
fighting ships of the world



L'INFLEXIBLE nuclear ballistic missile submarine (1985)

L'Inflexible 2000

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
L'Inflexible S615   DCN, Cherbourg 27.3.1980 23.6.1982 1.4.1985 stricken 1.2008


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

8087 / 9000

Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



1 nuclear reactor, 2 sets geared steam turbines

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts

20 / 25

Fuel, t


Endurance, nm(kts) practically unlimited


16 M-4 SLBM (16 M-4), 4 - 550 TT (bow, 18, inc. SM39 Exocet SSM (4 SM39))

Electronic equipment DRUA-33 radar, DMUX-21 sonar suite (DUUV-23, DUUX-5, DSUV-61B towed array sonars), ARUR-12 ECM suite, SEAO/OPSMER CCS
Complement 135
Diving depth operational, m 300

Project history: L'Inflexible, the sixth boat, was an intermediate design between the Le Redoutable class and the new-generation SNLE of the Le Triomphant class, and incorporated a number of improvements. She was fitted from the outset to fire the M-4 missile, which carried six TN-70 150kt MlRVs out to a range of 4000km. She also had the new DSUX-21 multifunction sonar array, DUUX-5 passive ranging, a DSUV-61 towed array, and improved inertial navigation systems. The diving planes were mounted higher on a more streamlined fin, and diving depth had been increased from 200m to 300m. Considerable attention was given to reducing noise emissions.

Modernizations: 2001: - 16 M-4 SLBM; + 16 M-45 SLBM (16 M-45)

Naval service: No significant events.

L'Inflexible 2002

© Ivan Gogin, 2016