
fighting ships of the world



JEMMAPES coast defence ships (1894)

Valmy 1894

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Jemmapes     A C de la Loire, St-Nazaire 1890 4/1892 1894 hulk 1911
Valmy     A C de la Loire, St-Nazaire 1890 6.10.1892 1894 stricken 1911


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

86.5 pp 89.7 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

7.06 max

No of shafts



2 HTE, 16 Lagrafel d'Allest boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

coal 443

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

Nickel steel and steel; belt: 450 - 250, turrets: 450, bases: 400, deck: 100, CT: 100


2 x 1 - 340/42 M1887, 4 x 1 - 100/45 M1891, 4 x 1 - 47/40 M1885, 10 x 5 - 37/20 M1885, 2 - 450 TT (beam, aw)



Project history: Turret vessels of about 3.4m freeboard with an appreciable tumblehome. The 340mm guns were fore and aft with the 100mm in the superstructure, and the quarterdeck was much strengthened to stand the firing of the after 340mm. There were two funnels and a military foremast. The 340mm were very powerful guns for their day and of the same type as in the Brennus. The armour of the Jemmapes class was thick but the ships would have been vulnerable to hits above the armour deck, and it would seem that a single 13000t vessel would have been a better proposition.

Ship protection: The waterline belt was 450mm amidships, 300mm forward and 430mm aft, the lower edge being a uniform 250mm. The turret crowns were 70mm and there was a very heavy curved armour deck apparently consisting of double 10mm plates covered by 100-70mm steel amidships, 90mm forward and 70mm aft.

Modernizations: None.

Naval service: No significant events.

© Ivan Gogin, 2014