
fighting ships of the world



AGOSTA attack submarines (1977 - 1978)

La Praya 1990

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Agosta S620 Q80 Arsenal de Cherbourg 10.11.1972 19.10.1974 28.7.1977 decommissioned 2.1997, deleted 2009
Bévéziers S621 Q81 Arsenal de Cherbourg 17.5.1973 14.6.1975 27.9.1977 decommissioned 2.1998, deleted 2009
La Praya S622 Q82 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1974 15.5.1976 9.3.1978 decommissioned 6.2000, deleted 2009
Ouessant S623 Q83 Arsenal de Cherbourg 1974 23.10.1976 27.7.1978 decommissioned 7.2001, TS for Malaysia 2005


Displacement standard, t


Displacement normal, t

1510 / 1760

Length, m


Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 SEMT-Pielstick 16PA4 V185VG diesel-generators, 1 electric motor

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts

12.5 / 20

Fuel, t

diesel oil 185

Endurance, nm(kts) 8500(9) (snorkel) / 280(3)


4 - 550 TT (bow, 20)

Electronic equipment DRUA-33 radar, DUUA-1D, DUUA-2D, DUUX-2A sonars, ARUR, ARUD ECM suites, DLA D3 CCS
Complement 54
Diving depth operational, m 300

Project history: These ocean-going submarines were of double-hull construction, the space between the two hulls was used for ballast, fuel tanks, auxiliary tanks and for the sensing heads of most of the acoustic equipment. The outer shell was cylindrical, graduating to an oval form forward to accommodate the sensors. The profile was more streamlined than that of earlier French submarines, and influenced the design of the SNA of the Rubis class. All deck fittings retracted into recesses in the outer casing to improve waterflow. The forward diving planes were close to the bow, and were complemented by cruciform control surfaces aft.

    The propulsion system featured a 320-cell battery with twice the capacity of the Daphné class. The maximum underwater speed of 17.5kts can be sustained for one hour, and can be boosted to 20.5kts for 5 minutes to enable the submarine to take evasive action. In addition to the main electric motor there was a small 32hp 'creep' motor for silent operations, capable of driving the submarine at 3.5kts.

    The reduction to only four torpedo tubes was made possible by the high hit probability of modem wire-guided torpedoes. The tubes employed a pneumatic ram to discharge the torpedo, enabling firing to take place at any speed or depth. They can accept both 550mm and 533mm torpedoes. Bévéziers was the trials boat for the SM39 submarine-launched variant of the Exocet SSM, and the remaining three units of the class had since been retro-fitted with this capability.

Modernizations: 1985-1987, all: + ability to launch SM39 Exocet SSM (4 SM39)

1988-1991, all: - DRUA-33 radar, DUUA-1D sonar, ARUR ECM suite; + DRUA-33C radar, DSUV-22C, DSUV-62A towed array sonars, ARUR-12 ECM suite

Naval service: No significant events.

Bévéziers 1980

Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2016