
fighting ships of the world



AGANO light cruisers (1942-1944)

Agano 1943

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
阿賀野 [Agano]     Sasebo K K 18.6.1940 22.10.1941 31.10.1942 sunk 17.2.1944
能代 [Noshiro]     Yokosuka K K 4.9.1941 19.7.1942 30.6.1943 sunk 26.10.1944
矢矧 [Yahagi]     Sasebo K K 11.11.1941 25.10.1942 29.12.1943 sunk 7.4.1945
酒匂 [Sakawa]     Sasebo K K 21.11.1942 9.4.1944 30.11.1944 surrendered 8.1945, stricken 10.1945


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

162.0 pp 172.0 wl 174.5 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



4 sets Kampon geared steam turbines, 6 Kampon boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 1405

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

belt: 60 (machinery) - 55 (magazines), deck: 20, turrets: 19


Agano, Noshiro: 3 x 2 - 152/50 41-shiki, 2 x 2 - 76/60 98-shiki, 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 2 - 13.2/76, 2 x 4 - 610 TT, 2 DCR (36), 2 seaplanes (E15K1), 1 catapult

Yahagi: 3 x 2 - 152/50 41-shiki, 2 x 2 - 76/60 98-shiki, 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 4 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 4 - 610 TT, 2 DCR (36), 2 seaplanes (E13A1), 1 catapult

Sakawa: 3 x 2 - 152/50 41-shiki, 2 x 2 - 76/60 98-shiki, 10 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 18 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 4 - 610 TT, 2 DCR (36), 2 seaplanes (E13A1), 1 catapult

Electronic equipment

Agano: 93-shiki sonar

Noshiro, Yahagi: 1-shiki 2-go radar, 93-shiki sonar

Sakawa: 1-shiki 2-go, 2x 2-shiki 2-go, 2x 3-shiki 1-go radars, 3-shiki sonar



Project history: Designing of Agano class cruisers has begun in the second half of 1930th for replacement of 5500t standard cruisers. Reconnaissance should become their basic assignment, therefore from them the high speed for which achievement armour protection weakening was supposed, first of all was required. It was originally supposed to arm new ships by 155mm guns in triple turrets, however it conducted to growth of displacement and dimensions, therefore 152mm/50 guns of the same model, that on Kongo class battlecruisers, were chosen. They were installed in new designed twin turrets with 55° maximal elevation angle, they could be used for the limited antiaircraft barrage fire. In corrected design armament consisted from 4õ2 152mm guns and 2õ3 610mm TT, but changed sights at usage of these ships (now leading of destroyers became their basic purpose) have demanded strengthening of torpedo armament. Number of turrets had shrunk to three, and instead of triple TT in the design there were heavier quadruple ones. Newest twin 76mm AA mounts were also installed. Hull of the new ships has been fulfilled flush-decked, with boulb, called to decrease wave resistance. Waterline belt protected only machinery (57mm) and magazines (51mm). In such kind project was approved and building of four ships was included into 4th Supplementary program of 1939.

Ship protection: Main 60mm belt (65.8x3.6m) protected only machinery, magazines were protected by narrower 55mm belts (27.0x2.5m fore and 6.2x2.5m aft). 20mm main deck covered all these belts. Shell hoists for all (6``, 3`` and 1``) guns had 50mm(sides)-25mm(fore and aft) protection. Turrets had only 19mm armour.

Modernizations: 7.1943, Agano: - 2 x 2 - 13.2/76; + 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki, 1-shiki 2-go radar

2/1944, Yahagi: - 4 x 2 - 25/60 96-shiki; + 4 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 8 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki

3/1944, Noshiro: - 2 x 2 - 13.2/76; + 6 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 18 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki

7/1944, Noshiro: + 2 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 4 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2-shiki 2-go, 3-shiki 1-go radars

7/1944, Yahagi: + 4 x 3 - 25/60 96-shiki, 14 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki, 2-shiki 2-go, 3-shiki 1-go radars

11/1944, Yahagi: + 10 x 1 - 25/60 96-shiki

Naval service: Agano 5.11.1943 was hard damaged by US carrier aircraft in Rabaul. During next raid 11.11.1943 she received air torpedo hit to aft end. En route from Rabaul to Truk 12.11.1943 she was torpedoed by US submarine Scamp. After temporary repair Agano departured Truk to Japan for rigorous repair and 16.2.1944 she was sunk in 160nm N off Truk by US submarine Skate.

Noshiro 5.11.1943 was damaged by US carrier aircraft in Rabaul and was under repair 1 month. 26.10.1944 she was sunk by US carrier aircraft (Wasp, Cowpens and Hornet air groups) at Mindoro.

Yahagi 7.4.1945 was sunk in 130nm SW off Kagoshima by US carrier aircraft of TF.58 (received up to 7 air torpedo hits and 12 bombs).

Sakawa did not participated in operations. After capitulation of Japan cruiser in August, 1945 was transferred to USN as a trophy. She was used as test ship during nuclear tests at Bikini, 1.7.1946 hard damaged by nuke explosion and sunk next day.


Sakawa 11.1944


© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14