
fighting ships of the world



RÉPUBLIQUE battleships (1906)

République 1906

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
République     Arsenal de Brest 12.1901 4.9.1902 12.1906 stricken 1.1921
Patrie     F C de la Méditerranée, La Seyne 1.4.1902 17.12.1903 12.1906 torpedo TS 1.1921, stricken 1.1928


Displacement normal, t

République: 14605

Patrie: 14900

Displacement full, t


Length, m

133.8 pp 134.8 wl

Breadth, m


Draught, m

8.41 max

No of shafts



3 VTE, 24 Niclausse boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

coal 1800

Endurance, nm(kts) 8100(10)

Armour, mm

belt: 280 - 80, upper belt: 240 - 80, main turrets: 360 - 280, turret bases: 250, secondary turrets: 150 - 85, casemates: 140, deck: 55, CT: 300


2 x 2 - 305/40 M1893-96M, 6 x 2 - 165/45 M1893-96M, 6 x 1 - 165/45 M1893-96M, 25 x 1 - 47/50 M1902, 2 - 450 TT (beam, sub)



Project history: The defects of previous ships were well known to French designers, and it was not until this class that they were able to increase displacement and beam, but the ships took too long to build so that their general design was outdated when they entered service. Their appearance was distinctive, with a high forecastle deck reaching to the mainmast, much reduced tumblehome and three funnels, two forward and one well aft. A relatively small military foremast was retained. The gun axis heights for the 305mm centre pivot turrets were 10.2m and 7.8m, and there were 6 twin 165mm turrets at forecastle deck level with 2 guns in upper deck casemates forward and 4 in main deck casemates aft of amidships. Metacentric height is given as 1.1m. The 305mm and 165mm M1893-96M guns were powerful weapons roughly equivalent to the British 305mm/45 and 152mm/50cal, and the 47mm was of a new higher velocity pattern. Compared with British ships of similar displacement, weight was saved in the hull and in the 305mm turrets, but the latter still had hand loading and, according to some French reports, the scantlings were too light.

Ship protection: Main belt covered area from the bows to near the stern and had 3.8m height (2.3m above and 1.5m below waterline). Its thickness was 280mm amidships tapering to 240mm at upper and 80mm at lower edges. These figures at ship ends were 180, 140 and 80mm respectively. 2.7m high area over main belt between the bows and foremast was covered by 80mm armour. Flat 55mm main deck was connected with upper edge of main belt and 50mm lower deck connected with lower edge of the belt by 70mm slopes. A space between these decks was divided into many small compartments, filled with coal or stores. Main turrets were protected by 360-280mm armour and had 250mm bases, secondary turrets had 150mm faces, 280mm rears (for balancing) and 90mm bases. Casemates had 140mm protection.

Modernizations: 1916 - 1917, both: - 4 x 1 - 47/50; + 4 x 1 - 47/50 M1902 AA

1918, Patrie: - 6 x 1 - 164/45

Naval service: During the First World War both served on Mediterranean, mainly in Greek waters. After war both battleship were re-rated as training ships.



République 1921

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