
fighting ships of the world



BRUMAIRE submarines (1913-1914)

Foucault 1915

Curie 1914

Curie 1919

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Brumaire Q060 Q26 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1906 29.4.1911 1913 stricken 1930
Frimaire Q062 Q27 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1906 26.8.1911 1913 stricken 1923
Nivôse Q063 Q28 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1906 6.1.1912 1913 stricken 1921
Foucault Q070 Q31 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1907 15.6.1912 1914 sunk 15.9.1915
Euler Q071 Q32 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1907 12.10.1912 1914 stricken 1923
Franklin Q072 Q33 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1907 22.3.1913 1914 stricken 1922
Faraday Q078   Arsenal de Rochefort 1906 27.6.1911 1913 stricken 1921
Volta Q079   Arsenal de Rochefort 1906 23.9.1911 1913 stricken 10.1922
Newton Q080   Arsenal de Rochefort 1907 20.5.1912 1914 stricken 12.1925
Montgolfier Q081   Arsenal de Rochefort 1907 18.4.1912 1914 stricken 1921
Bernoulli Q083   Arsenal de Toulon 1906 1.6.1911 1913 sunk 13.2.1918
Joule Q084   Arsenal de Toulon 1906 7.9.1911 1913 sunk 1.5.1915
Coulomb Q085   Arsenal de Toulon 1907 13.6.1912 1914 stricken 1919
Arago Q086   Arsenal de Toulon 1907 29.6.1912 1914 stricken 1921
Curie Q087   Arsenal de Toulon 1907 18.7.1912 1914 captured by Austria-Hungary 20.12.1914 (U14), returned 7.1919, stricken 3.1928
Le Verrier Q088   Arsenal de Toulon 1907 31.10.1912 1914 stricken 1925


Data variant as completed

Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

397 / 551

Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 MAN-type diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

840 / 660

Max speed, kts

13 / 8.8

Fuel, t

diesel oil

Endurance, nm(kts) 1700(10) / 84(5)


7 - 450 TT (1 bow, 4 Drzewiecki drop-collars, 2 ext abeam CT, 8)

Complement 29
Diving depth operational, m 40

Project history: Provided under the 1906 programme. Double-hull submersibles designed by Laubeuf - they were a diesel-powered version of Pluviôse class. MAN type diesels produced by A C Loire, Sautter-Harlé, Normand, Indret and Sabathé.

It was planned in 1917 to convert six boats of the Brumaire class into minelaying submarines but the project was abandoned.

Modernizations: 1916, Arago, Faraday, Le Verrier and others: + 1 x 1 - 47/50 M1902 or 1 x 1 - 75/35 M1897

7/1919, Curie was returned as given in the table

Data variant Curie as returned after Austria-Hungarian Navy

Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

425 / 554

Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 Grazer diesels / 2 electric motors

Power, h. p.

900 / 560

Max speed, kts

13.5 / 7

Fuel, t

diesel oil

Endurance, nm(kts) 2300(10) / 150(2)


1 x 1 - 88/27 Ubts L/30, 7 - 450 TT (1 bow, 2 Drzewiecki drop-collars, 2 ext abeam CT, 2 ext aft, 8)

Complement 29
Diving depth operational, m 40

Naval service: Bernouilli was lost on Austrian mine 13.2.1918. Foucault was sunk by Austro-Hungarian aircraft off Cattaro 15.9.1915. Joule was mined in the Dardanelless 1.5.1915 on Turkish mine. Curie 20.12.1914 at attempt to get into harbour of Pola entangled in anti-submarine nets and was scuttled by crew. Later Austrians salvaged her and commissioned as U14; after war submarine was returned to France and received former name.  

Curie after war

Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14