
fighting ships of the world



TAKAO heavy cruisers (1932)

Takao 1944

Maya 1944

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
高雄 [Takao]     Yokosuka K K 28.4.1927 12.5.1930 31.5.1932 surrendered 8.1945, captured 21.9.1945
愛宕 [Atago]     Kure K K 28.4.1927 16.6.1930 30.3.1932 sunk 23.10.1944
摩耶 [Maya]   550 Kawasaki, Kobe 4.12.1928 8.11.1930 30.6.1932 sunk 23.10.1944
鳥海 [Chokai]   455 Mitsubishi, Nagasaki 26.3.1928 5.4.1931 30.6.1932 sunk 25.10.1944


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

192.5 pp 201.7 wl 203.8 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 12 Kampon boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 2570

Endurance, nm(kts)

Atago, Takao: 8500(14)

Maya, Chokai: 8000(14)

Armour, mm

belt: 102 (machinery) - 127 (magazines), bulkheads: 100 - 75, deck: 35 (90 - 70 over machinery), turrets: 25, barbettes: 75, CT: 16


5 x 2 - 203/50 3-shiki, 4 x 1 - 120/45 10-shiki, 2 x 1 - 40/62 HI 91-shiki, 2 x 1 - 7.7/80, 4 x 2 - 610 TT (16), 3 seaplanes (2 E4N2, 1 E7K1), 2 catapults



Project history: In reply to accepted in 1924 by the USA "First cruiser bill" into Japanese "New Supplementary Programme of 1927" four 10000t cruisers have been included. These ships should become repetition of Myoko class, but with some improvements: main guns elevation angle increased to 70°, fixed TT were replaced by triple trainable on an upper deck, magazines protection was increased. Structure of aviation armament extended to two catapults and three seaplanes. In a hull structure wide usage of a new steel of raised durability, aluminium and electric welding was planned. The design of  "advanced Myoko" was ready in 1926.

Insignificant reduction of a length of a waterline belt (from 123.6 to 120) became main difference of protection scheme of these ships. The belt thickness in ship ends abreast magazines raised from 100 to 125mm (accordingly decreasing at lower edge to 76-38mm). Besides, unlike previous heavy cruisers, on Takao class light splinterproof protection of conning tower was provided. For the first time on the Japanese cruisers type3 No 2 203mm/50 guns were used, shooting by heavier shells, than applied in 200mm/50 type3 No 1. Besides, these guns had increased elevation angle, that theoretically allowed to use them as AA. Last circumstance has formed the basis for reduction of number of 120mm AA guns from six to four. At the same time ships received two 40mm Vickers AA MGs. Moving of TTs to an upper deck has led to origin of a set of problems: the considerable upper weight and a place lack have forced to refuse from triple TTs in favour of lighter twin. For compensation of moderated side salvo specially for Takao class fast TT recharge system was developed and armoured storehouse for eight spare torpedoes was provided.

In 1936 on all four ships during repair hull longitudinal strength was increased.

In 1938-1939 Atago and Takao have passed more significant modernization, twin TT mounts were replaced by the same number of the quadruple. Spare torpedoes (8 pcs) were protected by 25mm armour. Replacement of 120mm/45 AA guns by 4õ2 127mm/40 mounts was planned, however because of shortage of the latter re-arming have put aside for later time. Machinery has passed capital repairs and modernization that has allowed to lower a fuel stowage from 2570 to 2281t. For improvement of stability and underwater protection new bulges were fitted, that has raised a hull beam from 19.0 to 20.7m. Displacement growth has led to decrease in speed to 34.3kts. Similar update was assumed and on Chokai and Maya, however because of congestion of shipyards it was refused.

Ship protection: 102mm main belt of 119.8m length protected machinery and magazines and was lightly inclined outside (12°). Its height was 3.5m abreast machinery (82.4m part) and 4.2m abreast magazines, lower edge of main belt abreast magazines placed 1.7m lower than lower edge of medium part. Thickness of belt abreast magazines was different, upper part (2.5m high) was 127mm and lower part (1.7m high) was 76mm at upper edge decreasing to 38mm at lower edge. Belt was closed by 102-38mm bulkheads abreast end barbettes. Medium part of belt was connected with 35mm main deck by upper edge, thickness of main deck decreased to 32mm near center line. Horizontal protection was strengthened by 40-25mm construction steel plating of upper deck. Underwater protection consisted of bulges and 58mm thick and 93m long longitudinal bulkhead, its deep was 3.3m. Guns had 25mm turrets and 75mm barbettes. CT had 16mm protection.

