
fighting ships of the world



REDOUTABLE submarines (1931-1939)

Casabianca 1940

Archimède 1943

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
1st series
Redoutable Q136 Q47 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1924 24.2.1928 7.1931 scuttled 27.11.1942
Vengeur Q137 Q48 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1924 1.9.1928 12.1931 scuttled 27.11.1942
Pascal Q138   Arsenal de Brest 1925 19.7.1928 9.1931 scuttled 27.11.1942
Pasteur Q139   Arsenal de Brest 1925 19.7.1928 9.1932 scuttled 18.6.1940
Henri Poincaré Q140   Arsenal de Lorient 1925 10.4.1929 12.1931 scuttled 27.11.1942
Poncelet Q141   Arsenal de Lorient 1925 10.4.1929 9.1932 scuttled 8.11.1940
Archimède Q142, 1945- S01 80 CNF, Caen 1927 6.9.1930 12.1932 FNFL 11.1942, sold 2.1952
Fresnel Q143 Z5 A C de St-Nazaire-Penhoët 1927 8.6.1929 2.1931 scuttled 27.11.1942
Monge Q144   F C de la Méditerranée, La Seyne 1927 25.6.1929 6.1932 sunk 8.5.1942
Achille Q147   Arsenal de Brest 1927 28.5.1930 6.1933 scuttled 18.6.1940
Ajax Q148   Arsenal de Brest 1927 28.5.1930 2.1934 sunk 24.9.1940
Actéon Q149   A C de la Loire, Nantes 1927 10.4.1929 12.1931 sunk 8.11.1942
Achéron Q150   A C de la Loire, Nantes 1927 6.8.1929 2.1932 scuttled 27.11.1942
Argo Q151   A C Dubigeon, Nantes 1927 11.4.1929 2.1933 FNFL 1.1943, sold 4.1946
Prométhée Q153 Q50 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1927 1930 1932 lost 8.7.1932
Persée Q154   CNF, Caen 1928 23.5.1931 6.1934 sunk 23.9.1940
Protée Q155   F C de la Méditerranée, La Seyne 1928 31.7.1930 11.1932 FNFL 1.1943, sunk 29.12.1943
Pégase Q156   A C de la Loire, Nantes 1928 28.7.1930 6.1932 paid off 9.1941, BU 1941 - 1945
Phénix Q157   A C Dubigeon, Nantes 1928 12.4.1930 1932 lost 15.6.1939
2nd series
L`Espoire Q167 Q51 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1929 18.7.1931 2.1934 scuttled 27.11.1942
Le Glorieux Q168, 1945- S02 Q52 A C de St-Nazaire-Penhoët 1929 29.11.1931 6.1934 FNFL 12.1942, sold 10.1952
Le Centaure Q169, 1945- S04   Arsenal de Brest 1929 14.10.1932 1.1935 FNFL 1.1943, sold 6.1952
Le Héros Q170   Arsenal de Brest 1929 14.10.1932 9.1936 sunk 7.5.1942
Le Conquérant Q171   A C de la Loire, Nantes 1930 26.6.1934 9.1936 sunk 13.11.1942
Le Tonnant Q172   F C de la Méditerranée, La Seyne 1930 15.12.1934 6.1937 scuttled 15.11.1942
3rd series
Agosta Q178 Q53 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1930 30.4.1934 2.1937 scuttled 18.6.1940
Bévéziers Q179 Q55 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1931 14.10.1935 6.1937 sunk 5.5.1942
Ouessant Q180 Q56 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1931 30.11.1936 1.1939 scuttled 18.6.1940
Sidi-Ferruch Q181 Q60 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1931 9.7.1937 1.1939 sunk 11.11.1942
Sfax Q182   A C de la Loire, Nantes 1931 6.12.1934 9.1936 sunk 19.12.1940
Casabianca Q183, 1945- S03   A C de la Loire, Nantes 1931 2.2.1935 1.1937 FNFL 12.1942, sold 2.1952


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

1570 / 2084

Length, m

92.0 pp 92.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



Redoutable, Vengeur, Pascal, Henri Poincaré, Fresnel, Monge, Actéon, Achéron, Protée, Pégase, Phénix, L'Espoire, Le Glorieux, Le Héros, Le Conquérant, Le Tonnant, Agosta, Bévéziers, Ouessant, Sidi-Ferruch, Sfax, Casabianca: 2 Sulzer diesels / 2 electric motors

