
fighting ships of the world



CLAYMORE destroyers (1906 - 1909)

Claymore 1906

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Stylet M32   Arsenal de Rochefort 3.1904 18.5.1905 4.1907 stricken 5.1921
Tromblon M33   Arsenal de Rochefort 7.1904 17.6.1905 4.1907 stricken 5.1921
Pierrier M34   Arsenal de Rochefort 10.1904 28.2.1907 11.1908 stricken 7.1921
Obusier M35   Arsenal de Rochefort 5.1904 9.3.1906 9.1907 stricken 5.1921
Mortier M36   Arsenal de Rochefort 9.1904 23.3.1906 1.1908 stricken 3.1927
Claymore M37   Normand, Le Havre 1904 14.3.1906 5.1906 stricken 3.1926
Carquois M38   Arsenal de Rochefort 7.1905 26.6.1907 8.1908 stricken 11.1930
Trident M39   Arsenal de Rochefort 1905 5.12.1907 1.1909 stricken 11.1931
Fleuret M40   Arsenal de Rochefort 5.1905 14.12.1906 3.1908 stricken 1.1920
Coutelas M41   Arsenal de Rochefort 2.1906 12.1.1907 3.1908 stricken 1.1921
Cognée M44   Arsenal de Toulon 1905 26.11.1907 12.1908 stricken 7.1921
Hache M45   Arsenal de Toulon 8.1906 15.2.1908 6.1909 stricken 2.1921
Massue M46   Arsenal de Toulon 11.1906 19.9.1908 6.1909 stricken 3.1927


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

58.5 wl

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 VTE, 2 Normand boilers

Cognée, Hache, Massue: 2 VTE, 2 Du Temple boilers

Pierrier: 2 4-cyl VTE, 2 Normand boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

coal ~80

Endurance, nm(kts) 2300(10)


1 x 1 - 65/50 M1902, 6 x 1 - 47/50 M1902, 2 x 1 - 450 TT

Complement 60

Project history: Last 300ton destroyers; sometimes they were called 350ton. Massue was used temporary as minesweeper in 1912.

The prototype, Claymore, was ordered 2.9.1903, and orders for five Arquebuse class to be built at Rochefort were converted into orders for Claymores at the same time, the vessels being laid down 1904/06. The new hull form and extra weight of torpedoes made them top-heavy, so the upperworks were reduced and the closed bridge was replaced by an open position. The Dockyard-built Claymores did not prove very satisfactory. Pierrier was initially fitted with a Delaunay-Belleville 4-cyl experimental TE engine - it arrived two years late and was not a success and as a result the ship did not enter service until November 1910. She reverted to a 3-cyl engine in 1911.

Modernizations: 1908, all: mainmast was removed

1911, Pierrier: main engines were replaced by standard 3-cyl.

1912, Massue: (temporarily) + sweeps

1915, some survived: - 2 x 1 - 47/40; + 2 x 1 - 47/40 M1885 AA

1916, some survived: - 1 x 1 - 65/50; + 1 x 1 - 75/35 M1897, 1 DCT (6 - 12 DC)

1917, some survived: + 1 x 1 - 8.80

1918, some survived: - 1 DCT

Naval service: Mortier collided in the Adriatic with liner Asie in days of WWI, she served as torpedo school tender since June 1919 till October 1923.



Many thanks to Wolfgang Stöhr for additional information on this page.

© Ivan Gogin, 2008-14