
fighting ships of the world



special service vessels (decoy ships) of WW II

Schiff 20 Nerissa 1939

Schiff 29 Lola

more than 1000 BRT


Launched // Comm.


Tonnage, BRT (disp., t)

Dimensions, m

(length pp)

Speed, kts

Engine, Power hp



Schiff 4 Wandrahm, 1940- V1801, 8.1940- V6114 Eismeer 8.10.1927 // 9.1939 Stettiner Oderwerke 1228 (2200) 73.0x11.6x4.4 9.5 1VTE, 2boilers, 750   surrendered 5.1945, to Soviet Union 3.1946
Schiff 12 Dr. Heinrich Wiegand 1.9.1938 // --- Nylands, Oslo, Norway 1421 (2600) 78.0x12.5x4.5   VC+exh. tu, 2 boilers, 1200 2 - 533 TT conversion cancelled 11.1939
Schiff 15 Neuss 22.10.1935 // 12.1939 Howaldtwerke, Hamburg 1243 (1640) 73.5x11.0x3.4 10.5 2 diesels, 900 2 - 533 TT auxiliary 4.1940
Schiff 17 Alster 5.1.1928 // --- Deschimag / Vulcan, Hamburg 8514 (16100) 163.3x19.4x8.6 14 VTE+ exh. tu, 5 boilers, 6500 2 - 533 TT conversion cancelled 11.1939
Schiff 27 Messina 27.7.1937 // --- Neptun, Rostock 2191 (4150) 92.4x13.3x5.6 13 1 DVC+exh. tu, 2 boilers, 1635 2 - 533 TT conversion cancelled 11.1939
Schiff 29 Lola 1920 // 10.1941 Caledon SB, Dundee, UK 1193 (2750) 82.3x11.0x5.1 14 1VTE, 3boilers, 1850 2 - 20 sunk 17.10.1944
Schiff 35 Oldenburg 29.6.1936 // 12.1939 Deutsche Werft, Hamburg 2312 (4400) 87.8x14.0x6.0 12.5 1 DVC, 2 boilers, 1600 2 x 1 - 533 TT sunk 14.4.1940
Schiff 40 Schürbeck 10.4.1930 // 12.1939 Flensburger Schiffbau 2448 (4800) 93.6x13.9x6.2 11 DVC, 2 boilers, 1225 2 x 1 - 533 TT blockade runner 12.1940
Schiff 43 Falkenberg 14.2.1912 // --- Bremer Vulcan, Vegesack 1661 (3200) 79.4x11.3x5.9   VTE, 2 boilers, 1500 2 - 533 TT conversion cancelled 9.1939
Schiff 43 Capri 28.2.1927 // --- Neptun, Rostock 1846 (3800) 91.3x12.5x5.6 11 VTE, 2 boilers, 1100 2 - 533 TT conversion cancelled 11.1939
Main 30.6.1927 // --- Bremer Vulcan, Vegesack 7624 (15300) 153.3x19.2x8.6 14 VTE+exh. tu, 4 boilers, 7250 2 - 533 TT conversion cancelled 11.1939

100 - 1000 BRT

Schiff 4 Coburg (1938, 344, 12.1939 - 1940); Schiff 7 Möwe; Schiff 7 Wega (1932, 337, 1 x 1 - 88/42, 2 - 533 TT, 11.1939 - patrol MN02 7.1940); Schiff 9 Koblenz (1931, 438, 1 x 1 - 88/42, 2 - 533 TT, 11.1939 - 10.4.1940); Schiff 18 Alteland (1930, 419, 1 x 1 - 88/42, 2 - 533 TT, 12.1939 - patrol MN01 7.1940); Schiff 19 Rila, 9.1943 - UJ117 (1941, 194, 1 x 1 - 88/42, 1942 - 28.3.1944); Schiff 20 Nerissa (1936, 992, 2 - 533 TT, 12.1939 - 12.1940); Schiff 24 Mars (1920, 224, 8.1940 - 3.9.1940); Schiff 26 Julius Pickenpack (1931, 419, 1 x 1 - 88/42, 2 - 533 TT, 10.1939 - 26.4.1940); Schiff 37 Schleswig (1931, 433, 1 x 1 - 88/42, 2 - 533 TT, 11.1939 - 26.4.1940); Schiff 47 Wilhelm Huth (1931, 438, 11.1939 - 10.10.1943); Schiff 49 Amerskerk


less than 100 BRT: Schiff 6 MY63, Schiff 8, Schiff 34, Schiff 44

Also classified as decoy vessels: Schiff 5 Meersburg, Schiff 10 HSK4 Thor, Schiff 11 Hanonia, Schiff 11 Ulm, Schiff 13 Mob-FD1 Saturn, Schiff 14 HSK10 Togo, Schiff 16 HSK2 Atlantis, Schiff 21 HSK3 Widder, Schiff 23 HSK6 Stier, Schiff 24 Mob-FD2 Jupiter, Schiff 26 Bonn, Schiff 28 HSK9 Michel, Schiff 31 Mob-FD3 Mars, Schiff 33 HSK5 Pinguin, Schiff 36 HSK1 Orion, Schiff 41 HSK8 Kormoran, Schiff 45 HSK7 Coronel, Schiff 50 Rouen, Schiff 53 Doggerbank, Schiff 111 Hanonia


Project history: Converted merchant vessels, armed with guns and torpedoes and used as decoys.

Modernizations: None.

Naval service: Oldenburg was sunk by British submarine Sunfish.



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