
fighting ships of the world



L`ADROIT destroyers (1928-1931)

Forbin 1939

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
L`Adroit 48   A C de France, Dunkerque 5.1925 1.4.1927 7.1929 sunk 21.5.1940
L`Alcyon 49   F C de la Gironde, Bordeaux 2.1925 26.6.1926 7.1929 FNFL late 1942, sold 6.1952
Le Mars 50 35 CNF, Caen 7.1925 28.8.1926 1.1928 scuttled 27.11.1942
Le Fortune 51 36 CNF, Caen 9.1925 15.11.1926 7.1928 FNFL late 1942, sold 8.1950
La Palme 52   A C Dubigeon, Nantes 5.1925 30.6.1926 2.1928 scuttled 27.11.1942
La Railleuse 53   A C Dubigeon, Nantes 7.1925 9.9.1926 2.1928 explosion 24.3.1940
Brestois 64   Dyle et Baccalan, Bordeaux 5.1926 18.5.1927 6.1928 sunk 8.11.1942
Boulonnais 65   CNF, Caen 5.1926 1.6.1927 6.1928 sunk 8.11.1942
Basque 66 50 A C de la Seine-Maritime, Le Trait 9.1926 25.5.1929 3.1931 FNFL late 1942, sold 12.1952
Le Bordelais 67   F C de la Gironde, Bordeaux 11.1926 23.5.1928 4.1930 scuttled 27.11.1942
Forbin 81   F C de la Méditerranée, Le Havre 6.1927 17.7.1928 5.1930 FNFL late 1942, sold 11.1952
Frondeur 82 78 CNF, Caen 11.1927 20.6.1929 10.1931 sunk 8.11.1942
Fougueux 83   A C de Bretagne, Nantes 9.1927 4.8.1928 6.1930 sunk 8.11.1942
Le Foudroyant 84   Dyle et Baccalan, Bordeaux 7.1927 24.4.1929 10.1930 sunk 1.6.1940


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

100.9 pp 107.2 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



L`Adroit, L`Alcyon, Frondeur: 2 sets Zoelly geared steam turbines, 3 Du Temple boilers

Fougeux: 2 sets Rateau-Bretagne geared steam turbines, 3 Du Temple boilers

others: 2 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 3 Du Temple boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 340

Endurance, nm(kts) 2150(14)


4 x 1 - 130/40 M1924, 1 x 1 - 75/50 M1924, 2 x 1 - 8.80, 2 x 3 - 550 TT, 2 DCT, 2 DCR (32)

Complement 142

Project history: Built under 1924 (6 ships), 1925 (4 ships) and 1926 (4 ships) programs. Main guns were differed by complexity in maintenance and insufficient firing rate. To a beginning of war ships reached no more than 28-29kts. In 1940 for raise of stability they lost main gun No3 or (less often) No4.

Modernizations: late 1930s, all: - 1 x 1 - 75/50, 2 x 1 - 8.80; + 2 x 1 - 37/50 M1925, 2 x 2 - 13.2/76

1940, all survived: - 1 x 1 - 130/40

1943, L`Alcyon, Le Fortune, Basque, Forbin: - 1 x 3 - 550 TT; + 1 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, (4 - 6) x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, radars, sonar

Naval service: La Railleuse was lost at Casablanca 24.3.1940 after spontaneous explosion of torpedoes in fwd TT. L`Adroit and Le Foudroyant were sunk by German aircraft off Dunkirk 21.5.1940 and 1.6.1940 respectively. Boulonnais, Fougueux, Brestois and Frondeur were sunk at Allied landing to Casablanca 8.11.1942 by gunfire of Allied ships and carrier aircraft. Three ships, Le Mars, La Palme and Le Bordelais, were scuttled at Toulon 27.11.1942, later salvaged by Germans and scrapped.

    Le Fortune, Basque and Forbin since June, 1940 till July, 1943 as a part of Force "X" stood disarmed at Alexandria.

La Railleuse prewar

Le Fortune 1945

Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-15