
fighting ships of the world



CHITOSE protected cruisers (1898-1899)

Chitose 1905

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
千歳 [Chitose]     Union Iron Wks, San Francisco, USA 16.5.1897 23.1.1898 1.3.1899 stricken 7.1928
笠置 [Kasagi]     Cramp, Philadelphia, USA 3.1897 20.1.1898 12.1898 wrecked 13.8.1916


Displacement normal, t

Chitose: 4760

Kasagi: 4900

Displacement full, t

Chitose: 5598

Kasagi: 6066

Length, m

Chitose: 114.9 pp 120.4 oa

Kasagi: 114.1 pp 121.5 oa

Breadth, m

Chitose: 15.0

Kasagi: 14.9

Draught, m

Chitose: 5.37

Kasagi: 5.41

No of shafts



2 VTE, 12 cylindrical boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

coal 1000

Endurance, nm(kts)

Kasagi: 4200(11.5)

Chitose: 4500(11)

Armour, mm

Harvey nickel steel - main gun shields: 114 (faces), 64 (sides), secondary gun shields: 64, deck: 45, slopes: 114, CT: 114


2 x 1 - 203/45 Armstrong S, 10 x 1 - 120/40 Armstrong T, 12 x 1 - 76/40 Armstrong N, 6 x 1 - 47/30 21/2pdr Hotchkiss Mk I, 5 - 350 TT (1 bow, 4 beam)


Chitose: 434

Kasagi: 405

Project history: These two cruisers were almost identical externally to the Takasago, but were slightly longer and had greater displacement. Armament was identical to the Takasago, except that the bow TT was omitted, and disposed in a similar fashion. Internally the ships differed, watertight compartments being increased to 130 in the Chitose and 142 in Kasagi, compared to the 109 in the Takasago. However, the number of watertight compartments in the double bottom were reduced to 16 in the Chitose and 15 in the Kasagi. The machinery also differed from the Takasago's, twelve single-ended cylindrical boilers being mounted and the engines having slightly larger cylinders, although the stroke remained the same.

Ship protection: 45mm deck had 114mm slopes, machinery was protected by 76mm glacis. Main guns were protected by 114-64mm shields, secondary guns had 64mm protection. CT had 114mm sides.

Modernizations: 1910, Kasagi; 1912, Chitose: boilers were replaced by 8 Miyabara

1924, Chitose: - 2 x 1 - 76/40; + 1 x 1 - 76/40 3-shiki

Naval service: In days of the First World War Kasagi served as TS; in 1916 she was wrecked in Tsugaru Strait. Chitose was disarmed in 1922 and ranked as coast defence ship in 1922 - 1926, in 1928 converted to target. She was sunk on manoeuvres in Bungo Channel 19.7.1931. Kasagi was badly damaged at battle of Tsushima by gunfire of Russian cruiser Svetlana, later repaired. She served as TS from 1910 till 1916 and wrecked 20.7.1916 in Tsugaru Straits during an attempt to assist a merchant vessel in distress, wreck was abandoned as CTL 13.8.1916.


Chitose 1907


Ivan Gogin, 2008-14