
fighting ships of the world



CHACAL destroyers (1925-1927)

Jaguar 1939

Lynx 1940

Lynx 1940

Léopard 1942

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Jaguar 4   Arsenal de Lorient 8.1922 17.11.1923 6.1926 sunk 23.5.1940
Panthère 5   Arsenal de Lorient 12.1922 27.10.1924 11.1926 scuttled 27.11.1942
Léopard 6   A C de la Loire, St-Nazaire 8.1923 29.9.1924 10.1927 captured by British 3.7.1940, FNFL 8.1940, wrecked 27.5.1943
Lynx 7   A C de la Loire, St-Nazaire 1.1923 24.2.1924 8.1927 scuttled 27.11.1942
Chacal 8   A C de St-Nazaire-Penhoët 8.1923 27.9.1924 6.1926 sunk 24.5.1940
Tigre 9, 1945- T05   A C de Bretagne, Nantes 9.1923 2.8.1924 12.1925 scuttled 27.11.1942, salvaged by Italians (FR23), returned 10.1943, BU 1954


Displacement standard, t


Displacement full, t

2950 - 3050

Length, m

119.7 pp 126.8 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m


No of shafts



2 sets Rateau-Bretagne geared steam turbines, 5 Du Temple boilers

Léopard, Lynx: 2 sets Bréguet geared steam turbines, 5 Du Temple boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

oil 530

Endurance, nm(kts) 2900(16)


5 x 1 - 130/40 M1919, 2 x 1 - 75/50 M1922, 2 x 3 - 550 TT, 4 DCT, 2 DCR (46)

Electronic equipment Panthère: Walser acoustic locator
Complement 195

Project history: Built under the 1922 program. First series of super-destroyers of the French Navy. Intended for operations against Italian scouts and British destroyer leaders. Should fulfil also functions of small cruisers which have well proved to be in the First World War.

Application of a longitudinal hull framing system became their feature. Firing rate of main guns was only 4-5 shots/min that was obviously insufficiently for destroyers. Too high outline profile that facilitated detection of the ships was criticised also and led to increase in a windage at manoeuvring abilities.

To a beginning of war ships made no more than 31kts. The manoeuvrability lack on high speed has besides, come to light. The spring of 1940 considered a question on conversion of this class ships to AA ships with twin 100mm gun mounts.

Modernizations: 1931, Panthère: - Walser acoustic locator

1939, all: - 1 x 1 - 130/40 (No 3), 2 x 1 - 75/50; + 4 x 2 - 13.2/76

1939-1940, Jaguar, Léopard, Lynx, Chacal, Tigre: + type 123 sonar

1940, Léopard: + 1 x 1 - 102/45 QF Mk V, 1 x 1 - 40/39 QF Mk VIII, 6 x 1 - 7.7/87, DC stowage increased to 52

3/1942, Léopard: 1 boiler with fore funnel was removed, 100t of permanent ballast were added. Fuel stowage increased to 780t, maximal speed was 31.5kts; - 4 x 2 - 13.2/76, 5 x 1 - 7.7/87; + 2 x 1 - 40/39 QF Mk VIII, 4 x 1 - 20/70 Mk II/IV, 4 DCT, radar

late 1943, Tigre: - 4 x 2 - 13.2/76, 1 x 3 - 550 TT; + 2 x 1 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 10 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4

4/1944, Tigre: 1 boiler with forefunnel was removed, 100t of permanent ballast were added. Fuel stowage increased to 745t, maximal speed was 28.5kts; + 4 DCT, radars

Naval service: Jaguar on the night of 23.5.1940 at Dunkirk was hard damaged by German MTBs S21 and S23 and ran aground. Abandoned ship was destroyed by German aircraft. Panthère, Tigre and Lynx were scuttled 27.11.1942 at Toulon. Panthère was raised by Italians and received name FR22. She was never commissioned and 9.9.1943 scuttled by Italians at La Spezia. Lynx was salvaged by Germans and broken up. Tigre was salvaged by Italians and under name FR23 was commissioned as personnel transport. After capitulation of Italy 28.9.1943 she was returned to France and served as tender. Léopard 3.7.1940 at Portsmouth was captured by British and 31.8.1940 transferred to FNFL. 27.5.1943 she ran aground at Bengasi; it was not possible to salvage her. Chacal 24.5.1940 was sunk by German Ju 87 diving bombers at Boulogne.


© Ivan Gogin, 2008-15