
fighting ships of the world



TEMPÊTE breastwork monitors (1879 - 1882)

Tempête 1879

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Tempête     Arsenal de Brest 1873 8/1876 1879 stricken 1907
Vengeur     Arsenal de Brest 1875 5/1878 1882 stricken 1905


Displacement normal, t

Tempête: 4793

Vengeur: 4635

Displacement full, t


Length, m

73.6 pp 76.0 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

5.79 max

No of shafts

Tempête: 1

Vengeur: 2


Tempête: 1 HC, 4 cylindrical boilers

Vengeur: 2 HC, 4 cylindrical boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts

Tempête: 11.7

Vengeur: 10.7

Fuel, t

coal 200

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

wrought iron; belt: 330 - 250, breastwork: 330, turret: 350 - 300, deck: 50


Tempête: 1 x 2 - 274/20 M1875 No.2

Vengeur: 1 x 2 - 340/18 M1875



Project history: Similar to the Tonnerre class but of shallower draught and reduced speed and bunker capacity. They could be distinguished by the smaller funnel which, as b the preceding class, was forward of the single mast.

Ship protection: The belt was 330mm amidships with 250mm forward and 300mm aft and there was a 50mm deck over the belt outside the breastwork.

Modernizations: 1880s, Tempête: + 4 x 5 - 37/20 M1885

1880s, Vengeur: + 2 x 1 - 47/40 M1885, 6 x 5 - 37/20 M1885, 2 - 350 TT (beam, aw)

Naval service: No significant events.


Tempête 1880s


© Ivan Gogin, 2014