Pasteur, Poncelet, Archimède, Achille, Ajax, Argo, Prométhée, Persée, Le Centaure : 2 Schneider diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

1st series: 6000 / 2000

2nd series: 7200 / 2000

3rd series: 8000 / 2000

Max speed, kts

1st series: 17 / 10

2nd series: 19 / 10

3rd series: 20 / 10

Fuel, t

diesel oil 95

Endurance, nm(kts) 10000(10) / 100(5)


1 x 1 - 100/45 M1925, 1 x 2 - 13.2/76, 9 - 550 TT (4 bow, 1 x 3 ext, 1 x 2 (in quadruple two-caliber mounting), 11), 2 - 400 TT (1 x 2 in quadruple two-caliber mounting, 2)

Electronic equipment hydrophone
Complement 61
Diving depth operational, m 80

Project history: Formally concerned to two designs: first two to "M5"  and others to "1500ton" "M6". Built under 1924 (2 boats), 1925 (7 boats), 1926 (5 boats), 1927 (3 boats), 1928-1929 (6 boats) and 1930 (6 boats) programmes.

During building minor alterations were brought into the design. Basically they concerned a machinery. So, boats of first series (first 17 submarines) had 6000hp diesels and made 17kts surfaced. Submarines of the second series (6 submarines) had 7200hp diesels and reached 19kts surfaced. 6 submarines of third series reached 20kts with 8000hp diesels. Double-hulled. As a whole they were successful ships, proved to be seaworthy and handy enough ships, had high surface speed. At the same time, to the WWII time, diving time was too long (45-50sec). In 1941 ballast tanks were partly converted for storage of additional fuel oil. It has allowed to increase surface endurance to 10000nm.

Modernizations: 1941, some survived: maximal fuel stowage was 108 t.

1942, some survived: - 1 x (2 - 550, 2 - 400) TT; + 1 x 3 - 550 TT (maximal torpedo stowage was 12)

1942 - 1943, some survived: - 1 x 2 - 13.2/76; + 2 x 1 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV

1944, Archimède, Le Glorieux, Le Centaure; 1945, Casabianca: + presumably SD, SJ radars, WDA, JP sonars

Naval service: Prométhée was accidentally lost 8.7.1932 at Cherbourg, Phénix was accidentally lost 15.6.1939 off Cam Ranh.

At annexation of Gabon by Gaullists Poncelet tried to show resistance, but was damaged by British sloop Milford at Libreville and scuttled 8.11.1940. Four submarines (Pasteur, Achille, Agosta and Ouessant) were in summer 1940 under repair at Brest; they were blown up 18.6.1940 in base to avoid capture by German troops. 7 more boats were scuttled at Toulon 27.11.1942 (Redoutable, Vengeur, Pascal, Fresnel, Henri Poincaré, Achéron, L`Espoire). Redoutable, Pascal and Henri Poincaré were salvaged by Italians, but were sunk by Allied aircraft 11.3.1944, 23.3.1944 and 9.9.1944 respectively. There is also a version of scuttling of her by Italians. Two submarines were lost in September, 1940 at attack of Dakar by British and FNFL forces. Ajax became victim of British destroyer Fortune 24.9.1940, and Persée was sunk by destroyers Foresight and Inglefield 23.9.1940. Three more submarines were lost at Diego Suarez at occupancy of Madagascar by British in May, 1942. Monge was sunk by British destroyer Active 8.5.1942, Le Héros was sunk by air group of British carrier Illustrious 7.5.1942, and Bévéziers was sunk by air group of carrier Illustrious directly in harbour of Diego Suarez 5.5.1942. Four submarines were lost during operations in the North Africa. Le Conquérant was sunk by American aircraft off Villa Cisneros (Morocco) 13.11.1942. Actéon was sunk at Oran 8.11.1942 by British destroyer Westcott. Sidi Ferruch was sunk 11.11.1942 by American carrier aircraft off Casablanca. Le Tonnant received heavy damages as result of air attacks, but managed to break into Spanish waters and ran aground at Cadiz 15.11.1942. Sfax was torpedoed by German submarine U37 off Casablanca (Morocco) 19.12.1940. Protée was a part of "X" Force and was disarmed at Alexandria. In 1943 she joined Allies and was lost on a mine at Toulon 29.12.1943.

Pégase based in Indochina. In September, 1941 she was disarmed at Saigon and gradually taken apart for spares.

Casabianca and Le Glorieux left to Allies from Toulon (to Alger and Oran respectively). Archimède also in 1942 left to Allies.

Archimède 1944

Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-15