
fighting ships of the world



OYODO light cruiser (1943)

Oyodo 1943

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
大淀 [Oyodo]     Kure N Yd 14.2.1941 2.4.1942 28.2.1943 sunk 28.7.1945


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

180.0 pp 189.7 wl 192.1 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 6 Kampon boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 2445

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

belt: 75 - 40, deck: 50 - 28, turrets: 25


2 x 3 - 155/60 3-shiki, 4 x 2 - 100/65 98-shiki, 6 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 6 seaplanes (E15K1), 1 catapult

Electronic equipment

93-shiki sonar



Project history: According to 4th Supplementary Programme of 1939 building of two cruisers, leaders of reconnaissance submarine squadrons was assumed. From these cruisers were required: an endurance about 10000nm at 18kts, powerful communication facility and ability to carry six high-speed reconnaissance seaplanes. Round these requirements also there was a design of Oyodo.

Hull of a new cruiser reminded Agano was flush-decked, with a bulbous stem, but a little bit larger. Besides, for improvement of seaworthiness a fore end was fulfilled fuller, than on previous cruisers. For basing of aircrafts powerful 45m catapult for their launching at aft end was assigned, and guns concentrated at fore end. Two triple 155mm turrets freed at re-arming of Mogami class were used. They were supplemented with four twin 100mm/65 mounts and twin 25mm MGs. Absence of torpedo armament became distinctive feature of Oyodo design. It was provided to equip the ship with six reconnaissance seaplanes of type "14" (Kawanishi E15K1). On plans of Japanese admirals, they could at the expense of high speed (not less than 500 km/h were expected) freely to act even in regions where the air supremacy remains for the opponent. As the new aircraft has appeared almost on half-ton more heavier than predecessor Å13À1, for its launch special 45m catapult was developed, allowing to launch aircrafts each 4 minutes. Unfortunately for Japanese, new scout plane has not justified hopes which were assigned to it. It appeared much slower (468km/h), besides its production has been interfaced to a number of difficulties, and after construction of 15 planes program was cancelled. Six planes have got to cruiser in 1943, but have been very quickly knocked down.

Work on the second planned ship (Niyodo) did not start. Under the 1942 Programme laying of five more ships provided, however these plans remained non-realised.

In the early 1944 45m catapult was replaced by standard 25m, and number of seaplanes was shrunk to two.

Ship protection: Main 60mm belt (71.0x3.9m) protected only machinery, magazines were protected by narrower 75-40mm inner belt (35.0x2.6m), both belts were closed by 60-35mm bulkheads. Main deck covered both these belts, its thickness was 30-28mm over machinery and 50mm over magazines. Shell hoists for all (155, 100 and 25mm) guns had 55mm(sides)-25mm(fore and aft) protection. Turrets had 25mm and barbettes 20mm armour.

Modernizations: 4.1943: + 2x 1-shiki 2-go radars

3/1944: catapult was replaced by less powerful (2 seaplanes based); + 6 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 11 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2x 2-shiki 2-go radars

10/1944: + 10 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 3-shiki 1-go radar

Naval service: Oyodo 18.3.1945 in Kure during raid of US carrier aircraft received from three to five direct hits of 227kg bombs. She was partially repaired and could make 12kts. 24.7.1945 during raid of US carrier aircraft of TF.38 to Kure she was again damaged (up to five direct bomb hits). 28.7.1945 during next raid of TF.38 she was ultimately destroyed and sunk on shallow water. The wreck was scrapped in 1947 - 1948.

Oyodo 1943

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14