speed, kts

29 / 18

Fuel, t

oil 1000

Endurance, nm(kts)



2 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki, 6 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 24 seaplanes (E4N, E7K, E8N, E10A, E11A)



Aircraft facilities: There were 4 catapults. Seaplanes based on deck and in hangar. There were 2 lifts. 5 additional seaplanes carried as reserve. Aircraft fuel stowage was 900t.

Aircraft facilities after modernization (fd - 4,140m², ha ? m² / ? m³): Flight deck: 180.0x23.0m. There was hangar. There were fore (13.0x12.0m) and aft (12.5x12.0m) lifts. Aircraft fuel stowage: 900t.            


Project history: The first Japanese purpose built seaplane tenders, built under 1st Supplementary Programme of 1931. Interesting feature of these ships was mixed diesel-turbine machinery, ensured the big endurance. Boiler room and No1 engine room (turbines) have been moved fwd, and engine room No2 (diesels) placed more close to stern. Boiler smoke ducts were pooled into one funnel. Diesels were connected with shafts by hydraulic clutches. Astern from engine room No1 in the hull extensive hangar has been arranged.

All upper deck astern from funnel has been assigned for placing of aircraft equipment. Aside there were four turning catapults grouped on two in fore and astern from mid-span. The space between catapults has been covered by hinged platform, leaning on four massive masts. Cargo booms were fastened to latter, and aft pair contained diesels smoke ducts. Between the second pair of catapults there was an elevator for handling of aircrafts stored in hangar astern from ER No2. Second elevator placed between pylons of a hinged platform. 5 more aircrafts were stored in the taken apart kind.

After loss of four carriers in battle at Midway it has been decided to rebuilt Chitose and Chiyoda as light carriers. A task was simplified that at a phase of working out of their project possibility of conversion of ships to rigorous carriers was provided. Conversion project basically repeated Zuiho and Ryuho, but did not provide replacement of machinery. Ships have equipped with a flush flight deck. For raise of stability and strengthening of underwater protection the hull was equipped with bulges which have increased hull breadth on 2m. Feature of architecture of aircraft carriers there was a presence of two far delivered funnels on starboard side: the former serviced boilers, second diesels.

Ship protection after modernization: There was underwater protection (bulges). Magazines and aircraft fuel tanks had 25mm local protection. Main deck covered machinery

Modernizations: 1941, both: + 12 "A"-gata midget submarines instead of half of seaplanes, 2 catapults were removed.

31.10.1943, Chiyoda; 1.1.1944, Chitose: were converted to aircraft carriers with data as given in the table.  

Data variant as aircraft carriers

Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

174.0 pp 185.9 wl 192.5 oa

Breadth, m

20.8 wl 23.0 fd

Draught, m


No of shafts



2 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 4 Kampon boilers + 2 Kampon diesels

Power, h. p.

44000 + 12800

Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil + diesel oil 3000

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm deck: 70 - 20

4 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki, 10 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 30 aircraft (A6M fighters, D3A, D4Y diving bombers, B5N, B6N torpedo bombers)




Year fighters torpedo bombers
2.1944 15 A6M2, 6 A6M5 9 B5N
10.1944 6 A6M2, 6 A6M5 ---

7/1944, Chiyoda; 8.1944, Chitose: + 18 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 1-shiki 2-go radar.

Naval service: Chitose 24.8.1942 at Guadalcanal was damaged by American carrier aircraft. Chitose 22.5.1944 was easily damaged by hit of two unexploded torpedoes from American submarine Bonefish. 25.10.1944 during battle at Engano she received direct hits of three air bombs (Essex and Lexington air groups) and an hour later has sunk.

Chiyoda 20.6.1944 has received a direct hit of one air bomb. Repair lasted till September, 1944. During battle at Engano 25.10.1944 she was hard damaged by American carrier aircraft (Franklin and Lexington air groups) and lost a course. In the evening of the same day she was sunk by gunfire of American cruisers Wichita and New Orleans.

Chitose 1938



© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14