Modernizations: 1936 - 1938, Chokai, Maya: - 2 x 1 - 40/62, 2 x 1 - 7.7/80; + 2 x 4 - 13.2/76

(5/1938 - 8.1939), Takao; (4/1938 - 10.1939), Atago: - 2 x 1 - 40/62, 2 x 1 - 7.7/80, 4 x 2 - 610 TT; + 4 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 2 - 13.2/76, 4 x 4 - 610 TT (24 totally), 4 DCR (12); catapults were replaced by more powerful ones, fuel stowage decreased to 2281t. New bulges were fitted, breadth increased to 20.7m, deep of underwater protection to 4.2m and draught to 6.30m. Displacement was 12570 / 15875t, maximal speed fell to 34.3kts.

spring 1941, Chokai, Maya: - 2 x 4 - 13.2/76; + 2 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 2 - 13.2/76; new catapults were fitted

9/1941, Takao, Atago: - 2 x 2 - 13.2/76; + 2 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki

3 - 5.1942, Takao, Atago: - 4 x 1 - 120/45; + 4 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki

3 - 5.1942, Chokai, Maya: - 2 x 2 - 13.2/76; + 4 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki

7 - 8.1942, Atago, Takao: + 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 1-shiki 2-go radar

8 - 9.1942, Chokai, Maya: + 2 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 1-shiki 2-go radar

11/1943 - 1.1944, Atago, Takao: + 8 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2-shiki 2-go radar, DC stowage was increased

11/1943 - 1.1944, Chokai: + 10 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 4 DCR

(12/1943 - 4.1944), Maya: - 1 x 2 - 203/50 (No 3), 4 x 1 - 120/45, 8 x 2 - 25/60, 4 x 2 - 610 TT; + 6 x 2 - 127/40 89-shiki, 13 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 9 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 36 x 1 - 13.2/76, 2 x 1 - 7.7/87, 4 x 4 - 610 TT (totally 24), 4 DCR, 2-shiki 2-go radar; new bulges were fitted, breadth increased to 20.7m, deep of underwater protection to 4.2m and draught to 6.30m. Standard displacement was 13350t, maximal speed fell to 34.3kts. Fuel stowage decreased to 2370t, complement was 996.

6 - 7.1944, Atago, Takao: + 4 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 22 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 3-shiki 1-go radar

6 - 7.1944, Maya: + 18 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 3-shiki 1-go radar

6 - 7.1944, Chokai: + 12 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2-shiki 2-go, 3-shiki 1-go radars

Naval service: Atago 5.11.1943 was damaged by the US carrier aircraft at Rabaul and was under repair till January, 1944. 23.10.1944 she was sunk in Sibuyan sea by torpedoes (4 hits) from US submarine Darter.

Maya 14.11.1942 was hard damaged by shot down US aircraft and was under repair prior to early1943. 5.11.1943 she was hard damaged in Rabaul by US carrier aircraft then was under repair till April, 1944. 23.10.1944 she was sunk in Sibuyan sea by torpedoes (4 hits) from US submarine Dace.

Chokai 25.10.1944 in battle at Samar was hard damaged by US carrier aircraft (escort carrier Kitkun Bay), some torpedoes detonated onboard, and sunk by destroyer Fujinami.

Takao 5.11.1943 was damaged by US carrier aircraft in Rabaul and was under repair till January, 1944. 23.10.1944 she was hard damaged by two torpedoes from US submarine Darter, has passed temporary repair then she was used in Singapore as AA floating battery. 31.7.1945 she was severely damaged in Singapore by British midget submarine ÕÅ3 and captured by British troops 21.9.1945 and later used by them as barrack ship till scuttling 29.10.1946.


Takao 1932


Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14