
fighting ships of the world



PAVOT coastal minesweepers (1953 - 1955)

Pervenche 1975

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Pavot M631   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1952 21.11.1953 10.1955 to USA 3.1970
Pervenche M632   South Coast, Newport Beach, USA 1953 1954 10.1954 stricken 1980
Pivoine M633   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1953 1954 1.1955 tender 1965
Renoncule M634   South Coast, Newport Beach, USA 1953 22.5.1953 1.1955 to USA 3.1970
Réséda M635   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1953 1954 1.1955 stricken 1982
Acacia M638   Frank Samples, Boothbay Harbor, USA 1952 15.2.1952 6.1953 stricken 1982
Acanthe M639   Frank Samples, Boothbay Harbor, USA 1952 1953 10.1953 stricken 1981
Aconit, 1966- Marjolaine M640   Harbor BB, Terminal Is, USA 1952 1953 3.1953 to Tunisia 1977 (سوس [Sousse])
Ajonc M667   Frank Samples, Boothbay Harbor, USA 1952 1953 2.1954 TS for divers 1974
Azalée M668   Harbor BB, Terminal Is, USA 1952 1953 10.1953 stricken 1983
Bégonia M669   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1952 1953 2.1954 to USA 1974
Bleuet M670   Pacific BB, Tacoma, USA 1952 1953 1.1954 stricken 7.1976
Camélia M671   Harbor BB, Terminal Is, USA 1952 1953 2.1954 stricken 12.1980
Chrysanthème M672   Tacoma BB, USA 1952 19.7.1952 6.1954 stricken 1977
Coquelicot M673   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1952 1953 2.1954 to Tunisia 6.1973 (هانيبال [Hannibal])
Cyclamen M674   National Steel, San Diego, USA 1952 21.6.1953 5.1954 stricken 1983
Églantine M675   Pacific BB, Tacoma, USA 1952 1.4.1953 8.1954 tender 1965
Gardenia M676   Tacoma BB, USA 1952 1953 8.1954 base ship 1974
Giroflée M677   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1952 1953 6.1954 stricken 1977
Glaïeul M678   National Steel, San Diego, USA 1952 1953 6.1954 to USA 1974
Glycine M679   Pacific BB, Tacoma, USA 1952 1953 10.1954 stricken 1983
Jacinthe M680, 1976- A680   Tacoma BB, USA 1953 3.1954 10.1954 minelayer 1968, stricken 1982
Laurier M681   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1952 1953 6.1954 stricken 1980
Lilas M682   National Steel, San Diego, USA 1952 1953 7.1954 stricken 1981
Liseron M683   Tacoma BB, USA 1953 1954 1.1955 diving tender A723 1974
Lobélia M684   Tacoma BB, USA 1952 1.5.1953 1.1955 tender 1965
Magnolia M685   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1952 1953 10.1954 base ship 7.1976
Marguerite M686   National Steel, San Diego, USA 1952 1953 9.1954 to USA 11.1969
Mimosa M687   Tacoma BB, USA 1953 1954 5.1955 stricken 1982
Miguet M688   Tacoma BB, USA 1953 1954 1.1955 stricken 1981
Myosotis M689   Stephens Bros, Stockton, USA 1953 1954 1954 to USA 6.1955
Narcisse M690   National Steel, San Diego, USA 1953 11.1.1954 10.1954 to Japan 1956 (はしま [Hashima])
Oeillet M691   South Coast, Newport Beach, USA 1952 22.11.1952 4.1955 // --- incomplete to Spain (Nalón)
Pâquerettte M692   South Coast, Newport Beach, USA 1953 1954 8.1954 to USA 6.1955
Roselys M698   South Coast, Newport Beach, USA 1953 25.7.1953 11.1954 // --- incomplete to Spain (Llobregat)
Tulipe M699   South Coast, Newport Beach, USA 1953 1953 12.1954 // --- incomplete to Japan (やしま [Yashima])


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

42.1 wl 44.3 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 General Motors 8-268A diesels

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

diesel oil 40

Endurance, nm(kts)



1 x 2 - 20/70 Mk 24, acoustic, magnetic, mechanical minesweeping gear

Electronic equipment

DRBN-31 radar, UQS-1 sonar



Project history: In 1952 the USA agreed to allocate thirty-six coastal minesweepers of the Adjutant class to the Marine Nationale under MDAP. 30 were delivered in 1953-54, but of the remaining six, four were returned to the USA after their delivery to Indo-China (two were subsequently transferred to Japan) and two were re-allocated to Spain.

    They were constructed of wood and non-magnetic alloys.

Modernizations: 1968, Jacinthe: - minesweeping gear; + mines

Naval service: No significant events.

Réséda 1979

© Ivan Gogin, 2015