
fighting ships of the world



GLOIRE broadside ironclads (1860-1863)

Gloire 1860

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Gloire     Arsenal de Toulon 5/1858 24.11.1859 8/1860 stricken 12.1879
Invincible     Arsenal de Toulon 5/1858 4.4.1861 3/1863 stricken 8.1872
Normandie     Arsenal de Cherbourg 14.9.1858 10.3.1860 3/1862 stricken 8.1871


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

77.9 wl 80.4 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

8.38 max

No of shafts



1 2-cyl HSE return connecting rod, 8 oval boilers

Power, h. p.

Gloire: 2699

Max speed, kts

Gloire: 12.3

Fuel, t

coal 500 - 682

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

wrought iron; belt: 120, battery: 110, CT: 100


36 x 1 - 165/17 M1858 MLR



Project history: Although the Gloire will always be famous as the firsf armoured battleship, this class were not very successful ships. Designed by Dupuy de Lôme, the two Toulon ships were ordered 4.3.1858 and the Normandie 6 months later. They were wooden hulled and as vulnerable to damage below the armour as one of the screw 2-deckers.The 165mm RMLs had a very poor performance against armour, and were soon replaced by 165mm BLs (M1860) which were no more powerful. There were two guns on the upper deck and the rest on the broadside behind armour only 1.9m above water.
    Originally a light barquenrine rig of 1100 m² was provided but the economics of peacetime cruising caused this to be changed for a full rig of 2500 m² which was later much reduced. They were not good seaboats and as to be expected from a metacentric height of about 2.1m rolled badly. Invincible and Normandie were built of unsound timber and were completely rotted after less than ten years' service.

Ship protection: The 120mm iron belt extended from stem to stern and from 2m below waterline to 0.5m above, being backed by the 800mm wooden hull. Battery had 110mm iron armour on 660mm wooden backing. The CT was 3.7m high and unroofed, and there was 10mm iron under the wooden upper deck.

Modernizations: 1863, Gloire: - 36 x 1 - 165/17; + 34 x 1 - 165/15 M1860 BLR

1864, Gloire: - 2 x 1 - 165/15

1864, Invincible: - 36 x 1 - 165/17; + 32 x 1 - 165/15 M1860 BLR

1865, Normandie: - 36 x 1 - 165/17; + 12 x 1 - 194/16 50pdr SBML, 16 x 1 - 165/15 M1860 BLR

1867, Gloire was armed with: 6 x 1 - 240/18 M1864 BLR, 2 x 1 - 194/19 M1864 BLR

1868, Nvincible, Normandie: were armed with 8 x 1 - 240/18 M1864 BLR, 6 x 1 - 194/19 M1864 BLR

Naval service: No significant events.

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